Wedding Night: I Am Forced To Marry A Dragon Girl

Chapter 354 - 354 – It’s Actually on Him?

Chapter 354: Chapter 354 – It’s Actually on Him?

Translator: 549690339

Of course, the An Family didn’t claim dominance over Wuyang City for no reason.

The entire city and indeed, half of the surrounding ShenNiu State, was under the strongest control of Northwest the An Family, and everybody knew the matriarch of the An family wasn’t ordinary.

Standing in opposition to the entire force of Wuyang City, they, the Northwest An family, were capable of that.

For a moment, everyone looked at AnRan with a combination of shock and fear. If AnRan decided to avenge Jiang Xiaobai and destroy the Yang family, then the sky of Wuyang City was about to change.

But to everyone’s surprise, Uncle Fu did not make a move.

He just went to AnRan’s side and calmly said, “Young master, the Yang family cannot be touched.”

“What can’t be touched, did you not see how they bullied my boss? He is my boss. Without him, it would have been a huge problem for your young master to safely return to Wuyang City?”

AnRan instantly became dumbstruck and began to shout loudly.

Seeing this, Uncle Fu shook his head and sighed, “Young master, the Yang family really can’t be touched. Now, Young Master Jiang is fine. Let’s go home first.”


AnRan wanted to say something, but was cut off by Jiang Xiaobai.

“It doesn’t matter. It is just the Yang family. I, your boss, don’t even take them seriously,”

Jiang Xiaobai said with a faint smile, “Let’s go and talk about it when we get back.”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai speak like this and seeing that Uncle Fu did not take any action, AnRan had no choice. He clenched his fists tightly, the desire to become stronger emerged even more intense from the bottom of his heart.

Indeed, in this world, only by being strong yourself can you really stand firm.

Reliance on a mountain leads to its collapse, reliance on a tree leads to its death. Self-strength is true strength!

AnRan gave a cold snort, looked deeply at Yang Wandong, then turned around with the Anwu Family’s people and left.

With that, the commotion finally calmed down, and the people of Wuyang City once again realized that the real tiger had never really left.

In fact, the tiger’s fangs were slowly revealing themselves.

Yang Wandong and many other influential families glared at Jiang Xiaobai as he was leaving. They were filled with resentment and had boiling rage inside, but there was nothing they could do.

Because the An Family was too powerful. Even if all these families united, they still couldn’t shake it.

Just Uncle Fu alone could make them completely lose their bearings.

Many families have lost their best successors. The loss of the Yang family was even more severe; even their only Unity Period expert was killed by Jiang Xiaobai, who didn’t fight fair.

Strength greatly reduced!

“This won’t end like this!”

Yang Wandong clenched his teeth, his eyes filled with a venomous look of resentment.

With a cold huff, Yang Wandong was the first to leave. No one knew what he was thinking.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai and AnRan returned to the Anwu Family. After complaining a few times to vent their frustration, AnRan went on to handle the auctioning of the Qing Dan.

Jiang Xiaobai sat down, sipped his tea, and continued pondering the words Bai He had said earlier.

“It seems I still can’t relax. Although the Gu family has not yet received support from the Holy City, the two parties are in contact. Once they truly cooperate, it would be hard for me to deal with the Gu family.”

“Alas, once we finish dealing with the auction house, I’ll go see Ao Cheng, then prepare for a trip to the Northern State.”

Jiang Xiaobai murmured.

The Northern State was a must-visit.

The Gu family cannot have peace, the humiliation Jiang Xiaobai experienced at Dragon Valley was something he could never forget.

On the other side, at the An Family’s Residence.

The key sent by Bai He had been received by An Wujun. Now, An Wujun and Mu Qingyu were holding it in a secret chamber protected by a formation.

Looking at the golden key on the table, An Wujun flicked his wrist, and a golden key identical to the previous one appeared in his hand.

The couple’s mood gradually grew excited.

They had obtained two of the three keys to that ancient secret realm! They had put in an untold effort and finally got them just short of the last key!

Once they get the last key to enter the secret realm, then when the secret realm is opened, as long as they get the treasure inside, Mu Qingyu has full confidence to utterly crush the Gu family.

Thinking of this, Mu Qingyu’s breath became increasingly rapid.

“Ma’am, Bai He was quite reasonable this time. He actually told us how to find the third key,”

An Wujun said excitedly, quickly putting the two keys together and brought out a uniquely designed compass.

Unlike the regular compasses, this one was square, and there was no pointer on it.

After the spell, the spirit power was applied to the compass, and a faint golden light appeared on the two golden keys.

Then the compass started to flash, and at this moment, An Wujun and Mu Qingyu held their breath. Once they know who has the last key, the An family would put forth all their efforts to get it.

This was certainly better than sharing the treasure with others later.

After all, nobody really knew what was inside that secret realm. The legendary treasure was just a rumor, and no one had ever been to the secret realm.

Soon, the light on the compass flashed even more rapidly, and finally, a light point on the east side lit up. And a faint breath appeared on the compass.

The breath was very faint, but both of them could feel it. However, the moment they felt the breath, the couple was utterly stunned.

“How could it be? How could the last key be with him?”

An Wujun’s face was full of shock.

The breath on the compass disappeared, but An Wujun swore he did not sense it incorrectly, especially the owner of this breath, he had just seen him yesterday!

The secret chamber fell into a long silence until An Wujun and Mu Qingyu looked at each other again, both seeing the shock and excitement in the other’s eyes.

“Sir, now, if we vie with Jiang Xiaobai, we can enter the secret realm!”

Mu Qingyu was incredibly excited. For many years, she had only one goal – crush the Gu family. Now, finally, she had the chance.

Furthermore, the chance to open the secret realm and get that treasure was very high, very high!

“It sounds so, but would Jiang Xiaobai easily hand over the key? If he knows the real purpose of the key, he will definitely not give it to us.”

“Knowing a person’s face does not mean you know their heart. Who can be sure whether he will try to swindle us?”

An Wujun was somewhat worried. After all, they just met Jiang Xiaobai and they are all old players in the game. How can they not know the stakes?

Mu Qingyu just laughed: “I believe in him quite a bit. You can tell from the fact that he didn’t hide his identity from us.”

“Besides, he has such a good relationship with AnRan, we have a big chance.”

For a moment, An Wujun did not know what to say, so he could only nod and discuss the strategy with Mu Qingyu.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of miles away, inside the palace of the Thousand Yuan Dynasty, Ao Cheng was standing in a drill ground.

In front of him were representatives of all the major forces in the Zhou center of the Eastern Domain.

All factions and five mountains, heavyweight characters, they all came!


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