What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1212 We're Completely Off Script


With the play back in her control, Kiyomi started weaving a new narrative where she had decided to remain a thief and a swindler till the very end.

Of course, there's no way she would be able to keep the play up by herself, which is why I also stepped up at that moment.

"And here this noble son did believe you to be special, I see now that I was not wrong in thinking so," I mused, conjuring a small orange flame of my own.

Kiyomi quickly adapted to my entry by acting surprised and backing away from me, though her small flame remained alight so that the audience could see her.

"Milord! Whatever do you mean? This lady has done nothing to gain your ire!"

"Then do, pray tell, explain how mine medals have entered your possession?"

"Oh, Milord! This lady was unaware that these belong to thee! For this lady has found them lying upon the ground in the darkness of the night! It is only from mine curiosity that bidded me to pick them up, Milord!"

I have to point out that right now, neither of us are going according to the script and we're basically making it up as we go along.

I stepped closer to her, "How interesting, my lady. For these lustrous eyes must have been exceptional to see such a thing in the dark! Could I ask thee to return what thou has taken to me?"

She sighed in relief, an action that was exaggerated for the audience to see as Kiyomi stretched out her hand towards me.

"Of course, Milord, this lady would not dare to presume to claim these for mine self!"

As I got nearer to her to take the medals, I moved my hand to grab her by the wrist instead, pulling her close to me such that she was pressed up against me.

"Does my lady believe me to be talking about such useless metals? Nay, I have been talking about mine heart, my sweet. Something that you have stolen the moment I laid eyes on thee. For your--"

Unfortunately, I was not able to deliver my lines as Kiyomi had broke character and kissed me right in front of everyone on the stage.

There were sounds of gasps coming from both our own actors and the audience, the former due to this being an unexpected surprise while the latter thought this was an unexpected plot twist.

Ok, not good… I forgot that Kiyomi was prone to having such outbursts, especially since it's her mating season now… How do we even ad lib our way out of this? The kiss scene was supposed to appear at the very end of the play as the conclusion, yet here we are doing it barely halfway into the performance!

The only good thing is that this story was an original one so no one else would know if we screwed up the plot as long as we continue to act as normal.

Ok… If my rehearsals with her taught me anything, she would be occupied with the kiss for at least a minute, which definitely won't be possible to write off as a normal scene in this play. But how am I supposed to justify this in the first place?!

And as though things weren't bad enough, the lights on the stage suddenly came back on, revealing the shocked expressions of our other actors on the stage.

I was just about to try prying Kiyomi away from me when one of our actors let out a loud gasp, "The Duke's son is engaged in a clandestine affair!"

Oh, it seems like that actor also tried to ad lib as well… Except how the hell am I supposed to follow up with that?!

At least Kiyomi managed to snap herself out of her stupor and return to her senses. The unfortunate thing was that she had no clue what had just happened so it was still up to me to fix this…

And as though things weren't going off rails enough, the actor that was playing as my character's father appeared on the stage too.

"My son! To dare bring such disgrace upon our family, have you no shame?!"

Oh, ok, I can follow up with that.

"Father, this son has done no such thing! This was--"

"That is enough!" He interrupted me. "From this day onwards, you are no son of mine! As the head of the house, I do hereby declare you to be banished from this place! Leave and never return!"

And right after delivering that line, he simply turned around and went off stage again.

The other actors seemed to have taken that as their cue to exit as well, leaving only Kiyomi and myself as the only ones left.

"Milord, what have I done?" Kiyomi gasped, though I sensed that her question was asked both as her character and herself.

I was about to refute her with something along the lines of asking her motivations instead when a cloaked person appeared on the stage.

"Greetings milord, my lady. It seems that fate has ordained to bring us together. Do you not agree that the state of this kingdom is rotten to the core? Perhaps I might convince you to join my cause to uproot the poison of our great kingdom?"

What the heck? Why are you guys advancing the story in a completely different direction?!

This was supposed to be a love story between a swindler girl who found a new life after getting herself involved with a son of a Duke who helped pull her out of her miserable life. When the hell did you guys suddenly decide to make this into some story about a revolution?!

Kiyomi stood up and clenched her fist, "I see, it seems like my view might have been too shallow! Please allow me to aid you in your cause! To steal from these nobles to feed myself would not aid anyone else but me, if I have to take up a blade to cut down the root of evil, then so be it!"

Umm… Hello? We haven't even explained about that unexpected kiss scene and now you're going off to become a revolutionary? Where the heck is this play going?! Isn't this story progressing all too quickly?!

Oh wait… Is this because I told them to just have fun? And they thought Kiyomi and myself ad libbing was a sign that they could change it however they want?

What the heck guys?!!


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