Wedding Agreement With CEO

Chapter 165 - ARE YOU WILLING?

"But you guys are the same. I thought they were different, but there's no difference at all!" Ellena replied not caring even if Richard was angry. Who told him to keep trying to approach her, even though she was repeatedly rejected.

"Don't tell me that I remind you of your ex-boyfriend!" Richard retorted, clearly not accepting when compared to Ellena's ex-lover. Especially if it makes Ellena think back to her past.

Ah, he didn't understand why he could be so jealous when Ellena discussed the figure of a former lover who looked like her. He really didn't want to be just a shadow of that woman's ex-lover.

"But it really is. You remind me of him." Ellena replied indifferently. She hoped that Richard would be angry with her.

Sure enough. In seconds. Richard stopped his car on the side of the road, not far from a bridge. This suddenly made Ellena jump in surprise and immediately turned to the side.

"What are you doing? Why did you suddenly stop the car here? My house is still far away," asked Ellena with her eyes wide open.

"I don't like hearing you talk about your eyes." Richard answered to the point, after he focused his eyes on Ellena with one hand still holding the steering wheel.

"Why won? It's up to me to discuss anything. You have no right to stop me!" Ellena sarcastically said, even though she seemed to have forgotten about Richard's status as her boss.

Isn't that what Richard wanted? When outside the office they have to act like a friend? Yes, there was nothing for her to worry about. If Richard was angry at her rudeness, she only needed to repeat what the man had said a few days ago.

"I also don't like being compared to other people, especially with your pushy ex!" Richard firmly didn't care about Ellena's rebuttal.

"I'm not comparing, but it's the truth."

"Enough! Don't say that again in front of me! I'm not your ex-boyfriend!" Richard said firmly while glaring sharply at his eyes, which managed to make Ellena shrink.

"Who said that you were my ex-boyfriend? I was just saying that you and he had something in common—"

"Stop! Don't compare me to him!" concluded Richard feeling annoyed.

"Why are you so angry when I talk about my ex-boyfriend?" Ellena seemed to squint, staring at Richard suspiciously.

"You want to know the answer?" Richard asked as he looked seriously at Ellena's face. "Jealous. I'm jealous of him, Patricia. Did you know that?" He added before Ellena responded.

"What do you mean? Why should you be jealous? What are we?" asked Elena looking confused.

Not only was Ellena confused by that statement, Richard himself couldn't believe that he could spontaneously voice what was in his heart.

Become awkward? Of course. However, all of that was over, there was no need for anything to be covered up from Ellena. Feelings of jealousy that are increasingly mounting, in fact managed to break down his defenses to suppress his true feelings for Ellena. Maybe now would be the right time to express his feelings for Ellena.

"Yeah, I'm jealous, Patricia. I know that I'm nothing to you. We don't have any relationship and in your eyes we're just colleagues, superiors and subordinates ...." Richard paused deliberately, giving Ellena a chance to first understand the meaning of the words.

"Yeah, because that's how it really is—"

"Wait! I'm not done talking yet!" interrupted Richard who suddenly made Ellena pursed her lips reflexively.

"I don't know why, since the first time we met I was immediately attracted to you. At first I thought it was just a feeling of admiration, but after these few days of spending time with you, I began to realize that my feelings are not just admiring you, but more than that, ' said Richard at length.

Yes, it seemed that he really had to express all his feelings to Ellena right now, hoping that she would realize that whatever he had been doing all this time had more meaning than their relationship which was only limited to co-workers.

"W-what do you mean, Richard?" asked Elena starting to get nervous.

Her heart was pounding for a moment. What does all this mean? Why did Richard suddenly confess his feelings to her? Ah, what should she do now?

"I don't understand either, why I have these feelings for you so quickly and I get jealous when you talk about your ex-girlfriend. I don't like it. Especially when you compare me to her. Isn't that enough to prove that I do love you?" said Richard again.

Maybe this seems cliché. However, that is the reality. Richard certainly couldn't avoid his feelings for Ellena. Yes, how could he avoid, when the person he loves is a single woman. It seemed like it would be a huge loss if he actually squandered the opportunity.

"B-but, Master-"

"Don't call me that!" said Richard warily.

"Okay. I'm sorry," Ellena replied as she lowered her head for a moment, then turned back to Richard. Her gaze suddenly turned gloomy.

Ah, she really can't bear to see Richard who is looking at her sadly, as if the man really feels hurt by the discussion of the former figure, even though it is not the real ex-lover that Ellena is talking about, but Lucas, her husband.

There was no way she would reveal her secret so quickly in Richard's presence. However, it is also impossible for her to return the love of her superiors. Frustration. These two things really put her in a dilemma. To be honest, he still desperately needed a job to make a living while living in this city. But what about Richard?

It felt very selfish, if she wanted both to go the way she wanted. Neither her job, nor her friendship with the man. So, will Richard accept if she decides to remain friends?

"Richard, I apologize in advance for our conversation earlier. I didn't mean to compare you to him. I also didn't know that you had feelings for me all this time. I thought we were the same. Treat this relationship only as friends and co-workers. I was wrong." Ellena said with a small laugh at the end of her sentence, as if something was funny to her.

Yes, how not? They had only known each other for a few days. However, why did Richard express his feelings to her so quickly? Oh, it's hard to believe. There wasn't even anything special she had, how could he possibly be attracted to her?

Ellena laughed even more, suddenly making Richard frown in surprise.

"Why are you laughing? Does that sound like a joke to you?"

Richard growled in annoyance. How could Ellena respond to his seriousness with a laugh. It really sucks.

"No. Sorry, Richard. I didn't mean to laugh at you, it's just that you're a little funny." Ellena replied, still chuckling a little.

"What? Funny? I was talking seriously, but you think it's funny? Oh, come on, Patricia … I'm not joking. Can you be a little more sensitive to my feelings?" Richard protested as he looked away for a moment, showing his annoyance.

"Okay, I'm serious. What attracted you to me?" asked Elena curiously.

"Hm ...." Richard looked up slightly, as if in thought. "A lot." He answered which suddenly made Ellena raise an eyebrow.

"Anything?" asked Ellena again. Of course she wanted to know clearly what things were interesting about her, according to Richard.

"My first impression, I saw that you were a kind-hearted person. Regardless of whether you helped me or not at that time. For some reason my heart said that you were a good person and my heart also seemed to encourage that I should get to know you." Richard explained with a smile.

Yes, Ellena is right. It turns out that if you think about it, it's really funny. It was as simple as that the man loved Ellena.

Ellena laughed too, as if she thought that what she was going through right now with Richard was, like a movie drama, where one could easily fall in love for something that didn't make sense.

"Your heart is so strange!" Ellena teased Richard.

"You?" Richard's eyes widened even more, he even almost pounced on Ellena's face with his hands. It's just that Ellena immediately dodged by pulling the back of her head.

"Never mind, Richard. Come on, let's go home! Poor mother must be worried about waiting for me," said Ellena deliberately trying to change the subject trying to avoid hurting Richard's heart.

"No! I'm not leaving until you answer a question from me." Richard refused.

There's no way he could just leave, when the dipper still hasn't been greeted. Even Ellena still didn't respond to the lengthy sentence she had struggled to say.

"What is it, Richard?" asked Ellena innocently, even though she could already guess where the man beside her was talking.

Richard took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "Patricia, I'm not someone who falls in love easily." He whispered as she took Ellena's hand.

Suddenly it managed to make Ellena jump and reflexively pulled her hand from Richard's grip. However, it's free. The man actually tightened his grip on his hand, making Ellena unable to move.

"Please give me one chance. I love you, Patricia. I want us to be together, please!" said Richard again with a hopeful look.


"I'd go crazy if you avoided me even more, Patricia. I can't. Let me stay by your side, even though I know you don't have feelings for me yet. At least give me a chance not to feel lost because of you who keep avoiding me, ' explained Richard, still trying to plead.

"How could you lose, Richard, even I'm not yours." Ellena reminded him.

"Then allow me to have you, Patricia. I want our relationship to be not just friends or co-workers, but also lovers. Are you willing?" Richard asked to the point, as if he didn't want to give Ellena a chance to think about this any longer.

"In fact we've only just known each other. How can you suddenly be attracted to me. I'm not that attractive woman. I'm not beautiful, nor fashionable like most women out there.. You certainly wouldn't deserve to be side by side with me, Richard," retorted Ellena seemed confused about what answer to give.


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