Wedding Agreement With CEO

Chapter 162 - KEEP YOUR MOUTH!

"I'm full."

Lucas didn't want to open his mouth, after a few spoonfuls of food slipped into his mouth freely. He deliberately tried to immediately stop Michelle's activities, even though she was still hungry.

"You have to eat a lot to get well soon." Michelle said in the middle of her activity.

"I've had my fill. Can't you hear, Michelle? Isn't anything too much of a bad thing?" Lucas replied trying to be reassuring, hoping that Michelle would understand and leave his room.

"But you just ate a few spoonfuls, Lucas. There's no way your stomach is full." Michelle replied as if she couldn't believe Lucas' words.

"I don't like being forced. If you came here just to get me emotional, you'd better get out of here, because I wouldn't be at all attracted to a woman who wouldn't listen to what I have to say!" Lucas firmly warned.

"Okay, if you really don't want to eat anymore." Michelle gave up. She placed the plate on the tray, then grabbed a glass of water and handed it to Lucas.

"Drink!" She asked, bringing the rim of the glass closer to Lucas's.

Without saying anything, Lucas immediately grabbed the glass with her lips. Sip half the milk in the glass.

"I'm happy to see you two getting along like this!" exclaimed Veronica who suddenly appeared in the room, just as Michelle had just placed the glass on the tray.

Lucas and Michelle's attention was distracted. However, Lucas immediately looked away in any direction, as if annoyed by his mother's words. Unlike Michelle, who actually responded with a big smile.

For Michelle who still hopes for Lucas in her life, of course she is very happy if there are other people who support her closeness with her ex-lover. Especially if that person is from the Lucas family.

"Madam." Michelle softly greeted which was immediately responded with a small smile.

"Why isn't the food finished?" Veronica asked when she found Lucas' food that was still left. She looked at Lucas for a moment, then at Michelle.

"Lucas isn't eating anymore, Madam." Michelle informed her.

Veronica's gaze shifted back to Lucas, looking questioningly at the man who was already busy with the device in his hand.

"Why, Lucas? Why don't you finish the meal?" Veronica asked.

"My stomach is full, should I force my stomach to accommodate all that food?" Lucas replied while glaring at Veronica sarcastically. Immediately he stopped playing activities on the device.

Of course he was upset, because his mother had given permission to Michelle to meet him. Veronica should have asked him first.

"How can your stomach be full by just eating a little of that food?" Veronica frowned as if in disbelief.

"Okay, you want an honest answer from me?" Lucas looked seriously at Veronica and Michelle in turn.

"Tell me, Lucas!" asked Veronica looking curious.

"I have no lust when the person who feeds me is her. I'd rather eat alone, than to see her here!" Lucas said emphatically, without taking his cynical eyes away from Michelle.

With reflex Michelle lowered her face. It wasn't the first time Lucas had treated her like that and still didn't care, but this time it was as if she was purposely wanting Veronica to know that she was feeling oppressed by Lucas' treatment.

Maybe that's too blunt. However, that was what Lucas had in mind. He didn't want to lie to himself. More precisely, he also didn't want to give Michelle a chance to approach him, that's why he had to be honest and reject Michelle outright.

"Lucas, don't be like that to her. Isn't she your friend? She's come all the way here just to see you. Appreciate her efforts." Veronica retorted, defending Michelle.

"I didn't tell her to! And I didn't even let her into my room either!" Lucas said he didn't care.

"That means she cares about you, Lucas. You should be grateful to have a girlfriend who cares so much about your health, unlike your wife—"

"Don't ever speak ill of my wife, let alone compare her to this woman, because Ellena and her are definitely not worth it!" said Lucas cutting Veronica's words.

"But that's the truth. If Ellena cared, she should have been here with you. Taking care of you when you were sick." Veronica replied unwillingly, as if deliberately trying to poison Lucas' mind.

"Mommy, you'll be sorry for cursing Ellena in front of me. Don't blame me, if suddenly my attitude changes to you. I will never let anyone vilify my wife!" Lucas said threateningly.

"Open your eyes, Lucas! Ellena doesn't care about you anymore, how can you still glorify that woman?"

"And I will prove that Ellena is worthy of my admiration!" Lucas sarcastically still believed in what his heart was saying. "Anyone who vilifies and demeans my wife, one day they will surely regret it, including you, Mom!" added Lucas furiously.

How is it possible that people who always understand themselves and their feelings are now the opposite. Veronica seemed to have lost faith in her son.

"It's up to you, Lucas. One day you too will regret it for trusting Ellena so much." Veronica replied, not wanting to lose.

This suddenly made Lucas raise an eyebrow, surprised. What does his mother mean? What could make her feel sorry for Ellena?

"What do you know about Ellena, Mom? Why are you so sure that I will regret it because of that woman? What has Ellena done that I should regret it?"

"N-no. I don't know anything about Ellena." Veronica replied, a little nervous and suspicious.

"You really make me suspicious, Mom. Can't you just be casual, there's no need to be so nervous." Lucas replied with a bitter smile.

"Mommy said that because she felt that Ellena had been mean to you. She ignored you when you were sick. Isn't that a bad name? Maybe Ellena is currently with another man. We don't know how your wife is hanging around out there, " explained Veronica at length.

Of course Lucas was getting more and more furious. Even her mother doesn't know who the real Ellena is. Didn't expect that the mother, who from the start seemed so fond of his wife, suddenly now really hates Ellena.

"How many times do I have to say that Ellena must have had reasons for doing that. Please don't judge my wife like that, because when it's proven, you'll regret it, Mommy. I'll make sure of it!" Lucas sarcasm could not stand his mother's words.

"Enough! You don't need to argue like this. I feel bad," said Michelle, who had been watching the two of them argue.

The atmosphere in the room was getting hotter, forcing Michelle to immediately stop the debate involving the pair of mother and child. Ah, looks like she's starting to get annoyed with all of that. However, in her mind she was actually very happy. Was she that good at manipulating her facial expressions?

Lucas and Veornica quickly fell silent and turned their attention to Michelle who was starting to get up from her seat. Now she was standing opposite Veronica.

"Madam, I'm sorry, because of my presence in this house, you and Lucas have to argue like this." Michelle said while putting on an apologetic expression.

"No, Michelle. It's not because of you, but Lucas who started an argument just for the sake of that useless woman!" Veronica replied while holding the base of the woman's arm in front of her.

It seems that what Michelle said is true that Veronica already likes her.


"Shut up, Lucas!" Veronica said, not giving Lucas a chance to speak.

Look away. The man was even lazy to respond to his mother. However, he also doesn't like it when his mother constantly badmouths Ellena, especially in front of other people.

"I guess I'll just leave here, so Lucas can be more satisfied." Michelle said with a pitiful expression.

"Yes that's better!" Lucas exclaimed in response, but his gaze seemed to be focused in any direction.

Again Michelle and Veronica turned their eyes to Lucas. Michelle took a deep breath before finally speaking up again.

"Okay, I'll get out of here, Lucas, but you need to know one thing. I came here just to visit you, seeing your current condition, not mean anything else, let alone make you fight with Mrs. Veronica. I really don't want that." Michelle explained with very soft and relaxing tone. However, it really didn't mean anything to Lucas.

"You're not good at acting, Michelle. Come on, enough! I don't like women who are too good at lying." Lucas quipped frankly, when he realized that Michelle's facial expression looked fake.

"Lucas, keep your mouth shut! Can't you see that Michelle really means you?" said Veronica, annoyed with Lucas' attitude towards her guest.

"Whatever. You'd better get out of my room. I want to rest." Lucas said, already lazy and didn't want to respond to the two women in his room.

"Okay, I'll go, Lucas. Sorry if I came here to interrupt your time, bye." Michelle relented.

There was something different about the woman's attitude. From previously unyielding, why suddenly now always tries to give in, after Veronica's appearance there. Ah, could it be just a cliché to get Veronica's attention? Yes, it was possible and Lucas seemed to be aware of that.

Michelle immediately left the place, without waiting for a response from Lucas.

"You're going too far, Lucas!" Veronica grumbled while chasing Michelle who had already walked out of the room.

"Michelle, wait!" called Veronica when Michelle was just a few steps out of Lucas' room.

"Michelle, I'm sorry for what Lucas did to you." Veronica said, feeling bad for Michelle.

"It's all right, Madam. I don't mind, because this isn't the first or second time Lucas has behaved like that." Michelle replied, forcing a smile.

"Lucas often treats you like that?" Veronica looked at Michelle questioningly, wanting to make sure.

"Yes, Madam." Michelle whispered as she looked down for a moment, then looked back at Veronica.

"On behalf of Lucas, I'm sorry, Michelle. I hope you won't give up," said Veronica, which suddenly made Michelle frown in surprise.

"What do you mean, Madam?"


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