Way of the Knights

Chapter 170 - Book Of Chaos


Myriad Limb, Raven's Spirit Entity. Long story short, based on what he saw from ancient records the Myriad Limb is creature bred with malicious intentions but didn't grew up to live up to it.

It houses a kind soul, therefore its creator was disappointed. In the end, it was betrayed and taken by a powerhouse for reason's unknown and became a brilliant constellation reflected in the Starry Skies of the Spirit World. But just now, Raven found out what happened to the Myriad Limb in the end.

It became the disciple of the powerhouse that took it. Unlike its creator, the Myriad Limb's Master took great care of it and pitied it's fate. He passed on some ancient text about cultivation to the Myriad Limb, as it grew stronger, it's intelligence increased and eventually it became independent enough to roam the ancient lands on its own to search for it's lucky chances.

When it came back to its master, the Myriad Limb went a complete transformation and evolved into a Deity, which eventually named as the Gracious Thousand Arms Deity. Due to its evolution, it could now assume a human form, and the Myriad Limb gave itself a name, Dior.

Dior came back to his master's aid and planned to spend the rest of his life accompanying him. This is his decision in order to settle the karmic ties between then and to acknowledge the graciousness that his master imparted to him.

But few years into service of his master, a great calamity descended onto the ancient world. All powerful individuals rushed into the frontlines and fought to drive back the enemies. Dior and his Master acted and threw themselves in the battlefield. Unfortunately, his master fell into the hands of the enemy.

Dior's fury rose to the highest heavens. His only family, the only person who took pity and care for him died because of alien invaders. Dior launched himself onto the battlefield, straight onto the enemy base. All thousand of his arms wildly destroying every enemy he encountered. Unfortunately, he was weaker than the leader of the alien forces, and his life came to an end.

Dior's prowess was widely recognized as one of the strongest. It's easy to defend two fists, but what if someone has a thousand? And each fist contains traces of Destruction Laws? Would it be easy to defend against that? Back in his home, only a few people could manage to trade blows with Dior. So when he fell to the hands of the enemies, the moral of his people fell to the rock bottom and the enemy seized that chance to destroy their home.

But Dior's fury knows no bounds. His flesh might've been devoured by the enemies but his spirit still lingers on, and so long as the culprits of his Master's death are still alive, he refuses to fade away. Therefore, instead of being a mere remembrance of the Spirit World, he fused himself into a weapon and willingly became a weapon spirit. Now he's trapped, waiting for the correct person to wield the hammer so that he could awaken from his slumber and return to battle.

So far, only a handful of people witness the true form of Archaic Thousand Arms Hammer. Dior could still recognize one's potential even though he is in slumber, if he judged that the correct person was wielding the hammer, then he won't hesitate to reveal himself to them.

Which leads back to the reason why only Raven was allowed to wield the Archaic Thousand Arms Hammer. He was recognized by Dior and thus, allowed him to see his past and revealed the true prowess of the hammer.

"Well, this is awkward..." Raven smiled wryly and continued, "I am extremely flattered but I didn't have much knowledge on wielding a hammer, not even for smithing purposes."

"But I also can't let you down. After all, we have the same enemies. Abyssals."

That's right, the alien races that invaded and destroyed Dior's home was precisely the Abyssals, Raven's sworn enemies. In the end, Dior and him were kindred spirits. If anything, Raven was just a tad bit luckier for having the Ancient Divine Crown by his side, causing him to experience Soul Rebirth.

"The crown won't hand you out to me without any reason…" Raven murmured, "Alright then. I'll learn how to use you. I'll claw may way to the top, once I'm there you'll be with me. Together, we will sweep through their lines and make them, regret ever existing!'

His domineering claim was answered by a joyful hum of the hammer. It automatically, flew to his hand and fit perfectly in his grasp. It then turned into a flash of light and disappeared, Raven frowned but then he saw that there is a mark on the back of his palms. A tattoo of sorts, depicting an image of a hammer. He smiled and returned his attention outside.

"Alright…" Raven was back and he glanced straight towards the book that was still floating in front of him. "Let's see what makes you so special then."

Without any further ado, Raven lifted his arms and grabbed the book. But before his fingers touched it, the book transformed into a light that went straight towards his head.

'Come on, must you all do this?' Raven thought, smiling wryly as he endured a great headache once again. New memories appeared his mind and it took him a while before managing to re-organize them.

Eventually, he managed to rearrange the new information in his mind and when he did, his jaw almost fell on the floor.

"W-what! H-how is that possible! No! It can't be right? B-but…no!"

Ever since he experienced Soul Rebirth, Raven has yet to experience being flustered. All of the things that he encountered before was just small things for him, no big deal, can't reach the apex. But when he learned about the contents of the book, he found himself flustered and in denial.

[Prime Emperor's Scripture] this is the name of his cultivation technique. The author of the scripture found a way for someone to simultaneously cultivate three paths: Body, Spirit and Energy. In his previous life, when he found this scripture, he couldn't help but to admire the daring attitude of the author and his vast knowledge. Cultivating three things at the same time requires tons of patience and extremely dangerous too. This scripture could cause a severe war even in the Divine Realm. Countless of people would risk their lives just to get their hands on this.

Even he himself was convinced that this is probably one of the most absurd cultivation technique that ever existed.

Imagine his reaction when he found a scripture that's even more absurd to that.

Simply put. The [Book of Chaos] is a very old text that contains a cultivation technique. However, instead of focusing on three separate paths, it took on the most daring move and actually fused the three paths, something that even the author of [Prime Emperor Scripture] thought impossible.

The jist is to mimic the creation of all things. Which means that, in order to cultivate this technique, one has to have access to Chaos. But difficult is this?

Chaos, Void, Time and Space. The four absolute forces that had been present ever since the beginning. Chaos is the one that took charge in creation.

Chaos gave birth to the Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang gave birth to Elements and from Elements came life and eventually…humans.

This simply means, that in order to mimic Chaos, Raven had to enlighten himself about elements. Which also means that he had to study multiple Laws, tracing them back to their roots which would eventually mimic chaos. Once he had chaos, then he could continue cultivating this technique. Just how absurd is that?

On his previous life, Raven focused on Earth Laws. Not even millennia's under a time enchantment could he gain full enlightenment about it. So how could he possibly believe that this technique is possible?

However, Raven had to admit. He was incredibly tempted to cultivate this technique. Why? It's because so far, he only have the First Chapter of the [Book of Chaos].

What was written about mimicry of Chaos earlier was the premise of the book. The true contents of the first chapter however, was something else.

Even though he was in denial earlier, whoever wrote this book managed to convince him that this path is actually viable. That's because the first chapter of Book of Chaos, was focused on Metamorphosis.

If he followed the scripture religiously, he would experience a systematic rebirth that would get rid of Mortal Shackles. The three paths: Body, Spirit and Energy would no longer have to be cultivated separately but instead be replaced by an entirely new system of cultivation.

An unorthodox path, one that him alone in this generation could follow and forge. One that could possibly allow him to have better chances in his future war with the abyssals. One that could certainly guarantee the safety of his family and world should he managed to be successful in cultivating it.

These reasons is enough for him to stop hesitating…


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