Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 403: 403 – Have A Good Drink

Chapter 403: Chapter 403 – Have A Good Drink
What did they see?

The face of that man matched exactly with the wanted notice!

Especially the youthful man beside Mo Yu, his eyes widened in shock when he saw Jiang Xiaobai, like he had seen a ghost. More than that, his face went instantly red.

Kidding aside, it was embarrassing for anyone to pretend to be someone in front of the real person!

“You…you’re Jiang Xiaobai?”

“The same Jiang Xiaobai who was wanted by the Gu tribe and caused a lot of chaos in the Eastern Province?”

Mo Yu was astounded.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded his head, “Yes, that’s me.”

At this, Mo Yu and the others immediately let down their guard.

As enemies of the Gu tribe, it was natural to know about them. Mo Yu had been collecting information about the Gu tribe for half a year, and he had been paying special attention to those who were enemies of the Gu tribe as well.

He was obviously aware of Jiang Xiaobai.

Everyone else understood as well. Jiang Xiaobai was a wanted man by the Gu tribe. Even though they didn’t know exactly the disgusting deeds he had done, the enemy of their enemy was their friend!

Their new friend certainly wouldn’t betray them.

“I didn’t expect it to be you. I’m sorry for my behavior just now…” the youth was scratching his head, awkwardly chuckling at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t mind and simply said, “You should leave quickly. The Gu tribe will be upon us soon. It’s only a matter of time.”


Mo Yu was stunned, “You came to find us to tell us that?”

“Well, I was originally thinking about cooperating with you, to give the Gu tribe a hard time. However, I figured out that we weren’t compatible,” Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, “You’d better leave this place quickly; should there be a chance in the future, I might visit your Xuanmen.”

Upon hearing Jiang Xiaobai saying this, the others seemed rather unhappy. Were they being rejected?

Although they were upset, they recognized they were all enemies of the Gu tribe. They should maintain face, even if the rejection was owing to their own lack of strength.

They also understood the warning Jiang Xiaobai was trying to give – if Jiang Xiaobai could find them so could the Gu tribe.

“In that case, we shall take our leave!”

“Until we meet again!”

Mo Yu gave a salute to Jiang Xiaobai before leading his men out without any further discussion.

Over a hundred people disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only Jiang Xiaobai, Ao Cheng, and Zhuang Huanling remained.

For a while, the trio exchanged glances.

“So what do you plan to do next?”

“Don’t tell me you’re still planning to stir the pot?” Zhuang Huanling took off her veil, squinting her eyes at Jiang Xiaobai.

“Your impersonation of the Void Prince was impressive. How did you do that with a fake spirit stone?”

Ao Cheng was curious too.

Initially, they were just guessing that the Void Prince was Jiang Xiaobai, but now it was almost certain.

That posed the question: how did he pull it off?

Fake spirit stones were considered by some, but anything man-made could be easily detected and therefore, useless.

It would be better putting that energy into training instead.

Thus, they were rather curious about how Jiang Xiaobai did it.

Seeing their interest, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t hide his pride, producing a storage ring and tossing it to them.

Zhuang Huanling sent her spiritual sense into the ring and was instantly shocked!

“These…these are actual spirit stones! How did you do it?”

Unable to comprehend, no matter how they looked at it, or sensed it with their spiritual sense, what they perceived was nothing short of the aura of actual spirit stones.

It seemed impossible that a human could pull this off!

Although they knew about Jiang Xiaobai’s prowess, this was beyond belief.

Kidding aside, was there really someone capable of this?

Ao Cheng was stunned too. He took out an actual spirit stone from his storage and compared it. The size, texture, and other aspects were just perfect.

Disbelieving his senses, Ao Cheng tried absorbing it but as soon as he started, the fake spirit stone’s cover was blown.

The once luminous spirit stone, now in his hand, had turned to a dull gray rock and then to ash with a light breeze.

Both of them at once were stunned.

“So? Isn’t it impressive?”

“Especially my way of fooling the Gu tribe. That idiot Gu Leng truly believed that I was someone from a big influence, wanting to pull me on his side, offering his support. He’s simply dreaming,” laughed Jiang Xiaobai.

Both of them chuckled at the audacity and the sheer brilliance of Jiang Xiaobai’s plans.

“Are you planning to continue fooling the Gu tribe like this?” Zhuang Huanling asked, curiously examining the fake spirit stone.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, “Not like this. Using a method once is enough. Repeating would risk exposure.”

“Before, I thought of using that group of people to stir up some trouble, but as it turns out, not only are they weak, they also lack self-awareness of their actual strengths.”

When he thought about how they dared to provoke the Gu tribe with their limited strength, Jiang Xiaobai could not help but laugh.

Kidding aside, if the Gu tribe was provoked by their petty strength, then Jiang Xiaobai playing them was as simple and easy as playing with a dog.

“Forget all that mess, come on, it’s been a while since we met. Let’s have a drink.”

Jiang Xiaobai pulled Ao Cheng towards his cave without another word.

After all, they hadn’t seen each other for a long time and there were a lot of things they wanted to talk about.

Jiang Xiaobai had a lot of questions he wanted to ask.

Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the cave, where they saw Mo Yu, still sporting a bit of injury on his face, sitting obediently next to a large barbecue stand, clutching a sleeping puppy.

Both man and dog looked peaceful. There was a large piece of grilled meat on the barbecue stand.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai cheered up. He didn’t need to doing the grilling himself, so he could concentrate on drinking.

But Ao Cheng was not pleased.

“What the hell, Jiang Xiaobai! Making a life of luxury for himself outside home, did he forget that he’s supposed to be my sister’s husband?”

Ao Cheng was livid, glaring at Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but twitch at the corner of his mouth and hurriedly explained everything.

Only then did Ao Cheng calm down. But he was still quite amazed at how Jiang Xiaobai had broken free from the control of the Blood Warriors.

It surprised both Ao Cheng and Zhuang Huanling and for a moment, they were full of admiration.

But Jiang Xiaobai wasn’t bothered by all that. All he wanted now was to have a good drink with Ao Cheng and perhaps get some updates about the Dragon Valley.


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