What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter XI Divine Pranks

Chapter XI Divine Pranks

Susan, after analyzing her foes, readied a spell. Both demon girls also readied spells, while the others charged her. She unleashed her spell at one of the demon girls and then tried to dodge an incoming spell. Only to stumble over her own feet, not yet being used to an eight-year olds body. Fortunately, the trip did get her out of the way of the incoming spell, but it left her wide open to the follow-up spell. Before she could even push herself off the ground, she felt a strange but familiar numbing sensation. At that moment she knew she had been hit by a stun spell. The blue box and her frozen muscles that came after confirmed it. Moments later she sensed a demon next to her and then her mind went blank.

Susan woke up hours later, in a small room and greeted by blue screens. She ignored the screens and looked around. The only furniture in the room was a small bed and a nightstand. The walls were made of large smooth stone bricks. On one wall, a small window was letting in light. The only exit was a wooden door. When she tried to move she quickly discovered that she had been chained to a wall. The most concerning thing she found was that for some reason her hand was a semi-transparent blue. Seeing that she wasnt going anywhere she decided to look at the screens she had previously ignored, only for her mood to plummet on seeing them.


You have made a bet with gods regarding your ability to conquer this dungeon. The goddess of mischief has chosen to take your bet, with some special rules in place..

Special Rules:

Time Limit: 24 hours

Max HP set to 1

All regen set to zero

Physical attacks not allowed

Full regen on beating a boss

No help allowed from party members

Suffer random curse from the Goddess of Mischief every hour.


After many enjoyable hours of wandering through the dungeon and dealing with occasional monster and trap trying to skewer you. While the goddess impedes you every hour with a new curse. You challenged the floor boss only to stumble over your own feet.


+20 levels

New title: dungeoneer

Tinas Blessing


Level reset

New title: Dungeon Pet

Tinas Curse

New title gained: Dungeon Pet

Your level has been reset!

You are now level one!

You have been cursed by the Goddess of Mischief!

Increased chance of embarrassing events

Race change: Lesser Slime Girl

Due to high concentrations of lust type demonic energy, you have evolved to Lesser Slime Girl( Lust Variant)

Due to no longer meeting requirements:

Title lost: B rank Adventurer

Title lost: Magic Expert

Title lost: Master of Light

Class lost: High Mage

Subclass lost: Celestial Mage

Your Patron God is greatly displeased with your actions. You have been cast out of the temple of Magic.

You no longer have a patron god.

You are no longer welcomed in the church of light.

Feeling terrible about what she already saw, she opened her status wondering how badly this had affected her, only to despair over what she saw.

Name: Susan

Gender: Female

Race: Lesser Slime Girl(Lust Variant)

Class: None

Age: 49

Subclass: None

Level: 1

Title: Dungeon Pet

Health(HP): 20/20

Mana(MP): 10/10

HP (Regen): 5/hour

Mana Recovery: 20/ Hour

Stamina (SP): 10/10

Shields: 0/0

Shield Recovery:

P ATK: 2

M ATK: 2

Armor: 0

Resist: 0

Dex: 1

Agility: 1

Condition: Bound, Tinas Curse, Soul Instability

Susan couldnt help it, she had spent years training and studying to claw her way up the ranks to be a B rank adventurer. In another two to three years, she could have taken the test to be an A rank adventurer, then she could have applied for her dream position of Royal Mage. Although her chances of acceptance would be higher if she reached S rank first. Now she was so weak a child could beat her with a single attack, so for the first time since she was a little girl, she cried. It took her a while to compose herself and when she did the first thing she did was analyze the one condition she had that she wasnt familiar with and couldnt guess what it did. She was pretty sure that Tinas curse was the curse from the Goddess of Mischief, and was responsible for her new race.

Soul Instability: Your soul is unstable. Due to the requirement of minimum level 20 not being reached, you base stats have been reduced and some skills have been locked.

Deciding she needed to know more about what she was now, she also appraised her new race.

Lesser Slime Girl(Lust Variant): An evolved slime that has gained a humanoid form, like most slimes it thrives on a diet of magic and plant fibers. Slimes are notorious for eating clothing, especially magical clothing, which slimes consider a delicacy. Most slimes cannot survive in areas with low magic, but the lust variant can drain magic from sentient beings by engaging in carnal acts. Which allows them to survive anywhere. The lust variant has the same childlike figure of the normal Lesser Slime Girl, but with more sensual curves. Inherent traits: Physical Negation, Docile, Absorb, Dissolve, Drain Magic, Lesser Resist Magic, Fire Weakness, Form Change

While having a fair idea what these traits did, she decided to appraise them to be sure she remembered right.

Physical Negation: your unique constitution, renders physical attacks ineffective.  -95% to physical damage received. Note: damage reduction does not apply to self-inflicted damage.

Docile: you are a natural pacifist. You cant initiate combat. You are more easily tamed. +500% to passive exp gains. -50% to combat experience.

Absorb: you may absorb objects and store them in your stomach, serving as a natural inventory. Grants the inherent skill Absorb. Grants inherent skill stomach.

Dissolve: objects that penetrate your flesh can be dissolved, regenerating hp, mana, and/or stamina in the process depending on the object. Cant dissolve metal, rock, people, animals, or monsters. Grants inherent skill dissolve.

Drain Magic: By having sex with the target, you can drain their mp. Refilling your own mana pool in the process. Magic eating races regain lost vitality in the process.

Lesser Resist Magic: You have an innate resistance to magic. Reduces magic damage by 20%

Fire Weakness: you are weak to fire. +100% damage from fire-based attacks.

Form Change: you can change between the natural slime form and a humanoid form. Grants inherent skill form change.

Susan after reading this, immediately decided she wanted nothing to do, with the drain magic trait. For the most part, her new traits werent that bad, and for now, the docile trait was a good thing. In the future when she gets stronger however it wont be so good. The easily tamed part being its biggest drawback. Although that probably didnt matter as much since she was already a pet. Having nothing else left to inspect she did her best to inspect her new form. She was indeed smaller than she used to be. She estimated her new height to be around 135 cm, her skin was now a semi-transparent blue. Her hair if you could call it that, fell to around her waist and was a semi-transparent pink. Her chest was bigger than it used to be, she estimated that it was now just barely a d cup. Using a mirror she had found in the nearby nightstand, she inspected her face. Her face was now a cute round one, with a small nose and round pink eyes. She was also entirely naked, but for some reason that didnt bother her like it used to.

After inspecting her new form it occurred to her that slimes could let objects pass through their bodies if they wanted to and tried this with the collar only for it to fail. So she inspected the collar and found it was enchanted. It was apparently an enchanted pet collar, in addition to the effect that prevented her from trying to pass through it, it had an effect to let her master punish her. It would also punish her if she disobeyed any rules her master made automatically. So since she couldnt let the collar pass through her, she tried to change her form, only for a blue box to appear.

Inherent Skill: Form Change locked due to soul instability

With her plan ruined, she was left with nothing to do. So she pushed herself up the wall a bit so she could look out the window. She was barely able to look out the window, but the view was worth it. Out the window she saw a breathtaking chasm, crisscrossed by a maze of narrow rock paths, on one side she could see a waterfall rushing down into the chasms depths. On the other side of the chasm, was an overgrown forest, with a beauty of its own. The view was great, but she really wanted to get out and explore. However, she had no idea why.

She was still staring out the window, a few hours later when the dungeon brightened and a maid opened the door. The maid was about 160cm tall, with long brown hair and gentle brown eyes. Her face was cute and round. She was wearing a skimpy maid outfit that did little to hide her assets and revealed glimpses of them when she moved. The girl had a modest overall figure, slim and well built with just the right amount of muscle, she was clearly a fighter. Susans eyes were drawn to the girls outfit, and she thought food! This briefly confused her, while she was hungry she had never seen clothing as food before. It took her moment to realize this thought was due to her new instincts as a slime. This wasnt the only change in her thinking that had occurred due to her race change, but it was the first she had noticed. Her eyes were drawn away from the outfit when she say, the large expensive looking blanket the maid was holding. She tried to grab it only to snapped back by the collar she had forgotten about.

The maid laughed a bit while she was on the ground rubbing her butt. It didnt hurt much, but she had managed to hurt herself and inflict one point of hp damage to herself. A moment later the maid placed the blanket in front of her and sat back. Susan then snatched the blanket up and started eating it, without thinking. To her new senses the blanket tasted great, not the best meal she had ever had, but way better than travel rations.

Thomas, while sitting back on her heels watched the little slime girl in front of her. The girl was absolutely adorable with the way she was behaving. And while Thomas could have easily stopped the girl from falling on her butt, the experience was good for her. In fact, Thomas had watched the girl level up twice, since she had came into the room. Most of the experience for those level-ups came from eating the blanket she had brought. Thomas wasnt entirely comfortable leaving the girl tied up, but as a slime, her instinct is to eat all of the clothing in sight, so until she is properly trained she would apparently have to stay tied up.

Thomas also felt some sympathy for the girl, since she already knew what it was like having your form fundamentally changed. Sure she was lucky and only ended up with her gender changed, but she understood. She was lucky as well that she had her sister for support, which had helped. Now she was still trying to come to terms with the fact that she was going to be a girl for the rest of her life, but that didnt mean she wasnt grateful for the support, Amy had provided so far. This girl, however, had no one and she wanted to be that support.

The moment the girl had finished eating Thomas introduced herself, Hello, Im Thomas and you are?

Susan, and isnt that a boys name? replied Susan.

Yeah, I did something really, really stupid and ended up a girl because of it. Then my party tried challenging the dungeon a second time, we werent planning on going further than the second-floor boss room, but we ran out of time answering the riddle and triggered a floor transfer trap. So now Im a dungeon pet, too, said Thomas.

Oh, so you're one of the rookies, we were looking for. You wouldnt happen to know what happened to my party? asked Susan, curious, but not really concerned since she hardly knew them.

Well, according to master, three of your friends got wrapped up in a divine quest for the Dark Goddess of Mischief and were consequently teleported out of the dungeon. While the tank, got cursed like you, but she ended up an Ant Girl instead. I think Mara is supposed to be taking care of her, answered Thomas. Susan was a bit jealous, unlike slimes which were well known for being weak. Ant Girls, were notorious for being a strong monsters, a single Ant Girl was a C rank monster.

Meanwhile, in the dungeon town, Michael, Mira, and Delilah were sitting around a table trying to figure out how they will succeed with the quest they were stuck with. None of them were particularly fond of being a pet, and Michael wanted the reward since the minor favor meant she could get rid of that Rogue-nip title. Mira also had a few ideas for the favor, but Delilah had no idea what she wanted to get from the favor. They had been at the table since breakfast, but they still didnt have a plan. They had gotten to the dungeon town, late the night before so they had given a brief report to the guild before booking rooms at the inn.

The inn was functional, but like the guild not entirely finished either. The only finished door in the entire building was the front door. A good number of the doors were just the frame, a few were installed, but still lacked hardware. Such as locks or handles. Because of this most of the guest hung curtains over the doors to get a little privacy. As for the tavern upfront, it was missing a few things as well, the most glaring was the fact the bar was just a frame. 

Yeah, I dont think that would work either, said Delilah.

But leaving it on his doorstep, would be perfect, said Michael.

Yes, it would guarantee he gets the ring, but he has to wear it, remember. If he doesnt we all fail the quest, and Tina gets three new pets. Besides who would wear a ring, that cant be appraised? replied Delilah.

No, I guess not. So what do you suggest we do? asked Michael, a little dejected that her idea was shot down.

I think our only real option is to sneak into his house and slip it on his finger ourselves while he is sleeping, said Mira. Michael wanted to reject that, but couldnt think of a good reason. How well that plan would go would depend on whether or not he had a fancy security system installed.

I really dont like that idea, but I think you are right, replied Michael.

So how will we pull it off? Im pretty sure we wont get a second chance if we screw this up, said Delilah. Mira then laid out her plan. It was simple Mira and Delilah would sneak into the Guildmasters house. It would be Miras job as a rogue to unlock any doors, while Delilah would keep a sleep spell ready just in case they needed it. As for Michael, she would keep a lookout so that they could leave without being seen. Satisfied with their plan, they headed to the guild to make the full report the guild wanted.

After making their report they were free for the rest of the day. They made a pretty complete report, but they left a few details out, such as what the little favor, that Tina wanted from them entailed. Now that it was night they were gathering outside the Guildmasters house, it was one of the few buildings in the town that was complete both inside and out. Michael found a nice place to rest nearby that allowed her to keep an eye on the approaches to, and from the house. While Mira and Delilah snuck up to the house, after checking the windows to make sure the guild master was asleep, Mira moved to unlock the front door. The lock was more complicated than most of the locks she had encountered in the dungeon but not something she couldnt deal with. More importantly, there was no sign of a fancy magical security system. Either he didnt have one or hadnt gotten around to installing it. After a few minutes of working at it, she was rewarded with a gentle click and the door swung quietly open. The two then carefully moved into the sparsely furnished living room.

The room was furnished with only two bookshelves, a sofa, two chairs, and a table. There was a small rug under the table. The bookshelves were mostly empty, but there were a couple crates full of books next to the shelves. The two quietly moved to the door on the other side of the room and opened it, to reveal a short hallway. The hall had several doors one on their right was open and revealed a sparsely furnished office, with several unopened crates sitting in the room. Mira saw a strongbox sitting on the desk, and wanted to try her hand at opening it, but Delilah stopped her.

Proceeding down the hall, they came to a locked door on the left, which Mira spent about a minute to open. The bedroom like the rest of the house was sparsely furnished and several crates some open, others sealed were stacked in a corner. The only furniture in the room was a bed, a nightstand and a dresser. Mira snuck over to the Guildmasters side. He stirred and Delilah cast her sleep spell. Then Mira slipped the ring onto his finger, almost instantly his body glowed and then shrunk to reveal a cute loli.

The two were almost unable to contain their amusement at the sight, but managed to hold it in until they got out of the house. Mira relocked the door behind them and they snuck off. Michaels had an easy time as well, only having to distract one person from the area. Which she managed to do without being seen. The three linked up down the road from the house and then made their way to the inn. The moment they entered their room at the inn, they were greeted with a welcome blue box.


You have been chosen to aid the Dark Goddess of Mischief with a prank. Gift the guild master Philip Greybeard, the mysterious ring in your bag.

Special requirements: Guildmaster must wear ring,

Guildmaster must not know you gave him the ring.

Time limit: 48 hours


After some delays, you successfully snuck into the Guildmasters house and slipped the ring on his finger.


One minor favor from the Goddess of Mischief


New title: Tinas Pet

Michael immediately used her favor to wish away that title she didnt want, and smiled happily when it went away, only for her mood to be ruined by Miras wish moments later. She then looked over to Delilah and saw she had a similar problem.


Your party member has wished away your freedom!

New Title: Miras Pet

Delilah was staring at a similar screen to Michael, after hours of trying to think what she had wanted, she had finally decided on wish to make her a better healer. The new title Tina gave her did just that, by halving the cost of healing spells while doubling their effect, or in some cases adding additional healing benefits or a buff to the target of the spell. She had been happy with the title and then she got the message that Mira had made her a pet, just like Michael.

The next morning Guildmaster Philip got out of bed just like any other morning and immediately noticed something was off. It was immediately apparent that the room looked much bigger than it used to. Concerned he ran to his bathroom and looked into the mirror. In the mirror, he saw a very cute, small and young-looking girl that didnt match his view of himself. Philip had previously been a tall man at 213cm, with a healthy muscular build and strong features. Although he was also beginning to show his age. The girl in the mirror, couldnt be more than a 120 cm tall. She had a slender build, the baggy nightclothes hanging awkwardly on her frame. Long purple hair framed her face and fell halfway down her back. Her face was heart-shaped, with bright intelligent eyes, colored a lovely light purple. A pair of modest swells could be seen peeking out from the gaps in the baggy nightclothes, that couldnt be larger than a b cup. Philip immediately checked himself to see if this was an illusion only to find he really was a girl.

What the hell! Why am I a girl!!!? cried Philp in shock and as if in answer to his question a blue box popped up in his face.

You have been cursed by a cursed ring!

To remove the ring find the culprits who placed the ring on you and make them your pets!

Ring effects:

Turns wearer into cute loli!

Increased likelihood of embarrassing events

Resist +200

Warning! Rings effect may become permanent if wearer becomes pregnant.


Three new pets

Ability to remove cursed ring

Genderswap unique ability


Youre stuck as a girl for the rest of your life

Hidden Penalty

Hidden Penalty

Philip easily recognized this as a quest, notification. He or rather she really didnt like the hidden penalties under failure, but as a former SS rank adventurer, she knew where to start.


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