Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 8: Methods of Escaping the Treatment Room (1)

Chapter 8: Methods of Escaping the Treatment Room (1)

After seeing the message written in blood, Gu Yi became even more confused.

From the beginning until now, the message written in blood had been helping him progress through the game, but this time it was telling him not to use the 3D glasses.

If he followed the previous pattern:

In front of the doctors, he must follow the rules on the front of the note; behind the eyes of the doctors, he must follow the rules on the back of the note.

The hospital probably didn't want him to uncover the truth, so the rules on the front of the note should limit the player's freedom.

"I" should be eager to leave the hospital, and also wants the player to understand the truth behind it. Therefore, "I" would write helpful tips for the player in blood on the back of the notes.

But the rules on this note clearly contradict the function of the 3D glasses.

The 3D glasses are a prop that can uncover the truth behind the hospital.

So, the rules on the front of the note should prevent or limit him from using the glasses, and the rules on the back of the note should tell him how to use the glasses without the doctors' knowledge.

Now, these two sides seem to have switched places?

The rules on the front of the note tell him how to safely use the glasses, while the rules on the back of the note tell him not to trust the glasses.

It's too bizarre...

Which side should he believe?

At this moment, he can't reason or prove anything.

After finding more clues, Gu Yi had to use his talent to do trial and error before concluding anything.

"Shopkeeper, where can I watch the movie 'Monster Siege'?"

"In the archive room."

"Where is the archive room?"

"You already know enough, go out and don't affect my business."

The manager impatiently waved his hand and pushed Gu Yi out.

Gu Yi put his 3D glasses back in their case and continued to explore the square.

There were still two hours before lunchtime, so Gu Yi continued to search but still did not find any noteworthy clues.

He was concise when he had nothing to say.

After lunch at 2 p.m., Gu Yi and the other patients returned to their ward, and he hid his 3D glasses under the pillow.

After the nap, everyone queued up and came to the so-called treatment room.

Before entering the treatment room, the doctor gave each patient medication one by one.

Gu Yi hid the pill under his tongue when the doctor was not paying attention and then secretly spat it out when the doctor left.

"Everyone, enter the treatment room."

Gu Yi nodded and turned to the treatment room.

There were ten treatment pods in the treatment room, which looked like large coffins and made Gu Yi feel nauseous for no reason.

With the help of a nurse, Gu Yi crawled into the treatment pod.

After the nurse pressed the buttons on several machines in the treatment room, she left.

The other wall of the treatment room was made of transparent glass. If there were any problems with the treatment room, the nurse could come over immediately.

At this point, Gu Yi had accumulated 50 points of mental power. As soon as the nurse left, he used his talent.

(Deduction begins!)

(You try to push open the treatment pod in front of you, but the switch to open the cover is on the outside, and you can't open it from the inside for the time being.)

(You look at the other patients, who have all closed their eyes and fallen asleep.)

(You hear the sound of dogs barking in the distance, and you turn your head to look at the glass window of the treatment room.)

(A group of people wearing Deer masks passes by the window, all dressed in suits and not looking like hospital staff.)

(What's more, there are two people with pig masks accompanying the Deer-headed people.)

(They stop at the door of each treatment room to observe the condition of the patients inside.)

(When they pass by your treatment room, your eyes meet with theirs.)

(The Deer-headed person points to you.)

(The nurse immediately comes to your treatment room and opens the door.)

(Nurse: Congratulations.)

(You: Congratulations for what?)

(The nurse takes you to the Deer-headed person.)

(The Deer-headed person touches your head, and you try to avoid it.)

(Deer-headed person: Come with me.)

(You: Where are we going?)

(Deer-headed person: Don't you dislike it here? I'll take you out.)

(You are very surprised.)

(The Deer-headed person grabs your arm and walks toward the outside of the treatment room.)

(Black hair begins to grow on your arm.)

(You try to break free from the control of the Deer-headed person, but they easily pull you back.)

(You try to speak, but only make barking sounds.)

(You have turned into a monster.)

(You are no longer human.)

(You are dead.)

(Deduction ends.)

Gu Yi opened his eyes, staring blankly into space.

This time, he triggered the "instant death" flag inexplicably again, achieving the bad ending of "turning into a monster".

As Gu Yi had guessed before, all the characters in this world wear masks, and the world they see should be different depending on the mask they wear.

Gu Yi closed his eyes again.

(The deduction begins!)

(This time, you didn't open your eyes. You chose to pretend to be asleep and carefully analyze the information you currently have.)

(The Deer-headed Man is a new character. When you meet him in the treatment room and make eye contact, he will take you away and eventually achieve the ending of "turning into a monster".)

(He is obviously not someone from the hospital.)

(He wanders around in the treatment room and seems to be doing some sort of selection, taking away patients who meet certain conditions.)

(Perhaps being able to stay awake in the treatment pod is one of the conditions?)

(You close your eyes and listen carefully to the footsteps outside.)

(Once you confirm that the Deer-headed Man is far away, you open your eyes.)

(The Deer-headed Man has taken away another female patient.)

(You are not familiar with this female patient.)

(The female patient is half-squinting her eyes at this moment as if sleepwalking. The Deer-headed Man has to hold her arm to help her walk.)

(Based on this, you speculate that being able to stay awake in the treatment pod is not a necessary condition for the Deer-headed Man to select patients.)

(The Deer-headed Man takes the female patient away, and you can no longer see them.)

(You unravel the mystery of "patients disappearing one by one".)

(All the patients were taken away by the Deer-headed Man while they were receiving treatment in the pod.)


(Why do they take away patients? What happens after they take them away? These mysteries are still unknown.)

(At this point, another Deer-headed person comes in.)

(You close your eyes.)

(You hear the Deer-headed person speaking outside the window of your treatment room, he seems to have taken a liking to you.)

(A nurse walks in.)

(You feel a bit nervous.)

(Anyway, since this is just a simulation, you decide to make a bold attempt.)

(The nurse helps you open the treatment pod door.)

(While the nurse is opening the door, you jump out quickly.)

(You escape from the treatment room rapidly.)

(The nurse behind you yells loudly, and several other nurses run over to stop you.)

(You realize you can't beat these nurses.)

(You take out a fruit knife to threaten them.)

(The nurse picks up a chair next to her and smashes your head with it.)

(Your vision turns blood red.)

(You are dead.)

(The deduction ends.)

Gu Yi opened his eyes and sighed in frustration.

He couldn't beat the security department or the ?doctor, and now he couldn't even beat a ?nurse. It was clear that everyone in this hospital had a stronger combat ability than him. It was impossible for him to rely on physical fitness alone to get through the dungeon.

Forcibly escaping would result in death.

Being taken away by the Deer-headed person would also result in death.

What's more important was that Gu Yi hadn't figured out why the Deer-headed person was interested in him. If he didn't solve this mystery, he would still be taken away by the Deer-headed person.

Was he going to die in the treatment room today?


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