Wedding Night Late Ten Years

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Young armored warriors on horseback appeared outside the skirt of the imperial city's western gates. The general of the warriors wore a black armor, his hair was tied up but the wind fluttered some of his loose strands of hair. A weapon was suspended on the general's armored back and he sat upright on a snow white Ferghana horse. The warriors behind the general wore navy uniforms under their armors.

'Xiao Ha, how far are we from the imperial city?' Chen Quan Ran asked.

Xiao Ha looked into the distance for the imperial city's visible landmarks. 'About two to three miles. If we whip the horses we'll reach the imperial city within one shichen (large-hour = two hours).'

Chen Quan Ran gestured for his horse to slow down and his men followed his lead.


Xiao Ha joined Chen Quan Ran's army since Xiao Ha was fifteen years old. Despite Chen Quan Ran's seniority, Xiao Ha and Chen Quan Ran's relationship was like blood brothers. Xiao Ha knew Chen Quan Ran's personality almost as well as Xiao Ha knew his own personality.

Chen Quan Ran was born into a military family. Although Chen Quan Ran's father died on the battlefield, if his father was alive his father would be proud of him. Two generations after his grandpa was general, the Chen household's army force had increased tenfold. The Chen army was the chief protector of the Northern Empire.

Chen Quan Ran respected and treated his men as equals. He despised corrupt court officials who oppressed citizens and only knew how to eat and sleep. Some of those kind of officials were eating at the inn.

'Those who are ignorant of what labor means and speak nonsense but regard themselves as wise are loathsome. Let us not speak of those who are born to live idle lives. Those kind don't dare to show their teeth when they laugh and fall unconscious for three days and three nights at the sight of an insect. They are only deserving of being looked upon with disdain,' Chen Quan Ran said.

(CQR is discussing with his men a proverb from The Analects of Confucius - 'Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous.' i.e. CQR is implying he detests people who are spoon fed and can only regurgitate knowledge without thinking for themselves.)

Chen Quan Ran saw two short young men walked into the inn who looked like the kind of weaklings Chen Quan Ran detested. The two young men carried bulky bags. Chen Quan Ran was especially drawn to one of the young men who was dressed in white silk clothing that was embroidered with chrysanthemum. Chen Quan Ran thought the young man in white was strangely too beautiful, his skin was snow white, his eyebrows were elegantly arched, his thick eyelashes curled, his lips were peony red and his black hair was tied above his slender neck.

Chen Quan Ran stared at the young man in white's eyes that shone like stars. Chen Quan Ran thought the young man in white's steps were dainty and he had a cold graceful aura. Behind the young man in white was another weakling who was dressed in clothing appropriate for a servant.

The two young men walked passed Chen Quan Ran's table and they sat on the table opposite to Chen Quan Ran's table. The young man in white spoke softly to a fuwu yuan.

'Do you men see those two young men? Their bodies are like sticks, their shoulders and hands cannot bear anything heavy. If all young men of the Northern Empire were like them then within three years the Northern Empire will be lost,' Chen Quan Ran said.

Chen Quan Ran didn't raise his voice, but his table was near the two young men's table and Chen Quan Ran's natural speaking voice was loud from years of giving orders.

The two young men turned around and they looked at Chen Quan Ran. Chen Quan Ran eyes were focused on the young man in white who looked at him for a long time as if the young man in white was judging him, it made his skin itchy. Chen Quan Ran didn't get a chance to react when the young man in white glared condescendingly at him.

Xiao Ha was sitting next to the general. He laughed because the young man in white dared to dismiss the general. 'General, the two young men do look small and weak, but their glares are powerful.'

Mo Lan ignored Chen Quan Ran's mockery of her body. She suppressed her anger and she greeted his mockery with a glare.

Chen Quan Ran rubbed his chin and he stared admiringly at the young man in white. Chen Quan Ran felt the young man in white's glare contained allure and anger. After a long time Chen Quan Ran reasoned the young man in white's skin was too snow white and too smooth for a male... perhaps those two young men were not males. 'Those two young men look like weaklings. But the gentleman dressed in white is too beautiful.'

Xiao Ha wasn't ugly, but he envied the young man in white. 'We're both males, but why is there a big difference between my face and the gentleman dressed in white's beautiful face?'

Chen Quan Ran glared at Xiao Ha. 'Xiao Ha, you are the kind of person who has no sense of what is valuable. Why are you envious of a stick's uselessness? Look properly, their arms and legs are twigs and if squeezed twice their arms and legs are likely to become disabled.'

Chen Quan Ran spoke truthfully without malice. He was used to jesting with his men. But outside the army, his jests were easily seen as insults.

'Master, those men sitting at the table opposite to us are despicable. They used appalling words to describe us. I think I need to make them see reason-' Cheng said.

Mo Lan opened her fan and she stopped Cheng from confronting Chen Quan Ran and Xiao Ha. Mo Lan laughed politely. 'They are speaking like chicken bock and duck quack. They are related to the miller and his son's donkey.'

(Mo Lan is implying there is no need to argue with Chen Quan Ran and Xiao Ha who are not speaking on the same wavelength as them i.e. chicken and duck talk different languages. Mo Lan is implying Chen Quan Ran and Xiao Ha's criticisms are similar to Aesop's fable about 'the miller, his son and the donkey' i.e. criticisms stem from a difference of opinions.)

Cheng laughed because of her mistress' wittiness.

Xiao Ha wasn't a scholar, but his elders forced him to learn some proverbs when he was a young boy. He heard the young man in white's insult and he was displeased. 'General, that young man is disrespectful toward his seniors. We spoke truthfully, but the young man insulted us. He called us chickens and ducks and he said we're donkeys instead of humans.'

Mo Lan wasn't intimidated by the implied threat from Xiao Ha's tone of voice. Mo Lan's glare aimed at Chen Quan Ran was darker than obsidian, it didn't conceal her anger. 'Perhaps in their eyes they are heroes. But in my eyes their insults are no different from a donkey's insult.'

'You disrespectful junior. Do you know who we are?' Xiao Ha said.

Xiao Ha wanted to teach the two weaklings they should be respectful to their seniors, but the general's dangerous smile stopped him.

'Weak scholars are useless, only their tongues are sharp. If they encountered bandits... won't they be scared of death and beg the bandits to spare their lives?' Chen Quan Ran said.

Chen Quan Ran and Mo Lan momentarily halted their battle of wits, because a group of bandits who carried blades walked into the inn.

'Fuwu yuan, give us your best food and service and we will reward you. But if your service is poor, be careful of your head,' a bandit said.

The fuwu yuan panicked and Xiao Ha whispered into the general's ear. 'They don't look like kind citizens.'

Chen Quan Ran laughed coldly. He picked up his cup of tea and drank a sip. Then he stood beside the young lady in white. 'Speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives. Are you scared? Don't worry, I'm someone who is easy to talk to. Young lady if you beg me now it's possible I'll kindly help you chase away the bandits who are likely to cause you trouble first.'

(Chen Quan Ran is referring to Cao Cao who was a warlord during the Three Kingdoms period i.e. proverb is equivalent to 'speak of the devil.')

Mo Lan glared at Chen Quan Ran and she silently sat as if the bandits' arrival didn't affect her.

Chen Quan Ran frowned. He was certain the young lady and her maid travelled together unprotected. He wasn't concerned about their weak bodies as much as he was concerned the young lady and her maid didn't own any kung fu skills. He reasoned the young lady knew she was a beauty so he didn't understand why she wasn't scared to encounter bandits.

Chen Quan Ran noticed the bandits were walking toward the young lady and her maid. He wasn't surprised, because the young lady's silk clothing would attract any bandit's attention. A bandit's blade was used to threaten the young lady's slender neck.

'What beautiful gentlemen you two are. If you two are wise as your beauty then give us some protection taels and your journey will be a safe one,' a bandit said.

Xiao Ha couldn't stand idle and watch the bandits rob the two juniors. He stood to help them, but the general signalled him not to interfere. He didn't understand why the general whose tolerance of bandits was less than him would stop him from helping the two juniors.

Chen Quan Ran shook his head and he smiled. 'No one asked us for our help. We don't need to interfere.'

Chen Quan Ran hated bandits. But he wanted to see if the beautiful demoness would bow her head and beg him to save her. He judged the bandits were easy to subdue so there was no rush for him to do a good deed. He thought it was an opportunity for him to see a good performance.


Chen Quan Ran was amused the beautiful demoness waved her fan under her chin and she acted like the bandits were insects.

'Brothers, if you want taels there is no need to threaten us. We don't have silver taels, but we have many jewellery gifted by the emperor and silver ingots,' Mo Lan said. She smiled and she signalled Cheng to pass the bandits their bags. 'Brothers, do you want the silver ingots or the jewellery?'

The bandits' eyes were bright, they thought it was a prosperous day.

Xiao Ha widened his eyes, he couldn't believe the young man in white wanted to be robbed instead of asking for help.

'Jewellery? Silver ingots? We want both,' a bandit said.

Mo Lan shook a finger. 'The bag fabric used to protect our jewellery, silver ingots and clothes can't be cut opened by a blade. A powerful master told me if this bag isn't opened the right way perhaps the opener's fingers will be injured. Brothers come here and see for yourself.'

The bandits' greed for silver ingots and jewellery overpowered their suspicious minds. They all approached Mo Lan's table. Mo Lan opened her bag and a cloud of powder was released into the air.

The bandits forgot about their greed, because they were rolling on the ground and scratching their bodies.

'Itchy! Itchy everywhere!' the bandits cried out.

The fuwu yuan who brought out food for the bandits was shocked to see the almighty bandits who entered the inn were on the ground begging for mercy.

Cheng laughed and she kicked the bandits. 'Stealing is outlawed. Be careful I don't crunch your thieving bones.'

Mo Lan rewrapped her belongings. Then she stood and she looked down at the filthy bandits. 'This itchy powder is powerful. Brothers, even if you scratch off your skin you'll still be itchy. The only remedy is smearing hyacinth herbs on your skin and it'll stop the scratching.'

The bandits didn't care if they needed to soak their bodies in toxic water as long as the itchy powder wore off. They ran out of the inn to search for hyacinths.

Mo Lan turned around to face Chen Quan Ran and she smiled. 'The Northern Empire citizens believe General Chen is a hero who defends the weak. But the General Chen standing in front of me is someone who is amused seeing others in trouble. It appears the rumours of your heroic deeds are only rumours.' She dismissed Chen Quan Ran's shock that she knew his identity. 'Xiao Cheng, let's leave.'

Chen Quan Ran and his men arrived at the Chen manor the following afternoon.

At the front gate of the Chen manor, Chen Zhong the head caretaker was delegating housekeeping duties to the maids and servants.

Chen Zhong heard the sounds of horses neighing. He lifted his head and he was shocked to see the general on a white horse. 'The heavens, master... master has returned!'

Chen Quan Ran jumped off his horse. He stood in front of uncle Zhong and he smiled. 'Uncle Zhong, it's been a long time since we've seen each other.'

Chen Zhong was overwhelmed to see the general and he quickly ordered a servant to inform Madam that the general is back.

Chen Quan Ran left the Chen manor for ten years and during those ten years, new young maids and servants were employed at the Chen manor. The new maids and servants were in awe of the handsome general. They expected to see a bearded and a dark skinned general. They didn't expect the general was a strong young man who had a youthful handsome face.

Chen Quan Ran ignored the maids and servants' looks of admiration. His main concern was his grandma. 'Uncle Zhong, is it true my grandma is bedridden?'

'Master... perhaps it's better if you see for yourself,' Chen Zhong said diplomatically.

Chen Quan Ran deciphered the hesitation in uncle Zhong's voice as he didn't need to be concerned about his grandma's health. 'Then I'll need to bother uncle Zhong to look after my men.'

Chen Quan Ran flew to his grandma's chamber. He parted the beaded curtains in front of his grandma's bed. His grandma aged, but her complexion was rosy.

Chen Quan Ran was relieved his grandma wasn't ill. He took off his headgear and he knelt in front of his grandma's bed. 'Grandma, I haven't been a filial grandson.' He bowed thrice. His grandma didn't give him permission to stand so he crawled on his knees closer to his grandma's bed. 'Grandma, I'm here to appease you. Grandma, say something.'

Madam glared at her neglectful grandson. She waited until he crawled closer to her and she pinched his neglectful ear. 'You unfilial little boy! I never thought you would dare to disappear for ten years! For ten years I thought of many excuses for you to come home and visit me, but your ears are unfilial as its owner. Are you waiting until I'm nearly a corpse before you are willing to see me?'

Chen Quan Ran let his grandma pinch his ear until his grandma was appeased. He smiled charmingly. 'Grandma what are you saying? Grandma, your body is always strong and healthy. Ten years is nothing. Even if I don't see grandma for fifty years your tigress strength would still prevail.'

Chen Quan Ran and his grandma's conversation was interrupted. The beaded door curtains were parted and a beautiful young lady who wore a green dress walked into his grandma's chamber.

'Madam, I think it is only right that you reward your unfilial grandson with your staff strikes,' Mo Lan said.

Madam jumped off her bed, she grabbed her dragon shaped staff and she used it to strike her grandson's bottom. 'You unfilial grandson, I wanted to hit you to death years ago.'

Chen Quan Ran couldn't believe how unlucky he was. He returned home after ten years and he had to meet a beautiful demoness who persuaded his grandma to reward him with his grandma's staff. But he was curious about the identity of the bold beautiful demoness who dared to oppose him.

Chen Quan Ran didn't avoid his grandma's staff. He knew it was wrong of him to disappear for ten years, and if he didn't let his grandma hit him to appease her wrath then she would want a kung fu battle with him.

Chen Quan Ran underestimated his grandma's strength. His grandma was passed seventy years old, but his grandma's strikes were accurate and powerful.

Chen Quan Ran ran around his grandma's chamber and his grandma chased him with the staff. He noticed the beautiful demoness stood idle and she covered her mouth whilst she laughed. The beautiful demoness' mockery angered him.

Chen Quan Ran was distracted when the beautiful demoness pulled her cheeks and she stuck out her tongue. The distraction was painful, because his grandma's staff struck his bottom again. 'Ah! Grandma, can you use less force to hit me?'

Chen Quan Ran ran away from his grandma. He frowned and he rubbed his sore bottom. He glared at the beautiful demoness who laughed happily whilst he was in trouble. 'Grandma, who is this demoness? How dare she interfere in our relationship?'

Chen Quan Ran secretly looked at the beautiful demoness. Her skin was snow white, her eyebrows were elegantly arched, her thick eyelashes curled and her lips were peony red. He thought the beautiful demoness was actually more like a deity who stepped out of a painting. The more he looked at her the more he felt like he had seen her beautiful face before.

'I didn't expect at such a young age General Chen was forgetful to this extent. Wasn't it you who I met yesterday?' Mo Lan said.

'You can't be... ah! Grandma, why are you hitting me?' Chen Quan Ran said.

'You bad little boy! You deserve to be hit to death! How can you not recognise your own wife?' Madam said.

'What? My wife? Grandma, are you saying she's the little girl that year... who fainted at the sight of the frog I gave her?' Chen Quan Ran asked.


'General, why are we stopping?' Xiao Ha asked.

Chen Quan Ran pointed to the direction of an inn. 'There's an inn over there. Let's eat and rest at the inn. We can head to the imperial city tomorrow.'

Xiao Ha frowned. He pulled the rein and his horse stopped next to the general. 'What about Madam? General, why do you want to rest when we're near your manor in the imperial city? What if Madam's illness-'

'Do you believe my grandma is ill?' Chen Quan Ran asked.

Xiao Ha refrained from offering another opinion.

The general was in charge of the Northern Empire's (China) army - Chen Quan Ran. In the Northern Empire, citizens might not know the emperor's name, but they all knew of General Chen Quan Ran's name. Since the general was five or six years old he was taught war strategies. When he was fourteen years old he earned a hero status.

The general was twenty-four years old, but he conquered many territories for the Northern Empire. He won many battles over the last ten years and he subdued the military forces of Yuenan (Vietnam, South of China) and the Western Liu territories, which vastly expanded the Northern Empire.

Ten days ago a messenger from the general's manor was sent to the general's army base camp. The messenger presented a letter to the general, which informed the general's grandma was gravely ill. For ten years the general received countless letters, which all stated his grandma was gravely ill. But the general kept a spy at his manor. The spy would always secretly send a different messenger to the army base camp if the general's grandma pretended to be ill as a scheme to lure the general back to his manor. However, ten days ago was an exception because the spy didn't send any messengers to inform that the general's grandma wasn't ill.

The general had reservations his grandma was ill. But he reasoned he hadn't returned to his manor for ten years so it was time for him to be filial and visit his grandma. He ordered his lieutenant Xiao Ha and five of his men to pack lightly to return to his manor with him.

Zhang Liulan was an inn west of the imperial city. Although the inn was in a remote location, but within ten miles it was the only inn. So the inn encountered many guests who stopped at the inn to rest before heading to the imperial city.

A fuwu yuan (waiter, to serve) saw the general and his men jumped down from their horses and the fuwu yuan rushed outside the inn to serve them. 'Esteemed guests, are you stopping here for a meal?'

'Give us the inn's best rooms, food and a wine jar. Make sure you take good care of our horses,' Chen Quan Ran said.

'Yes esteemed guest. I promise the inn's services will satisfy your needs,' the fuwu yuan said.

Chen Quan Ran was accustomed to a life of a warrior and he had little patience for pleasantries. Despite his years of warfare, his natural handsomeness didn't deteriorate. Instead over the last ten years he became more handsome and manlier.

The fuwu yuan led the general and his men to a clean table. The best food and a wine jar was brought to the table as instructed.

'General, if I'm not mistaken then I remembered you have a wife. I heard the young Madam was chosen by Madam... and the young Madam was raised by Madam since the young Madam was a child,' Xiao Ha said. He saw the general's warning look and he lowered his voice. 'General, at the army base camp it's not a secret that for ten years you refused to return to your manor because you're scared to see your wife.'

'Who did you hear this nonsense from? I'm a grown man. Why would I be scared of my wife? My wife is a child who hasn't been weaned off milk,' Chen Quan Ran said.

Chen Quan Ran spoke loudly, but he shuddered a little on the inside. He remembered ten years ago he was allowed to return to his manor to visit his grandma. But his grandma seized that opportunity and she persuaded him to marry a child bride. That year he was fourteen years old. He was a child himself and his parents died long ago so he didn't understand the relationship between a husband and wife.

Chen Quan Ran's grandma was the head of the household, and if ten years ago he dared to oppose his grandma then he would be exiled from his manor. He was forced to agree to marry his child bride. But on his wedding day he put an ugly frog in his child bride's hands... his child bride fainted. He didn't want to face his grandma's wrath so he escaped to his army camp. In the last ten years if he had to receive the emperor's edict at the imperial palace, he would only pass by his manor on the way to the imperial palace.

Chen Quan Ran forgotten what his wife looked like. He only remembered she was a petite and a gentle bred young girl. His wife was the kind of female he hated the most and he wanted to be far away from his wife as possible.

'General, your wife ten years ago was a child. What if the young Madam has grown to be a beauty?' Xiao Ha said.



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