Wedding Agreement With CEO

Chapter 138 - AN ACCIDENT


Veronica looked wide-eyed and mouth agape, when she heard the bad news that had befallen Lucas.

"You want to lie to me? How could my son have an accident? No! This is impossible!"

Veronica shook her head repeatedly, trying to shake off what she had just heard from the foreign caller who had called her on Lucas' cell phone. It was like a dream to him, but in reality she wasn't sleeping.

She didn't want to believe it. However, the caller continued to convince that it was Lucas and Ellena who had the accident.

"Not!!" Veronica shouted just before her body fell to the floor, unconscious. Mentally too weak to face the harsh reality of her only son.

The servants in the house swiftly approached Veronica's body, which was lying limply on the floor in a supine position. They worked together to bring Veronica to the sofa in the living room.

"Madam, wake up!"

Some of the maids seemed busy waking Veronica and looking for wind oil that could be used to provoke the middle-aged woman's consciousness. Meanwhile, one of them quickly called the male employer who had left for the office an hour ago.

nothing. Albert Fidell did not receive a phone call from the maid at his home.

"How is it? Master didn't pick up the phone from me," said Maria, who looked panicked as she looked at the other maids.

"He must be busy," replied Gina, who seemed to be sitting crouched beside the sofa where Veronica was lying. Her gaze seemed to focus on Filia.

Not wanting to give up, Maria again contacted her employer. She didn't even care if he would interfere with the man's work or not. Succeed. This time Albert received a call from her. Without thinking, she immediately conveyed Veronica's condition and also the news about Lucas. Ah, how shocked Albert was to hear the bad news.


Meanwhile, elsewhere. There were several people gathered around a car that had an accident. The car that belongs to none other than Lucas. There was a line of police that had surrounded the car, while the accident victims seemed to have been diverted to ambulances.

The sound of an ambulance suddenly broke in the air, right after the single accident that happened to Lucas' car happened. The three ambulances, each carrying a victim of the accident, seemed to be traveling side by side, driving away several other vehicles blocking the road access.

The reason is, after the accident occurred, not a single victim was conscious, both Lucas, Ellena and Briana. They were badly injured. Moreover, Lucas who suffered a collision on his head, due to the impact of a car that hit a power pole on the side of the road.

The accident just happened. In just a matter of minutes, after Lucas noticed the brakes of the car had failed. The panic that Lucas experienced at that time, made him unable to think straight. Only swerved that was in his mind, so the car hit a power pole. Luckily at that time there were not many other motorists and pedestrians around the scene, so Lucas didn't hurt anyone.

Luckily, the witness who saw it immediately called an ambulance, so they could be rushed to the hospital. They also did not forget to contact the police, so that they could cooperate with the authorities to immediately provide assistance to the victims of the accident.

Lucas, Ellena, and Briana were seen lying on a hospital gurney, rushed to the Emergency Room by several nurses who pushed each victim's gurney. Two witnesses who saw the incident also followed the nurse's hasty steps. Even one of the policemen also followed them, just wanting to secure the victim and make sure they were okay.

Lucas' face was covered in fresh blood, his eyes closed. I don't know how it is at the moment. Which, obviously he had a very severe wound on his head.

Unlike Lucas, Ellena's body didn't show any blood, only that her forehead was slightly bruised. Maybe because of a minor impact. However, she was still unconscious, as was Lucas. Even with Briana whose condition is also not as worrying as Lucas.

"Doc, please do your best for the victims of the accident. Save them!" asked one of the witnesses expectantly the doctor who would treat them.

"Are you the victim's family?" the doctor asked, pointing at two men about 35 years old.

"No! Another man denied. "We are witnesses who saw the accident." He informed him and Doctor Hadi immediately responded with a nod of his head.

"Okay. We will try to do our best for the three victims. Hopefully they don't suffer serious injuries. You just wait here while continuing to pray for the three victims," ​​said Doctor Hadi, before he entered the Emergency Room.

Now they are in the Emergency Room and were given immediate action by several medical teams who seemed to be eager to deal with their condition.

Meanwhile, two witnesses who escorted them, seemed to be waiting in front of the room with very panicked expressions. Even though they didn't know the victim. However, their humanity drives them to help Lucas and his family. Don't forget that a policeman is also standing guard at the door of the room.


Albert and Veronica immediately walked quickly to the reception desk of a private hospital, as soon as they got out of the car.

After Veronica woke up from fainting a few minutes ago, they immediately decided to immediately go to the hospital, check on the condition of Lucas, Ellena and Briana.

"Where are the accident victims at?" Albert asked the hospital receptionist.

"The accident victim just entered the Emergency Room a few minutes ago, Sir" replied the receptionist.

Without waiting for another command, Albert and Veronica immediately stepped hastily onto the shiny light green tiled floor.

Even though Veronica still looks very weak, she tries to stay strong for the sake of her only son. Until they stopped a few meters from the emergency room, when they realized a policeman was standing in front of the door of the room.

Their steps slowed. Approached the police and two men who were sitting in the waiting chair.

"Good morning, Sir. Did you bring the accident victim here?" Albert asked the policeman.

"Yes, me and the two men who brought the victim here," replied the policeman, pointing at the two men who were sitting on the waiting chair in front of him.

The two men seemed to get up from their seats and faced Albert.

"We saw the accident, Sir," said one of the men very kindly.

"So, how is my son's condition now?" Veronica asked with great enthusiasm.

"We don't know yet, Madam. They're still being treated by a doctor," the man replied.

At the same time, a doctor seemed to come out, standing in the doorway of the room. They quickly approached the doctor.

"Doc, how is the condition of our son and his wife?" asked Albert with great enthusiasm.

The doctor took a deep breath, before responding to Albert's question. "Two female victims suffered minor injuries, but are still weak and unconscious. Meanwhile, the male victim suffered severe injuries. He was bleeding on his head, so he had to undergo surgery immediately," explained Doctor Hadi with a heavy heart.

Collapse. Again Veronica collapsed. Luckily Albert immediately managed to hold his body.

"Doc, please do the best for my son, as soon as possible!" Albert firmly emphasized with a hand that seemed to be holding the base of his wife's arms.

The two foreign men there seemed to be helping Albert to move Veronica to the waiting chair.

"We will do our best for your son. It's just that we need a blood donor that matches the victim," explained the doctor who managed to make Albert round.

"I'm ready to donate my blood, Doc," Albert replied after a moment of thought.

"Okay, we will immediately re-observe and immediately prepare for the victim's operation process. Please wait! We will definitely do our best," said Doctor Hadi before deciding to leave them immediately.

"Lucaas!" Veronica shrieked softly in a voice that was a little muffled from being too weak.

Albert immediately approached his wife, sitting side by side there. "Mami, be strong, don't be too sad like that. The doctor will definitely do the best for our son," said Albert.

"How can I calm down, while my son is still in there!" Veronica argued that obviously she still can't live

Keep calm

"How can I calm down, while my son is still in there!" Veronica said, obviously still unable to calm down.

"I know, but you also have to believe that our son is a very strong person. He will be fine. Trust me. I don't want you to get sick just from overthinking this," Albert replied.

"But what if something happened—"

"Shhh! You can't talk like that, Honey.. Trust that Lucas will be fine," Albert replied as he dispelled the bad thoughts that were always bothering him.


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