Wedding Night Late Ten Years

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

In the morning Chen Quan Ran and Xiao Ha visited veteran warriors' homes.

Mo Lan supervised the maids and servants cooking and cleaning. Then she ate a morning meal and chatted with Madam in Madam's chamber.

Mo Lan left Madam's chamber and she unintentionally heard some of Chen Quan Ran's men talked about her and Chen Quan Ran's relationship.

'Do you see? The general has only returned home for a few days but lady Chen sent love letters to the general saying how much she misses the general,' the first warrior said.

The second warrior laughed. 'It shows how attractive the general is. The general is heroic and handsome, of course he has many secret admirers. It is a pity lady Chen is stubborn, she saved all her affections for the general.'

'I disagree. The general is brilliant and handsome. Lady Chen is ordinary. She doesn't match the general,' the first warrior said.

'Listen to me, Chen Luo Du from the age of fifteen served the general. She is beautiful and from a military family. She excels at horse riding and archery,' the second warrior said.

'You're right. The general likes women like lady Chen. Isn't Madam a heroine like lady Chen? Perhaps one day the general will marry lady Chen and she'll become part of the general's household,' the first warrior said.

Mo Lan felt like a boulder pressed against her chest and she couldn't breathe.

'But the general has an official wife. Everyone can see the general's wife is beautiful and she is good at managing the Chen household,' the first warrior said.

The second warrior shook his head. 'It's a pity the general's wife is no one in the eyes of the general. Everyone has followed the general for many years and knows that the general hates weak and gentle women like his wife.'

'That's right. I remember once we were riding alongside the general and a rich court official's daughter fell in love with the general at first sight. It's a pity the general asked the young lady if she can ride a horse beside him and laugh. The young lady didn't answer. Then he asked if she can drink wine jars with him and talk monkey nonsense. The young lady didn't answer. Lastly he asked her if his legs and arms are itchy can she sword fight with him. The young lady cried and ran away,' the second warrior said.

'You're right. The general's wife is similar to the rich court official's daughter,' the first warrior said.

'The general's wife is exactly like the rich court official's daughter. Doesn't everyone know that year the general married his wife, he gave her a frog and she fainted? The general's wife is a spoiled lady, how can she be regarded highly in the eyes of the general?' the second warrior said.

'Perhaps it's true the general refused to come home for ten years, because he wanted to avoid his wife. But that can't be right-' the first warrior said.

Chen Quan Ran's men talked and laughed but they were oblivious to Mo Lan who stood nearby and the sadness in her eyes.

Mo Lan walked away from Chen Quan Ran's men.

Chen Quan Ran's men's ears were trained to hear footsteps. They heard someone walk away from them. They turned around and they saw a glimpse of the general's wife's back. They regretted their careless words and they knew they would face the general's sword.

Mo Lan walked until she couldn't see Chen Quan Ran's men then she ran to her chamber. She wanted to avoid the truth, but she knew it was true Chen Quan Ran avoided her for ten years.

Mo Lan didn't want to think about how much Chen Quan Ran hated her.

There was no father or mother in Mo Lan's life. Since she turned nine, Madam raised her.

Mo Lan did her best to be a good mistress of the Chen household despite her struggles. She didn't complain or act impulsively, because she knew in the world there was no one who loved her unconditionally and indulge her impulses.

When Mo Lan was a child she didn't know what it meant to be married. Back then she thought she belonged to the Chen household and she could rely on her husband and her husband would be her closest family member.

Mo Lan didn't expect the first day she entered the Chen household her husband would abandon her for a life in the army.

Mo Lan didn't believe in the last ten years Chen Quan Ran thought about her waiting for him to come home. If he did think about her, it would be that she was a burden and he could throw her away like he would throw away his unwanted clothes.

Mo Lan knew for a woman losing her beauty wasn't the most pitiful instead it was when a woman was in her spring prime and there was no one to appreciate her. At nineteen she had beauty and her husband would be attentive to her. But ten years later she knew her husband would lose interest in her and her existence to him would be useless.

Mo Lan felt the emptiness in her heart, as though she lost something important and she would never find it.

Mo Lan hadn't met Chen Luo Du. But she knew Chen Luo Du had the right to stand beside Chen Quan Ran. As for herself, she knew she couldn't bear the day Chen Quan Ran distanced himself from her and married the woman he loved.

Mo Lan clutched her hands together. When that day came she wouldn't accept Chen Quan Ran's charity. She wouldn't hesitate to leave him, she would give him back his freedom and she would find a new free life for herself.


Chen Quan Ran and Xiao Ha returned to the Chen manor after a hunting trip. They brought home many wild animals they hunted.

Chen Quan Ran sat on his horse and he handed the wild animals to some servants. 'Carry them to the kitchen. Tell the cooks to prepare dinner dishes using these fresh animals.'

The servants carried the wild animals to the kitchen.

Chen Quan Ran's horse kicked its hind legs and it neighed. He patted his horse's head. 'Xiao Lang, you were good when we were hunting. Now that we're home why are you restless?'

Chen Quan Ran jumped off Xiao Lang. He pulled the rein, Xiao Lang neighed and he knew Xiao Lang didn't want to go back to Xiao Lang's enclosure.

Xiao Ha followed the general to the stables. 'Xiao Lang is a war horse. He's used to wide pastures. It's likely in a short period he can't adjust to being a pampered horse in a smaller enclosure.'

Near the stables Madam walked with her staff in one hand and Xiao Lan supported her other arm.

Madam heard her grandson's horse neighed. 'Quan Ran, are you certain you didn't steal your horse? Since your horse arrived here, there hasn't been half a day of peace.'

Chen Quan Ran smiled and he walked toward Xiao Lan. 'Xiao Lang is my precious darling I raised for many years. He fought many battles with me against enemies. He saved me during dangerous situations. He has good intuition. If anyone tries to steal him, he will kick them to death.'

Mo Lan looked closely at Xiao Lang. 'It's hard to meet a rare treasure like this horse once every hundred years.'

'Xiao Lan, what do mean?' Chen Quan Ran asked.

'If my guess is correct, judging from this horse's appearance he's from Western Quyu and he's a purebred ferghana horse. This horse is a strong and an enduring horse. He was born fearless, no wolf or lion can scare him. On the battlefield his strength and prowess is no less than a human,' Mo Lan said.

Chen Quan Ran couldn't keep his eyes off Xiao Lan.

Mo Lan gently stroked Xiao Lang's forehead and muzzle. 'If this horse loses its freedom it'll be restless. I think he neighs continuously because he's not used to living at the Chen manor.'

Xiao Ha was in awe of the general's wife's knowledge about Xiao Lang's origins.

Madam saw pride in her grandson's eyes, he was proud to be Xiao Lan's husband. Her grandson was intelligent since he was a child and there were few people who he regarded highly. She felt her decision for Xiao Lan to marry her grandson was the right decision. She knew Xiao Lan was intelligent the moment she met Xiao Lan, and she thought Xiao Lan was the right woman to tame her grandson's arrogance and stubbornness.

'Xiao Lan, I didn't expect you read many different books. Each day I see a different side of you,' Chen Quan Ran said.

Chen Quan Ran misjudged Xiao Lan. On the outside Xiao Lan looked weak, but on the inside Xiao Lan was wise and she knew about different ways of life. He felt being with Xiao Lan wasn't a bore and she always made him curious to see the different aspects about her.

Chen Quan Ran thought Xiao Lan would be happy to hear his praise. He didn't expect her to be indifferent.

'I don't have any talented sides for General Chen to see. I'm only a weak young lady. I can't carry anything heavy on my shoulders and my hands can't wield a sword. If I'm not careful I can be unexpectedly killed. I faint at the sight of a frog. I'm no different from a useless young lady,' Mo Lan said.

Despite Chen Quan Ran's intelligence he didn't understand the meaning of Xiao Lan's words. He looked at his grandma for help, but his grandma smiled and she walked away.

'Xiao Lan, what do you mean?' Chen Quan Ran asked.

Mo Lan glanced at Chen Quan Ran's confused face then she moved closer to Xiao Lang.

Chen Quan Ran wanted to stop his wife from touching the temperamental Xiao Lang, but unexpectedly Xiao Lang let his wife hug its neck. He didn't expect his wife who glanced coldly at him was smiling with Xiao Lang and she was whispering in Xiao Lang's ear.

Chen Quan Ran looked at Xiao Ha for help but Xiao Ha shrugged his shoulders.

Chen Quan Ran saw Xiao Lang shook its tail and rubbed its muzzle against Xiao Lan's cheek. Xiao Lan rubbed its neck and she laughed.

Chen Quan Ran and Xiao Ha felt like they witnessed a miracle. Apart from Chen Quan Ran, Xiao Lang didn't let anyone else touch it. They couldn't believe Xiao Lang let Chen Quan Ran's wife touch it and hug it.

'Xiao Lan, how did you calm Xiao Lang? Can Xiao Lang understand you?' Chen Quan Ran asked.

Mo Lan hugged Xiao Lang's neck and she rubbed its muzzle. She turned to look at Chen Quan Ran and her smile disappeared. She spoke coldly. 'General Chen, did you not know in this world there are animals who can understand human speech?'

'Is that true? Xiao Lan, does that mean Xiao Lang can understand you? What did you say to Xiao Lang before?' Chen Quan Ran asked.

'I said to Xiao Lang that he is a horse and he can see from a wider perspective. That he shouldn't learn from his master who only knows how to judge someone from their appearances or he'll become a frog sitting at the bottom of a well. I also said that he doesn't need to be on a battlefield to show how strong and brave he is, because he can be strong and brave anywhere,' Mo Lan said.

Chen Quan Ran laughed and he walked toward Xiao Lan. 'Xiao Lan, are you saying Xiao Lang understood everything you said to him?'

Mo Lan nodded her head. 'Xiao Lang listened to me and he calmed down. General Chen, it shows compared to its master Xiao Lang is a lot more intelligent.'

Mo Lan rubbed Xiao Lang's muzzle and she whispered in his ear. Then she pulled the rein and he obediently followed her to the stables.

Chen Quan Ran saw his wife walked away from him and he frowned. 'Xiao Ha, what's wrong with my wife? This morning my wife was happy. Why is it I haven't seen her for a day and she turned into a porcupine that is shredding its spine-'

Chen Quan Ran's men who talked badly about his wife approached him and they interrupted his conversation with Xiao Ha.

'Heavens, general your wife heard us talking,' the first warrior said.

'What were you talking about?' Chen Quan Ran asked.

Chen Quan Ran's men confessed what they said about his wife.

Chen Quan Ran looked at Xiao Ha and he smiled cryptically.


Mo Lan and Cheng travelled to the eastern markets of the imperial city.

Mo Lan and Cheng walked into the best fabric shop in the imperial city.

The shop owner saw the general's wife, his best customer walked into his shop. He walked toward the general's wife and he helped her select quality fabrics for the Chen household.

A group of corrupt imperial guards entered the fabric shop and they threatened the shop owner.

'Shop owner, this month's protection fee is three hundred silver coins. Today's the last day for you to pay your protection fee. Hurry up and hand over the silver coins. If you don't pay the protection fee then my brothers will be unhappy,' the oldest corrupt imperial guard said.

Mo Lan and Cheng were shocked to see imperial guards blackmail the shop owner.

The other young ladies inside the shop quickly ran outside of the shop.

'Gentlemen, last month the protection fee was one hundred silver coins. Why did the monthly protection fee suddenly increased to three hundred silver coins?' the shop owner asked.

The oldest corrupt guard laughed. 'Your shop is profitable. Three hundred silver coins is nothing. Even if you pay three thousand coins and you'll still have silver coins left over.'

'But... recently I bought new fabrics for the shop. I don't have enough silver coins to give in a short period-' the shop owner said.

'Who are you fooling?' the oldest corrupt guard asked.

Some corrupt imperial guards kicked a few stands and fabric rolls fell onto the ground.

Cheng moved back a few steps to avoid the fallen fabric rolls.

Mo Lan frowned. The imperial guards didn't intimate her instead they made her angry. She laughed coldly. 'If I'm not mistaken, judging from your uniforms you young gentlemen are imperial guards. When did the head of the imperial guards start allowing imperial guards to receive protection fees? Unless the head of the imperial guards started employing young turtle guards.'

The corrupt imperial guards saw a beautiful young lady in a pink dress. They salivated at the sight of her creamy white jade skin, peony lips, her luscious petite body and they liked her smooth voice. But they didn't understand why a beauty who they could subdue with one fist would dare to look at them with cold eyes.

The corrupt imperial guards laughed and they surrounded Mo Lan. Their eyes roamed her body from the top of her head to her dainty shoes.

'Young lady, do you know who we are? I suggest if you know what is good for you then you shouldn't interfere in someone else's business,' the oldest corrupt guard said.

Mo Lan dismissed the corrupt imperial guard's warning. Madam raised her to be someone who stood up for justice. She wasn't going to stand idle and watch the corrupt imperial guards take advantage of the shop owner. Because they had a duty to protect citizens of the Northern Empire instead they acted cowardly made her angrier.

Mo Lan glanced outside the shop and she saw Chen Quan Ran stood outside. Her apprehension to confront the corrupt imperial guards directly disappeared.

Mo Lan laughed coldly. 'I didn't think there were imperial guards who dared to threaten citizens inside the imperial city. But in front of me are laughable corrupt imperial guards. I can't believe the head imperial guard would allow such worms to spoil a soup broth. Don't you young gentlemen feel ashamed wearing your uniforms and threatening defenceless citizens?'

The corrupt imperial guards were used to dealing with submissive people. They weren't impressed by the young lady's provocation.

'Little demoness are you sick of living? Do you know who my brothers and I are? Apart from the emperor, our master has the highest status-' the oldest corrupt guard said.

'Who is your master? A master of worms?' Mo Lan asked.

'You brave little snake!' the oldest corrupt guard said.

Mo Lan lifted her chin and she swept her eyes over the repulsive men. 'Bravery isn't needed to speak to worms like you young gentlemen, only a sense of justice is enough.'

One of the corrupt imperial guards charged at Mo Lan and he grabbed her dress collar.

The other corrupt imperial guards saw a white shadow swept passed them. They heard the guard who grabbed Mo Lan's dress collar cried out in agony and his bones cracked because he was thrown outside of the shop.

The shocked corrupt imperial guards saw a tall handsome young gentleman dressed in white clothes and shoes embroidered with dragon claws. The young gentleman's obsidian eyes glared coldly at them.

Chen Quan Ran's messenger told him that his wife was seen at the eastern markets, but his wife didn't take any guards with her instead only Cheng accompanied his wife to the eastern markets.

Chen Quan Ran ordered some of his men to come with him to find his wife at the eastern markets. In a short time one of his guards reported they saw a commotion inside a fabric shop.

Chen Quan Ran rushed to the fabric shop and he saw a brave young lady confronting a group of corrupt imperial guards. He stood outside and he smiled because he found his wife who was still angry at him.

Chen Quan Ran was pleased he heard his wife stood up for justice and she reasoned with the corrupt imperial guards. But he didn't expect that one of the corrupt imperial guards dared to attack his defenceless wife. He leapt into the shop and he threw the lout who dared to attack his wife. He regretted the lout only broke back bones and didn't die.

Chen Quan Ran's men looked disdainfully at the corrupt imperial guard who laid on the ground outside the shop.

Cheng's anxiety lessened when she saw her master. She pulled her mistress' arm for her mistress to stand safely behind her master.

The corrupt imperial guards who were still standing pulled out their swords and they pointed their swords at Chen Quan Ran.

'Who are you? How dare you oppose Tu Lang's guards?' the oldest corrupt guard asked.

Chen Quan Ran laughed coldly. 'Tu Lang? His name sounds familiar. Is he in charge of some laughable guards?'

A corrupt imperial guard charged at Chen Quan Ran. 'You dare disrespect Tu Lang-'

Chen Quan Ran slapped the cheeks of the corrupt imperial guard who charged at him. The slapped guard fell on the ground, the guard's mouth bled and only mumbles were heard from the guard's mouth.

Chen Quan Ran signalled Xiao Ha and his other men to deal with the corrupt imperial guards. 'These louts are disgracing the reputation of the Northern Empire's guards. Take them back to the imperial city base camp and reward them with eighty whip lashes. If they dare to act disgracefully again then take care of them according to their crimes.'

Xiao Ha and the other warriors followed Chen Quan Ran's orders and they arrested the corrupt imperial guards.

The bystanders outside the shop didn't know Chen Quan Ran's identity but they thought he had a heroic aura.

Inside Cheng's heart she applauded her master's manly side.

Mo Lan couldn't believe the rogue she knew who stood in front of her could be stern and heroic like a general should be. She felt proud to be his wife and she felt safe beside him.

Chen Quan Ran turned around to face his wife and his cold eyes melted. He smiled at his wife. 'Xiao Lan, did what happened scare you?'

Mo Lan's heart made room for respect for her husband, but respect disappeared after she heard her husband's jest.



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