What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1237 Just Floating In Space


It took her about half a day to completely destroy an empire about three times the size of the now extinct Inktyr Republic, then another half a day to destroy two more other smaller federations.

In such a short time, three of the factions that had declared war on us had been completely wiped out without mercy, all of them having been erased without even being able to fight back.

Of course, this was only made possible thanks to her mech that she made. No, I'm not going to call it by its name. She was even live streaming the destruction to all galactic broadcasts so everyone could see the destruction she wrought.

I thought that this would make the others fight harder because of how much war crimes she was committing, but Elaria's answer to that was, "Onii-sama, when in space, no one can hear you scream."

After erasing those three civilizations, Elaria and I returned back to our home planet to 'take a break' as she had called it. which really was just a long cuddle session for us.

By now, news of how we were single handedly eradicating entire civilizations on our own had spread amongst the other factions. If they weren't already afraid of Elaria, they definitely were now.

A number of them had already tried to play off their war declarations as a misunderstanding, but there was no misunderstanding when they were the ones who had officially declared it to the galaxy themselves.

For those civilizations in particular, Elaria had given the instruction that no form of surrender would be accepted from them and that they were marked for eradication.

In her words, those civilizations who were not willing to own up to their own mistakes do not deserve any consideration on our part.

On the other hand, any of them who had come forward and apologised for their war declaration and pleaded for mercy were granted a chance to back out of the war after paying severely for their perceived betrayal of trust.

Naturally, the terms were very heavily skewed in our favour where they might be stuck paying us reparations for generations to come. In some cases, they were forced to cede their territories or even just completely annexed. But when the choice was the complete annihilation of your race or being subordinate to another empire because of your own mistake, which one was the better choice for survival was quite clear to see.

I got to watch everything, including the scenes of various galactic leaders practically prostrating themselves to my little sister while pleading to be spared, from the very front since Elaria insisted she sit on my lap during these meetings.

None of these leaders even dared to comment on the fact that Elaria was sitting on my lap the entire time while she sneered at them, possibly knowing that the moment they point it out would be the moment they die.

To be honest, I didn't think so many of them would be giving up so soon since we only destroyed three civilizations so far but I guess they could tell that if they did not do this, they would meet with the same fate as well.

As for the United Toal Federation, they seemed to be one of the few who were quite determined to fight to the last alien. They even started gathering allies amongst those who had also declared war on us in order to stand a better chance, even if it would be pointless in the end.

Then again, it's not like they know they were facing impossible odds in the first place anyway.

Just receiving these people took up a good half of the second day but neither Elaria nor I had any complaints since Elaria was literally living her dream of being a galactic tyrant.

"Ahhh~ That felt so nice~" Elaria sighed contentedly as we returned to our bedroom after our bath.

"The bath or watching those people grovel in front of you?" I asked with a wry smile.

"Ehehe~ I was talking about the bath but the first one was nice too~ But the night is young, Onii-sama! And you know what that means, right?"

I actually don't since it could be anything with her.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the other end of the bedroom, "On such a perfect night like this, we have to take a night stroll amongst the stars!"

Elaria pushed a hidden button on the wall and a part of it slid upwards to reveal a hidden pathway leading to what appears to be an empty room beside ours.

The both of us stepped past the doorway and the wall slid back into place behind us, right as an unassuming platform rose out from the ground.

"Teleportation pad! Isn't it cool, Onii-sama?" She giggled, knowing full well that something like this was unnecessary since we could teleport ourselves as well. I guess she's just really happy that the Elaria of this universe managed to create something like this on her own.

While still holding on to my hand, she stepped up onto the platform and I followed her as well, waiting patiently as my little sister fiddled with a holographic screen for a short moment.

The screen then flickered and disappeared before I felt my body become weightless followed by my vision being engulfed in a white light.

Even after the teleportation was completed, the sense of weightlessness did not leave me. When my sight returned, I found myself staring out into the vast emptiness of space.

At first I thought Elaria had teleported the both of us out into actual space until I realised we were simply inside a transparent dome shaped building.

"Ehehe~ Surprised, Onii-sama? Apparently I had this little dome built within one of the orbiting satellites in order to stargaze with Onii-sama! Too bad she hasn't used it yet since the other World's version of Onii-sama has yet to regain your memories!"

Yep, she actually made use of one of her orbiting satellite station to connect an additional pathway up to this transparent dome that granted us a full three hundred and sixty view of our surroundings. The gravity was also turned off for this place since it will allow us to emulate floating in space.

Which ironically was also something that we could both do without this.

But it's the thought that counts I guess?

I patted her head, "Ahaha, I can't say that I wasn't surprised though. You're always making something new, Elaria~"

"Ehehe~ Onii-sama praised me~"

So cute.

She pulled at me to get herself closer to me, "I wanna cuddle and watch the stars, Onii-sama~"

Naturally, I did as she requested and cuddled her close to me, the both of us floating within this giant transparent dome while looking out into space.

It was calming, even though it felt weird to simply be floating in space without anything to hold onto or to lean against except for each other.

Still… It was nice being like this with nothing around us but the vast emptiness of space.

Until Elaria's hand started moving down to stroke the inside of my thigh.

Ah… I should have known…


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