Way of the Knights

Chapter 190 - Opposing Forces Meet


A thick pillar of violet flame destroyed the nearby wall where Raven landed.

The violet flame bore a terrifying heat that did not stop until it reached the ranks of Black Curtain Guild. The flames were headed to the Fourth Emissary's way, with eyes constricting in shock, he immediately waved his hand and wall made out of Black Ice manifested before the Fourth Emissary.

Fire and Ice met, in retrospect both elements should neutralize each other. However to the Fourth Emissary's shock, the flame pillar that the newcomer sent was proved to be more powerful than his initial estimations, causing the ice wall to shatter into pieces and the flames scorching him. The Fourth Emissary managed to create an Energy Essence Shield that blocked most of the damage caused by the flame pillar but he didn't manage to come out unscathed.

'Fire Laws! Damn it!' The Fourth Emissary screamed inwardly as he tried to suppress the lingering heat from his body.

In truth, the Fourth Emissary shouldn't be panicking this way as he himself had some minor glimpse to Ice Laws, unfortunately he wasn't able to utilize those when he defended earlier which caused him to be injured right now. He was currently using his Ice Laws to mitigate the damage from Luis' attack but it still hurts like hell to him.

Raven who was partly buried in rubble raised his head and looked at the huge hole near him. He smiled as he saw his father standing on the back of a hawk with a wing span of 10 meters and body length of 5 meters. Its feathers are brown in general with a couple of white patches in its neck and some parts of its wings. This creature is called Overlord Hawk, a domesticated beast that Luis raised under the guidance of Maddock, the Chief Director of Beast Domesticating Center.

Sensing someone looking at him, Luis looked back at Raven and sighed in relief seeing that he doesn't appear to be on the edge of death. He jumped from the back of the huge bird and landed next to Raven. He crouched down and pulled him up using one arm and threw him outside of the building.

Anyone would be scared out of their minds if they witness something like this. Who in their right minds would throw their child out of a tall building? Isn't he going to fall to his death?

Nevertheless, Raven wasn't scared at all. It was due to the fact that a Hawk caught him before he fell. This was his father, why would he do something that would kill him? Good thing that the back of the Overlord Hawk was firm, otherwise his landing might be rougher than anyone would expect. Raven was about to recover when he suddenly heard his father's voice.

"Your Mom is not happy about this. Prepare yourself."

Shivers ran up from his spine all the way to his head. Yeah, he totally forgot about that. Of course, the Ruler's Vision allows everyone to see the situation around him depending on the angle he chose. And this everyone of course includes his mom, why else would his dad be here?

Raven can't do anything other than to smile wryly, he patted the Hawk' back and said: "Big Beak, let's get away from here. We'll find my friends first."

The Overlord Hawk, that Raven named 'Big Beak' when he was a seven years old, let out a sonorous cry and flew away. As soon as they flew away, a couple of silhouettes emerged by Luis' sides, most of them are people that Raven met before.

The Crown Prince Balmung, official leader of the Eternal Horizon Clan. Magnum Lee, caretaker of the current King's Children and the Kingdom's Edge. Bradley Redcrest, Clan Head of the Vermillion Sky Clan. Jackson, Korra, Victor, and the rest were here too.

These influential people were all gathered for one purpose, and that is to stop the invasion of the Black Curtain Guild.

The forces of Black Curtain Guild of course knew who they were as well, how could they not? These people were the guardians of the Final Haven Kingdom, even with the King's absence, the guild can't conquer the kingdom due to their interference. It was safe to say that they treated each other like nemesis. With all of them present, the forces of the Black Curtain Guild knew that they're in for a tough fight.

"God damn it, Yael! You told us that the ritual was done in the most secretive manner! How do you fucking explain this?" The Fifth Emissary roared at Yael who was lying weakly behind them.

"I did carry it out in a secretive manner! Aside from the people who were participating in the ritual, no one else knew about this at all! I might be because of the brat! He might've called reinforcements and delayed the ritual as much as he could while waiting for them to arrive!"

Yael's words didn't make the forces of the Black Curtain Guild happy, though what he said makes sense, it doesn't change the fact that their current situation is grim.

Meanwhile, in the ranks of the Final Haven Kingdom's forces. Balmung looked up at the ceiling and wept silently. He couldn't help but to think that he was such a failure as a prince for not being able to save these poor souls. If he became a little bolder in his actions, if only he confronted Yael as soon as he could the way Raven did, he might've saved them from this cruel fate.

A firm hand grasped his shoulders, he turned his head and saw Old Lee staring at him sympathetically. Balmung couldn't help but say: "I failed them."

"You weren't aware." Old Lee consoled, "None of us were aware. If it weren't for the little guy showing us, we would remain unaware. The best course of action is to avenge their deaths. Raven already appeased their souls, allowing them to depart in peace. But it doesn't mean that their sacrifice has to be in vain."

"I agree, Master." Victor commented on the side, tears also poured down from his face but his expression in one of rage and vengeance. "Those who are responsible are in front of us. Point a direction and my sword shall carve a path for you."

Being affected by their words, Balmung wiped the tears from his face and placed a frosty gaze at the ranks of the Black Curtain Guild.

"As the current Crown Prince of Final Haven Kingdom, Valiant warriors, heed my order! The sinners of the past have come to disrupt the harmony of our kingdom! Raise your weapons and leave none alive from the Mort Family and the forces of Black Curtain Guild!"

Balmung raised his sword and roared on top of his lungs, "Charge!"

Instantly, people beside him blurred in action. On the Black Curtain Guild's side, the Emissaries moved as well and intercepted the guardians.

Victor was intercepted by the Fifth Emissary.

Luis was intercepted by the Fourth Emissary.

Bradley faced the Third Emissary.

Balmung faced Second Emissary.

And Old Lee crossed swords with the First Emissary.

"Units! Charge and spread chaos everyone! Don't fret and send someone to call for reinforcements!" This was the First Emissary's order before he was sent flying by Old Lee's attack.

Instantly, the whole underground district became a huge battlefield between the forces of Final Haven Kingdom and the Black Curtain Guild.

Each guardians fought the emissaries in a different locations, making sure to limit the destruction that they will cause.

Meanwhile, Raven who rode the back of Big Beak found his friends. Luna, Ellen, Anne, Mark and Paul moved in as a unit and fought against the remaining forces of the Mort Family while making sure to allow the prisoners and slaves to escape behind them.

Big Beak landed near them and Raven stepped down from the back of hawk. It was Luna who saw him first and turned into a flash of light, landing directly onto his embrace.

"Avi! Thank god you're safe. Are you hurt somewhere? Do you need medicine? Are you exhausted? Have you recovered enough? Why don't you rest a bit?"

Rain of question assaulted him, and yes. Luna called him Avi, which brought back tons of memories for him. Raven smiled as he gazed at Luna's worried expression. There's no way that she could fake this at all, from what he could remember she's always been like this to him. Raven couldn't help but feel an immense warmth inside his heart.

He grasped Luna's hand and held it tightly, he gazed straight on her eyes and said: "I'm fine. I can still fight."

Feeling his firm grip, Luna's heart throbbed. She couldn't help but to shed a few tears. God knows how much anxiety it gave her to see Raven facing all of those enemies alone. She wasn't expecting him to charge alone in the middle of the enemy's headquarters since the original plan was to eliminate the Burning Heaven Clan and free the captives, after that the mission should've end but he did something unexpected.

Bradley informed them about his plan of infiltration but none of them were expecting for him to face them alone. He didn't even asked for their help, he faced the danger alone since he knew that he couldn't bring himself to run away from it.

It was only now that she saw what kind of person Raven truly is.


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