Weapons of Mass Destruction

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

So terrifying.

So amazing.

I am clenching my teeth so hard they feel like they are about to break. Goosebumps are all over my body.

I feel cold.

I am shaking.

It´s hard to even think and [Focus] is only thing stopping me from running away.

Really, amazing.

How does it work? How did she get the skill? Is she using mana? How many emotions can she affect? How many people can she affect? Is it a level 1 skill? If yes, how strong can it get? And probably the most important question, can I use her to survive? Also, can she use it on monsters?

Did she use it only on me during the fight, or on the goblins as well?

Did she use it on the goblins to make them attack me instead of Hadwin and Damon, leaving three of them to deal only with the wolf and one goblin?


“Interesting…” I whisper, and I mean it. The feelings I'm experiencing at the moment feel so real. It's not hard to imagine how dangerous she will be if she gets time to develop her skills.

She could slowly manipulate someone instead of using raw power like she is now, her target wouldn't even have to realize it.

“DO. NOT. DARE.” she hisses through her teeth.

How scary.

“I will fucking kill you if you dare to touch her!”



“Think about it this way. For me, my mind is the same as for you is your sister.”


“I hope you understand what I mean.”

“I... will kill you..."

I interrupt her, “I think we might have started in the wrong way,” I let her lean onto me, and we start walking towards our camp. Well, I am almost pulling her as she resists a lot.

Let's risk it.

Sure, I almost died because of her, but I am alive. In future her skill can become amazingly useful. Hell, it's super useful even now.

I pause and terrifying though flashes through my mind.

Is she manipulating me now?

Did I switch from killing her to using her because of her mind manipulation?

I will have to think about it later.

I know I am playing with fire, but I think I can now recognize when she is trying to manipulate my feelings, and her usefulness can outweigh all the risks.

Obviously, in a perfect world, I wouldn't have to be worried about all of that.

Now I will have to become stronger faster than she is. That way, she won't be able to control me.

I believe I can do it.

I trust in my decisions and my skill.

I trust in myself.

So let's keep her around. I won't get rid of a weapon I can use to keep myself alive, and if she does try something and I survive, well, that will be the end for her sister. The thought of hurting an innocent kid disgust me, but if I had to pick between me and her life, I wouldn't hesitate.

If me and Sophie fight I will either go after her sister, or the little girl won't be able to survive without Sophie in case she dies.

Who else would care about a little girl they don't know when fighting for their life?

Sophie isn't dumb.

“So let's start over again, yes?”

But I won't forget. I will always remember that she tried to use me as a shield, pushed me into fights without even caring about my life.

I don't care that she was scared or that she tried to take care of her sister.

I let a small smile appear on my face.

“Let's be allies, Sophie.”

I won't forget.

We stay quiet for the rest of the way back.

Thankfully, we don't meet anyone while moving back to the bus. Our way back takes even longer than before because of our state,

My wound isn't bleeding anymore, but my arm is still useless, and it hurts every time I bump into something, also my wounds feel like they are burning.

The effect of an increased constitution is noticeable, but there are questions as well.

Do I require more calories now? 5 thousand? 10 thousand? Are there animals and monsters that can give me more calories, or will I need to eat all the time? Will there be a point where I can't get enough food, or won't need to eat at all?

Do I even need to sleep? Well, I feel tired, so probably yes, but what if I invest more points into constitution?

Another thing is that all my smaller wounds such as scratches are either fully healed or close to it. It's not like I can see the wound closing right in front of my eyes, but they are healing quite quickly.

Hadwin quickly joins us as soon as we leave the forest, and I leave Sophie to the boy who is following him.

“I was starting to be worried. It took you a long time.”

Sophie just glances at me but stays quiet, and I shrug my shoulders.

As we get closer to the middle of the clearing, I notice Damon lying on the ground.



“He didn't make it…” says Hadwin quietly.

His face is empty, maybe slightly sad? It's really hard to read.

Did he...?

Damon didn't look like he was about to die the last time I saw him.

The clothes around his chest are terribly bloodied, and his expression is anything but peaceful.

His eyes are closed.

Sophie seems to be fairly shocked. "We talked just a few minutes ago... how could it..." she cuts off.

There were no last words.

No meaningful fight.

Just one goblin barely reaching his chest and one undead wolf.

In a fight where three of them fought against two opponents and yet Damon still died.

The wolf moved even slower than the first time we met him, the goblin was only level two, and they were armed. Hadwin even had a gun, and yet... he still died.

Just like that.


How are they that weak?

Should I bother staying with them?


I might be better on my own.


I am stronger than all of them.


Should I even waste my time by helping them to develop? It might be better to invest all of that time into myself.

I feel someone touching my shoulder, and I feel as if I woke up.

What happened?

I notice my palm bleeding from my fingernails digging into it as I did squeeze my fist hard.


Seems like Sophie isn't the only one shaken.

I glance at the blonde girl holding my shoulder. She is and always was taller than me, even though she is younger.

Her steel gray eyes are calm, and for a moment, we just look at each other.

She smells of cigarettes.

Focus on breathing.

I let out a little bit of mana and feel myself entering [Focus]. Just a little bit.

One heartbeat.

My heart pushes mana through my veins. It is flowing in the same pathway as my blood, just slightly faster.

Two heartbeats.

All unused mana is circulating back to my heart and then is sent back to my body.


Tension slowly escapes my body.


Slow and deep breath in. Yes, good.


I exit [Focus], and I feel as if the haze covering my mind and eyes disappeared.

"Can you hear me now?"

I nod.

"Good, let me help you with your wound."

She pulls me towards the bus, and I follow her without words.

My head hurts.


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