Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly

Chapter 23: The Shop Owner’s Invitation

Chapter 23: The Shop Owner's Invitation


(The sound of a gunshot echoes.)

(You touch your body and realize that you don't have any wounds.)

(The Shop owner puts down the gun and waves at you.)

(Shop owner: According to the rules, if you enter the shop during non-business hours, I must shoot you.)

(At this moment, your mask is shattered.)

(Shop owner: Now, you're already dead. Come in.)

(You nod and follow the Shop owner into the shop.)

(For the people here, the mask is their life. The Shop owner destroyed your mask, which is equivalent to killing you.)

(Apparently, the Shop owner had known your identity all along.)

(Shop owner: Dr. Gui used to come here often to buy cigarettes. I could tell from the first glance at your mask that you were pretending. He was fired a long time ago and couldn't possibly be at the hospital.)

(You: Then why didn't you take me to the security department?)

(Shop owner: It's not written in the rules, so I don't have to do it. Once someone deviates even a little, I have to kill them. Who wants to live like this?)

(You feel surprised.)

(You realize that you have overlooked something all along, which is the psychological experience of the other people here.)

(You are confined within the hospital, but aren't these healthcare workers also confined here?)

(You have to follow the weird rules, but don't they have to as well?)

(The Shop owner prepares a cup of tea for you.)

(Shop owner: Have a seat here for a while, play some cards with me. Don't worry, I won't cheat this time.)

(You nod in agreement.)

(You play a game of "Fight the Landlord" with the Shop owner for a while, and true to his word, he doesn't cheat. You win a large sum of money. The Shop owner doesn't get angry but instead smiles.)

(Shop owner: You're not the first person who wants to escape, nor the first person who wants to eliminate the "unspeakable." But so far, I haven't seen anyone successfully escape from the hospital.)

(You: When did the "unspeakable" come to the hospital?)

(Shop owner: Ever since my brother officially became the dean, none of the medical staff in our hospital have been able to leave. Since then, we must work according to a strict set of rules and manuals. If we deviate even a little, we will be killed by the power of the "unspeakable." I've had enough of this life.)

(You nod.)

(You have had multiple interactions with the Shop owner, and he has developed a liking for you, which is why he opened up to you.)

(You: What exactly is the "unspeakable?")

(Shop owner: I believe it's my brother's greed. In order to gain enormous profits, he started the business of selling Petz.)

(You: What does Petz refer to?)

(Shop owner: *****)

(The Shop owner says a few words, but you can't understand them at all.)

(You decide not to dwell on this matter any longer.)

(You: Is there a way for me to leave the hospital?)

(Shop owner: I've already said, neither you nor I have a way to leave this place.)

(You: What exactly is the movie "Monster Siege"?)

(Shop owner: I'm sorry, I can't reveal that information, otherwise I'll be punished by the "unspeakable.")

(You ponder for a moment.)

(You: Do you know the password for your brother's computer?)

(Shop owner: I'm not sure, but he often uses his own birthday or my niece's birthday as the password, which are *** and *** respectively.)

(You silently take note of that.)

(You: How are the hospital permits obtained?)

(Shop owner: According to the rules, the permit must be stamped by the dean to be valid. If you forge a permit, you'll be sent to Room 0. Trust me, Room 0 is the most dangerous room in this hospital.)

(You furrow your brow.)

(The clues have reached a dead end.)

(Compared to obtaining a hospital permit, getting a bus ticket has become the simplest step. You believe there must be other clues on the underground floors of the hospital. You need to find a safer way to access the basements.)

(You: Is there a way for me to access the underground floors of the hospital?)

(Shop owner: I don't know. I don't have the authority to go there.)

(It's difficult to obtain more information from the Shop owner, but you still have gained a lot.)

(1. You know that there are many people in the hospital who, like you, fear the "unspeakable" and feel disgusted and afraid of the "rules.")

(2. The Shop owner is a potential ally who may play a more important role in your custom clearance. )

(Perhaps, gaining the friendship of others can provide you with more conveniences and important information in your progress.)

(This is something you hadn't paid attention to before.)

(You suddenly remember the usage rules on the 3D glasses.)

(The rules on the front side help the adventurers, while the bloodied words on the back side hinder them.)

(At the time, you thought it was a very contradictory place, but now you realize that it actually makes sense.)

(All the people in the hospital don't want to live under the shadow of the "unspeakable." They also hope that an adventurer can change this world.)

(The bloodied words of "I" sometimes help and sometimes hinder, which indicates that "I" may have been contaminated by the "unspeakable" or "I" might be the "unspeakable" itself.)

(A series of footsteps can be heard from outside the shop.)

(The Shop owner shakes his head and points outside.)

(Shop owner: The security personnel is here. You need to find a way to escape quickly.)

(You: Thank you for the information.)

(You quickly leave the shop.)

(You make eye contact with the security personnel.)

(You end the deduction.)


Gu Yi lay on the bed, deep in thought.

After a brief conversation with the Shop owner, he realized that he needs to adjust his previous train of thought.

Previously, he had always regarded the doctors, nurses, and all the hospital staff as his adversaries, but in certain situations, they could actually help him.

When he attempted suicide, if it weren't for the doctor's treatment, he would have died long ago.

To prevent him from attempting self-harm again, they even conducted daily inspections for prohibited items.

Under the control of the rules, they had to engage in imprisoning and controlling the patients, but perhaps deep down in their hearts, they still held a sense of conscience to "save and heal."

Gu Yi lay on the bed in a daze, gradually drifting to sleep.

Xu Nian gently tapped on the bed.

Gu Yi woke up, turned his head, and looked over. Xu Nian opened and closed his mouth, seeming to be concerned about him.

"It's okay, I'm fine."


Xu Nian furrowed his eyebrows and finally made a gesture of gratitude in sign language.

Gu Yi was taken aback.

It seems that not only could he not hear Xu Nian, but Xu Nian couldn't hear him either.

—He was treating himself as a deaf-mute person.

Gu Yi raised his finger and imitated Xu Nian, making a gesture of thanks.

Knock, knock, knock!

The sound of knocking on the door echoed.

Xu Nian closed his mouth.

Gu Yi furrowed his brow slightly, puzzled by this detail.


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