What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Extras I and II

Extras I and II

"So how did, that rollercoaster end up hitting me anyway? I was on the 12th floor of a hotel after all," asked Misaki.

Dewari chuckled, and said, "you were killed by good old human greed, the rollercoaster was sabotaged causing it fly right off the track and crash through the ceiling of your 12th-floor hotel room. which killed you, your latest conquest and the twenty-odd passengers on the rollercoaster,"

"Sabotaged? Who would be stupid enough to sabotage a rollercoaster?"

"Easy, it was industrial sabotage from a rival amusement park. They wanted their rival shut down for safety reasons so that they could reap the extra profits from the upcoming local festival,"

"So what happened to the bastards that killed me?"

"They were clumsy and left a tool that could be traced to them behind and are now being tried for their crimes,"

"Serves them right, maybe you should have turned them into girls instead,"

"Ha, that would have been funny, but that area is under the jurisdiction of another god, so I would have to take it up with him.

Reiko had just reached the first-floor boss room, where she had planned to fight and beat the adventures who had challenged the dungeon, when she got the message that the intruders had been repelled by a trap. Seeing the message she slumped to the floor and thought No, stupid adventurers you werent supposed to get defeated by a stupid trap. Now how am I supposed to get master to praise me. No Reiko dont seek that, remember how she treated you, after she got you. as she descended into memories of the past.

Reikos head had finally stopped hurting after the hours-long lecture she had gotten from the goddess and she was now timidly moving towards her new masters core. She wasnt sure about her new master, yet, and fearful thoughts of how she will treat her were running through her mind. What if she doesnt like me? What if she beats me? Thought Reiko as she rounded the corner and came to the door, that led to the core room from the hidden areas of the dungeon. Then she heard crying and hurried into the room to discover that the dungeon itself was crying. She moved to the core and put a hand on it and asked are you all right? The next thing she knew Misaki had tossed her out of the core room and told her to leave her alone. As a result, she ended up sleeping in the corridor naked, that first night in the dungeon. She didnt get any attention from her master that night.

In the morning she awoke to find herself desperate for attention, her thoughts filled with dreams of her master, giving her attention. Ah, if master materialized her avatar we could.... No, dont finish that thought, Reiko! Dont daydream like that, dont let that stupid goddess win. But, I want master to give me some attention, any kind of attention, I hate being ignored. No, dont let those traits control you, thought Reiko as she struggled with the thoughts the traits were making her have, but because of the traits, being ignored was really harsh on her making the daydreams stronger. Unable to stand being ignored it wasnt long before she started pounding on the door of the core room, saying Please let me in, over and over again. After a while, her master let her in the room and gave her some attention. What happened in that room when master first started talking to her is a blur since she was so happy she got some attention that she orgasmed. What she does remember is that master played with her, and that she left the room actually wearing something. It was just a simple green mini dress and nothing else but she was quite happy she wasnt naked anymore.

Shifting away from her memories, Reiko headed down the stairs, absently fingering todays pink mini dress while trying to figure out how to get master to play with her. When she reached the core room, she found masters attention elsewhere.


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