Way of the Knights

Chapter 15 - Jubileus


Raven woke up the next day and acted like nothing happened. He joined his brothers for breakfast and informed them about the news of his breakthrough.

After eating breakfast, they headed out to school only to find out that Old Lee was absent absent and a different instructor will be in charge of their classes today. The instructor said that Old Lee had to do some very important errand and that he will be back next week to continue teaching them.

This made several students sigh in relief. During the time of their stay here, they actually grown to like the his teaching style. The class was serene and very informative. Old Lee will always try to answer each of the student's questions to best of his abilities, furthermore he was humble too. If a student asked about a question that he doesn't know the answer to, he will tell it to them truthfully and will even try to research it for them.

The class also found out that there are several students missing, and by several they mean the beauties of this class: Luna, Ellen and Anne. They were puzzled as to why but decided to not ask questions. After all, those three are geniuses and have a bright future ahead of them so it was understandable that these mundane class is useless to them.

Ellen and Anne had Green-grade talent while Luna had an astonishing Blue-grade talent, one that couldn't be seen in thousands of people.

To this, Raven had no interest at all. After all, he knew why these people are missing.

The class ended once again and the triplets went back to their training, and because of their breakthrough, all of them took the intensity of it by a couple of notches. For some reason, Paul and Mark felt that there's something bothering their brother but since he didn't want to talk about it, they stayed silent and focused on being their own training.

Just like before, after each training, they will soak in a basin filled with F-rank Body Restoration fluids. Then they will eat dinner and pass out on their beds. Their lives went on like this until one night...

Raven was meditating on top of a hill. Ever since the incident, he changed his meditation spot from his room to here. He wasn't really expecting much from this. In fact he didn't even know why he decided to do it here. He wondered if it was because of the stars above him but he was too lazy to bother.

Suddenly, Raven felt a wind blew on his back. He was on the middle of meditating so he was extremely sensitive to the changes in his surroundings. Other people might not be aware of their presence but not him. He could tell that there are two people behind him even if his back was facing them and his eyes were close.

"What do you need?" His voice was serene, akin to a placid lake. His eyes were still closed but he could feel the two people behind his back move in front of him and took a deep bow.

"We are terribly sorry if we have offended you last time. My Grandpa Lee only wanted to protect me because of what happened, please do not blame him."

That's right, it was Old Lee and the maiden once more. Raven sighed as he heard the apology of the maiden. He opened his eyes and gazed at them with a serene expression.

"Sit down."

He pointed in front of him and took something out of his spatial ring. The two complied and sat down in front of him. No one spoke, Raven just continued taking out one item after another from his spatial ring. After a while of uncanny silence, Raven spoke.

"Her name was Jubileus." His words caused the hearts of the two trembled, without a doubt they knew where this conversation was going.

"She was born in the Angelic Clan. Mortals that worshipped the Angels and devoted their lives to them. In return, the angels blessed them with their powers and a few chosen ones could even become angels themselves. She was one of those."

As the two listened to the tale, they also watched him tinker something in front of them. The maiden was totally captivated by the tale but Old Lee was more interested on whatever he was making.

"She was a woman of purity. Her beauty was unparalleled, her demeanor was akin to an untainted glass and her talents are incredible. Not too long after her birth, she was immediately taken in as a disciple of an Archangel. At five years old, she formed her wings and had the strength comparable to a Soldier Realm expert. At the age of 10 she formed her second pair of wings which made her as strong as a Golden Knight."

"When she turned 20, she formed her third pair of wings, making her strength comparable to a Knight King. It was also this time that a massive war against opposing forces happened and she participated in it. She managed to finish the mission that was given to her but with a price."

As he continued with his tale, the object that he was tinkering was forming more and more, Old Lee can't even hear whatever he was saying and was just thoroughly captivated by his intriguing skills.

"She lost her powers and went back to being a mortal. She was injured and lost, unsure of what to do, she became afraid. It was then that another mortal found her unconscious in the middle of a forest and saved her. When she woke up, they got to know each other and spend few years of mundane but peaceful lives."

"Jubileus fell in love with this mortal, and so did he. But she knew they can't be together since she wasn't like him. Her angelic powers might be gone but it does not mean that it will stay like that forever. She knew that there will be a time where she has to leave his side, or else her enemies will find him and kill him."

"And that time came sooner that she expected. Her powers grew back and her wings returned, she wasn't even able to tell anything to him before she was summoned back at her home. She felt happy that she was back. Everyone's happy cause she's back. But her happiness felt hollow because of the guilt of leaving the man she loved."

"Time passed and her longing for the man grew each day until one day she made up her mind. She used her powers to condense a chain that would bind her wings and suppress her angelic powers. She then used it to fall back to the mortal realm and search for her lover. They met, confessed their love and lived together. Soon Jubileus and her lover found out that she was pregnant. They were ecstatic and impatiently waited for the child's birth."

"Months later, it was finally the day of her labour. She gave birth to a healthy girl, to which made her incredibly contented, however before she got the chance to give a name. Her powers surged and the fourth pair of wings emerged. Her powers proved to great to be suppressed by the chains she made and thus it broke, letting her beloved know what she truly is. Before she could even explain anything, she was immediately summoned back to her home, once again leaving her lover and now her unnamed child."

"Upon her return, her clan was surprised about her new powers, but they also found out about the mortal. It was deemed forbidden for an ascended to copulate with a mortal. They seized her but she fought back, she wanted to be with her husband and her child, because of her power, no one was able to stop her from doing what she wanted. But alas, she wasn't the most powerful in her home. A Supreme 10-winged angel descended and captured her."

"Upon knowing her unbridled acts, the Supreme was furious and sentenced her to prison. The supreme then descended into the mortal realm and killed her husband as well as her child claiming that their existence was a mistake and they shall not be allowed to exist."

The maiden was shedding tears when the story got up to this point. Old Lee however could care less.

"Jubileus was heart broken. Fury, sadness, despair gripped her heart. Her maddening wails echoed everywhere and due to her madness, her power flared as 13 golden swords emerged as well as a heavenly chain. She then waged war against her own clan, killing everyone on sight not even sparing anyone so long as they stood on her way. She cried tears of blood and constantly mourned the loss of those she failed to protect. The Supreme faced her but her rage was unquenchable. As the battle raged on, Jubileus drove the Supreme to the verge of dying."

"Afraid of her world shattering rage, he performed one last act at the cost of his life.. And that is to seal her within an item and trap her until the end of time."


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