What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1146 Big Motivation

(Lian Li POV)

I looked down proudly at our handiwork.

An entire World where the inhabitants started out with no faith for the Divine have been completely converted to worship us and Master.

Lilith also looked down at the World and nodded, "I'm not going to lie… I thought you would take more than a week to do this… I'm starting to think you guys actually might stand a chance with that battle royale now…"

"And ya' thought we wouldn't be able ta' do it!" Bait grinned proudly with her chin tilted up.

The demoness rolled her eyes, "Alright, alright. I admit my initial assessment of you guys was wrong, ok? What do you want from me?"

"Well, just hearing you admit you were wrong is good enough for me~" I giggled.

"Erm… Speaking of which… Where are senior sisters Manami and Kiyomi? They don't seem to have returned…" Brendan asked while looking around.

Diao Chan smirked at him, "It's fox mating season, where do you think they are?"

"Ah… Got it…"

Yep, those two foxes probably went back to find Master to mate with Him or something. At least they did their part in converting their own group of followers before they left.

Though admittedly… They were quite violent towards a few of the groups that showed resistance against accepting our benevolence, so quite a number of places here had turned into burned and frozen wastelands.

Oh well, it's not like it matters that much anyway.

I turned to Lilith, "So what now? Do we just look for another World and do this all over again?"

Before the demoness could answer, a tear in space opened up and a very distraught looking Manami and Kiyomi came flying through. Both of them were breathing heavily and Manami even had bloodshot eyes.

"Master… Master is gone!! We can't find Him in His courtyard!!" She screamed.

I felt my hair stand at those words. It can't be, right? That stalker bitch couldn't have taken Master away from under our noses again could she? Didn't she already say she had no plans of doing it anymore? Did she lie again?!

I was just about to rush back to find the bitch when someone else stepped through the portal, revealing herself as Sophia.

"My apologies… But you had run off before I managed to finish saying everything, Miss Manami. I was going to tell you that Master isn't here because He took a trip to another World with Cai Hong and Iris. He was not kidnapped and He went there willingly."

Kiyomi furrowed her brows, "Which World did Master go to?! Tell me now!"

"Unfortunately, Master did not share with me His location so I am not aware of His current location."

Manami turned to Lilith, her eyes now literally burning with flames fueled by her desires, "Where is Master?!"

The demoness seemed a little taken aback by the intensity of her glare but quickly recovered, "Why don't you just ask Daddy yourself? Did you forget you can use your telepathy or something?"

Manami blinked before letting out a quiet "Oh…"

She stopped moving for a while, presumably to make a telepathic call with Master like she had suggested. It's really rare to see Manami lose her composure like that, but I suppose I can understand her current plight especially when I can see that her bottom after was wet enough to leave a stain on her kimono.

That was when Master suddenly appeared in front of us, prompting those two fox sisters to pounce on Him almost immediately.

"Ahhnnn~ Master~ I love you, I love you, I love you!!"

"Master… Mate… Mate with me… Mnnn~"

Oh my, those two were practically melting in Master's embrace right now.

Master started patting each of them on the head to soothe them before turning to us, "How goes the training?"

"Better than I thought they would Daddy, I honestly think they actually stand a chance now," Lilith admitted.

"Ahaha, that's my disciples for you, all of you are truly my pride and joy~ In that case, keep up the good work. I'll need to take care of these two first."

As giddy as it made me to hear Master praise us like that, I had to raise my hand to stop Master from leaving right away.

"Master, wait!" I called out.

"Hmm? What is it, Lian Li?" Master asked, ignoring the two fox Goddesses that were currently quite literally tearing his clothes apart.

I poked my fingers together, "Could we… Could we also have a reward? It doesn't have to be much…"

I really wanted to suggest that Master give us some of His used underwear but I couldn't bring myself to actually say it.

"Hmm… I suppose all of you do deserve a reward for even getting to where you are. Is there anything you'd like?"

"Master's underwear!!" Diao Chan blurted out what I wasn't able to say.

Master immediately gave her a smack on her head which was already a reward for her in and of itself, our Witch moaning out in delight at her receiving said reward.

I ignored the fact that Manami was now licking Master's chest lewdly while Kiyomi was busy sucking on His fingers to make my own request.

"Could… Could Master bring us out on a date? We heard that you're in another World with Cai Hong and that… Ahem… With Iris. Maybe Master could take us along for a trip to another World as well?"

"I assume this would be separate from the date I would have with the winner for that Vacation World?"

I nodded, who wouldn't want to go on multiple dates with Master?! That's like double the joy!

Master smiled and patted my head, which was quite a feat considering that half of His body was now wrapped up in Manami's and Kiyomi's tails that were caressing every nook and cranny of His body.

"That's simple enough. How about this? Once this event is over, whether you win or lose, I'll bring each of you out on a date to any place of your choosing? The winner would get an additional date in the Vacation World as well?"

All of us gasped and we let out a squeal of joy.

"Yes, yes! A million times yes! We'll do it, Master!! We'll even win this little event as well for Master! Just watch us do it!" I cheered, feeling even more motivated than before.

Master grinned, "That's a promise then. Oh! The invitation extends to Lilith and Muon as well."

Lilith licked her lips lasciviously, "Ohhhh! I'm definitely looking forward to that, Daddy!"

"A… A… A date with All Creator?!! I.. I… AHHHH!" Muon screamed before promptly passing out.

Master then gave us another smile before teleporting away with Manami and Kiyomi, both of them in the midst of humping His thighs.

Every one of us then turned to Lilith and said the same words in unison.

"Next World, now!"

We are definitely going to decimate whatever competition there is if that's the last thing we do! Even if we have to kill some Gods to make it happen!!

Nothing else can be more important than this right now!!


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