What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1118 She's Still A Certified Origin Wielder

(Lian Li POV)

Master brought in Lilith and Muon to help us with our practice in dealing with Origin Wielders, which was why we were now located in an open field outside the Sect despite the Showcase still ongoing back in the Sect.

Lilith was obviously more than happy to come back and beat us into shape again. She already had experience in teaching us so the only thing she needed to do was to adjust her lesson plans to teach us on how to deal with those 'origin wielder' trash instead of Iris, something she seemed very enthusiastic about.

When I asked, she simply said that it would be nice to see us thrash a few of them as there were quite a number who were especially full of themselves.

Apparently being granted some power and authority by the Supreme Gods made them believe they were above reproach.

On the other hand, we also had this Muon girl who was completely lost on what to do. She was obviously only here because there was no way for her to reject Master's request.

I would pity her, but she got a head pat from Master just for agreeing to His request so I'm actually jealous instead.

The fact that the rest of my sisters were staring at her unblinkingly proved that I wasn't alone in my sentiments.

"Umm… Umm… We've only met a few times before, but I'm Muon! I… I may be a newbie Origin Wielder but… But I'll do my best!"

Hmm… At least she isn't acting arrogant so I guess I could give her a pass… She was trying to help us after all and I'm not an ungrateful person.

Lilith crossed her arms, "Alright! The both of us are going to pound all of you into shape so that you can at least put up a fight against those pesky Origin Wielders! Just so you know, this girl here is participating in that event too!"

All of us turned to look at Muon and she quickly waved her hands at us, "Ah! You don't need to worry about me! Umm… All Creator had promised me a spot if I managed to do a good job of teaching you! So I will definitely do my best to help all of you!"

That's good. If she were to try and sabotage us… Acquaintance of Master or not, we will definitely find a way to make her suffer.

Lilith smirked, "Let's not waste time now, you guys don't really have much of it anyway! The first thing you need to know about Origin Wielders is that they're basically overseers of the Gods. In other words, they are made to fight against Gods."

"Doesn't that put us at a disadvantage then?" Eris asked.

The Muon girl poked her fingers together, "Normally… Normally yes but… All of you were blessed by All Creator Himself so… I would say you're different compared to the other Gods around… At least… I think so…"

Kiyomi held up a hand, "Hold on a moment. You're telling me that people like this girl here are made to be able to defeat ascended beings like ourselves? Forgive my scepticism, but I do believe that any of us could handle her easily with or without our domains."

Lilith wagged her finger at us, "That's what you would think eh? Well, the biggest advantage Origin Wielders appointed by the Supreme Gods have over you is the fact that they are immune to your domains~ With Daddy's Origin energy inside them, they are able to invoke the domain of Origin itself, nullifying any Gods' domains."

Without so much as a warning, Kiyomi waved her hand in the air and shot out an icicle straight at Muon.

With how relaxed Muon's original posture was, I fully expected her to be hit by the attack without being able to react to it. Surprisingly, she had quickly lowered into a combat stance with her palm thrust towards the icicle, causing it to shatter into pieces before it could reach arm's length of her.

She held that pose for a few moments before the tension melted away, causing her to stammer, "Umm… Umm… I'm sorry… I know I may look unreliable since I'm new… But I… I do have records of me taking down rogue Gods and Goddesses before… So I have experience…"

If she had not shown us that reaction to Kiyomi's attack, I would have thought she was bluffing. But now I was quite convinced that she really did have the skill to do that.

Lilith smiled devilishly, "Heh~ So now that I see you are all convinced of her skills, I think we can move to the main subject at hand~ I'm going to pit you against Muon one by one and you'll learn how an Origin Wielder deals with rogue Divines."

"And what about us?" Brendan asked, referring to the three of them who have yet to ascend.

Lilith shrugged, "Honestly, I don't even know why you three are even included in this. It's not like those Origin Wielders will make things easier for you just because you're not ascended Gods and Goddesses so you guys will just get thrashed immediately."

Hmph… She really doesn't mince her words I see.

Diao Chan puffed her cheeks, "Oh who knows? Maybe we might even ascend within this week or even during the event itself!"

"I doubt that but it's not my business anyway~ So who wants to go first? I'll even let you guys choose who gets to embarass themselves first!"

I did not like what she was implying but I decided that perhaps it would be better if I tested Muon out first without knowing anything to give me the most authentic experience in fighting against people like her.

Taking a step forward, I nodded at the demoness, "I will."

She grinned at me, "Alright! I knew you would do it actually~ Just don't cry too much when you get owned, ok?"

I ignored her and turned to Muon, "Ready when you are."

She looked at my other sisters and Brendan, "Umm… All of you might want to step back a little."

They did not argue and did as she requested, allowing us to stand in the middle of the field alone.

"Are you ready?" She asked and I nodded, already preparing to summon my Divine Lightning to strike her.

Her body started to glow blue and I immediately materialised my lightning, trying to catch her before she could do whatever she was planning to do.

Just as I thought my lightning was going to hit her however, my lightning suddenly redirected midair and blasted me in the chest, flinging me away.

I felt my body shift before I found myself standing a short distance away from where I started, a clear indication that the inscription Master had set up to heal us the moment we suffered a critical injury took effect.

On the other side, Muon barely even moved and she was just standing there with a blue glow around her body.

"And you're out! Next participant please~" Lilith giggled, gesturing towards my other sisters.

She… She beat me? Just like that? I didn't even manage to invoke my domain!

What just happened?!


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