Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 427: 427: It’s Actually Gu Leng

Chapter 427: Chapter 427: It’s Actually Gu Leng
The woman appeared, not uttering a single word. She transformed into a bolt of lightning, dashed out of the teleportation array, and vanished into the night in the blink of an eye.

Ao Yan moved at incredible speed, with her Early Stage of Fusion boundary at full blast. She was like a bolt of lightning, impossible to catch.

In her hand, she held a token, which was directing her path.

“You must survive.”

“You must survive!”

In an unknown mountain range, Jiang Xiaobai was staring blankly at the night sky. His body was covered in blood, nearly devoid of any spiritual power, and his injuries were severe. Even his breathing was very weak.

Next to him, Ao Cheng, Zhuang Huanling and others were in a similar condition. However, while their injuries were severe, they had almost completely recovered their spiritual power.

After swallowing a pill, Jiang Xiaobai stumbled to his feet, “Where on earth are we?”

During the encirclement and pursuit, faced with so many experts, Jiang Xiaobai had not thought about fighting to the death.

Only a madman would do that. Against so many experts of the ancient clan, totaling more than two hundred people, as well as those who were rushing over, their endless spiritual power might not be enough to break free.

Even if the formation was broken, he had no spiritual power left at that point. Forget about activating the Pagoda, he wouldn’t even have been able to fight anyone.

So, he decided to gamble on luck.

He used up his last random teleportation charm. Now, he had no idea where he had been teleported to.

But they had been here for nearly half an hour and there had been no pursuers so far, so he guessed they had been teleported a considerable distance. The only uncertainty was the direction.

If they were closer to Middle Kingdom, then it would have been a stroke of luck. But if it was the other way round…

Well, the only thing they could do was to break out of the Northern State and head towards the Northern Domain, otherwise they would be done for.

As for Jiang Xiaobai, his spiritual power was seriously depleted. He had not had time to deal with the massive exhaustion caused by burning his blood essence.

On top of that, he had been pushing his spiritual power to the limit. The rate of replenishment couldn’t keep up with the rate of consumption, so his spiritual power hadn’t returned to normal.

“No matter where we are, we can only head towards Middle Kingdom. What else are you thinking?” Ao Cheng sucked in a cold breath.

Although he had proven valiant in the battle, the backlash was quite serious. His affliction wasn’t any better than Jiang Xiaobai’s.

His body was riddled with cracks and minor injuries. It was quite unsettling to look at.

Even though his spiritual power had recovered significantly, the healing of his physical injuries was slow.

Just as he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai, came over and stuffed a pill into his mouth, “You dumbass, have you gone insane? You’re lucky you didn’t push yourself to continue burning your blood essence, otherwise you would be toast.”

“Huh, this is nothing. My life is more important. As long as I’m alive, there is always a chance for a turnaround. At that time, I will fiercely trample the ancient clan beneath my feet.”

“Keep dreaming.”

Zhuang Huanling scoffed, “Enough with the chatter, let’s hurry. The ancient clan will be after us soon. The whole Northern State is filled with their people, we have a unique mark on us, it would be impossible for them not to capture us.”

“What is urgent now is to figure out where we are.”

The group nodded agreement, gritting their teeth, they stumbled forward, embarking on a desperate escape once again. Their spiritual power was low and their injuries severe. If they were caught again, then…

Meanwhile, a group was quickly advancing towards them, led by Gu Leng!

His expression was distorted, filled with a mix of malice and excitement!

His task was to set up troops near Qing Luan City and standby. If anything unexpected happened and Jiang Xiaobai escaped, the closest route to Middle Kingdom from Northern State, going through West Wind City, would inevitably lead him near Qing Luan City.

Such arrangements were common, and there were countless lines set up like this.

The entire Northern State was under the rule of the ancient clan, not to mention the dogs they had raised, they were practically everywhere.

Gu Leng originally had no hope as he was posted near Qing Luan City. Jiang Xiaobai had a mark on him, and couldn’t have ran far without getting caught.

He had no idea what Jiang Xiaobai and the others had done, since it wasn’t exactly honorable for him to keep chasing after Jiang Xiaobai, there was no need to tell a side-line person like Gu Leng.

But things were different now. Gu Leng, who was always bored and held a grudge against Jiang Xiaobai, suddenly felt the fluctuation of his mark. When he checked, he found that Jiang Xiaobai was nearby!

Moreover, he was heading in his direction!

Could he even do it?

Gu Leng knew about Jiang Xiaobai’s true boundary but still looked down on him. At the moment, he just wanted to capture Jiang Xiaobai, rectify his former disgrace, and torture Jiang Xiaobai thoroughly.

Who dared to fool him and nearly got him killed by the ancient clan!

If he could capture Jiang Xiaobai, not only could his anger dissolve, but he could also redeem his reputation and possibly even get a promotion!

That would be a good thing.

Therefore, the moment Gu Leng detected the ancient clan’s mark, he set off immediately, determined to intercept Jiang Xiaobai.

If one could look from God’s perspective, it would be clear to see that Gu Leng’s group and Jiang Xiaobai’s group were moving in a straight line, heading towards each other.

And both groups were moving fast. It would probably just take a few minutes to make contact with each other!

As expected, a few minutes later, the two groups clashed head-on!

“Jiang Xiaobai, it is indeed you!”

“Damn it, you gave me so much trouble. It’s a pity that I trusted you so much before, I even thought about giving you a break!”

“You bastard, I must capture you this time!”

The moment Gu Leng saw Jiang Xiaobai, he roared in anger. Especially when he saw Jiang Xiaobai’s group covered in blood, looking as if they were on the verge of death, he couldn’t help but get excited.

He’s injured!

Jiang Xiaobai wasn’t very strong to begin with, Gu Leng never gave him any regard. But now that he was injured, wouldn’t he be easier to capture?

Immediately, Gu Leng roared, “Capture him! If I don’t torture him until he cries and begs for mercy, I’ll eat shit!”

Behind him, numerous Fusion Period experts surged forward.

Well, Gu Leng had hundreds of people behind him, but there were only two Fusion Period experts in reality, and they were just at the initial stage of fusion.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai’s group was stunned. Isn’t this just handing them their heads?

“I’ll do it!”

Ao Cheng suddenly roared and charged forward. Although his injuries were serious, they had recovered a lot after taking Jiang Xiaobai’s pill.

He was filled with rage towards the ancient clan, now that he had a chance for revenge, he wouldn’t let it pass.

And he wasn’t the only one who felt this way.


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