What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Extra Scene XVII

Extra Scene XVII

Lily found herself thinking about the past month traveling with this group. For the most part, nothing really happened, the one idiot kept making advances on anything young and with a vagina only to be beaten up for it. She seriously wondered if he was even capable of learning. One of the worst things was how boring things were traveling the last month. She had tried masturbating, before bed while on the road. That turned out to be a mistake since her young body didnt derive any pleasure from that. Instead, she found it far more pleasurable to watch others have sex. Of course, no one would just let her watch, so she had to get creative. As a result, she created a spell that allows her to spy on others, getting visuals was the easy part sound was a bit trickier. Then the tree line cleared revealing a small town just a few dozen meters ahead, and she was brought out of her thoughts on the past.

She found herself really looking forward to meeting her former date. She had been told he had been turned into a girl and needed a little help accepting her new gender. Honestly from what she had heard, she was a bit jealous since it sounded like Misaki got a better deal than she did. Sure she was strong, but she was stuck with a childs body and even worse a child's sense of taste. All this meant was that her quest was pretty easy, so all she had to do was talk to her former partner.

The walk to the towns edge was easy enough, as she entered the town she separated from the others and passed the checkpoint. Which was simple enough, all she had to do was pay a silver for a temporary id, then she was let in. Not too different from her own home village, but at home, the cost was lower. Looking around she found most of the buildings were wood, a few looked like they were shaped from the earth itself. She suspected they really were and that an earth mage or two had a hand in their construction. It was late, though and she had no idea were an inn was. Looking around she saw a young woman who didnt look much older than her that seemed to know where she was going and ran up to the girl. The girl was stunning with black hair that fell down her back and silver eyes. She wasnt much taller than Lily at about one hundred and forty centimeters. Her chest though was developed so Lily knew she wasnt a child like her. She was toned with lovely and virtually flawless skin, except for the torn flesh of her left arm and several scratches on her exposed stomach. All of which was healing right before Lilys eyes. Seeing the wound Lilys question froze in her throat.

Um, miss...... said Lily.

Names Milith and dont worry about this I just had a minor disagreement with a dragon. Ill be good as new by sundown, said Milith, while indicating her half missing arm.

Lily, and wait a dragon did that!!!? How did you get away? asked Lily shocked that the girl in front of her was wounded by a dragon and still lived. She had heard plenty of stories about dragons and most of them told her that even with her stats she would have a hard time.

Easy, he ate my arm so I stunned him with my Lightning then ripped his throat out with my talons. Dont give me that shocked look. Im a Solean Lord were considered a cousin race of dragons, and are comparable with dragons in strength. Anyway, you are quite strong for one so young. If you were older I would consider you for a mate, replied Milith. Lily blushed when she heard the last line, both flattered and surprised.

Uh a a mate? But were both girls? stuttered out Lily.

That doesnt matter, when we want children we will just find a strong male to share. Anyway you have a lot of potential, I look forward to your Trial of Ascension, said Milith.

Trial of Ascension? What is that? asked Lily, latching on to something to change the topic.

You dont know, well it is a special quest with a three-day time limit, you get when you reach the level cap. You only get one shot at it, and it is very difficult but success greatly raises your level cap and allows you to evolve your race to a higher form. For example as an elf, you can evolve into a High Elf which has stronger magic and a longer lifespan. And before you ask, yes you get a second trial if you reach the level cap again. But only up to a certain point there is a final trial. The final trial occurs when you reach level one thousand, but very few people actually reach the level cap and even fewer actually pass the first trial, said Milith, quoting the knowledge she gained from passing through the world gate.

That is interesting, but Im nowhere close to my level cap. Can you tell me where I can find an inn? asked Lily.

Sure, Ill show you to the inn and watch you for your parents. As young as you are you should still be in the nest, said Milith.

Hey, dont just treat me like a child just because I have a child's body! replied Lily.

I dont like being treated like a kid either, but youre too young to be out without an adult, said Milith mildly annoyed that the girl reminded her that she had yet to get her own mom to acknowledge that she was an adult. This girl, on the other hand, didnt even have an adults body. Smiling Milith led her to the inn and read the girl's mind. Seeing the girls quest she decided to help out with it a bit while waiting for the girls parents to show up.


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