Way of the Knights

Chapter 11 - Air Projectile Chambers


The first week of the school year for Heavenly Cloud Institute passed like a blink of an eye.

Paul, Mark and Raven's training kicked up by a several notches. The two were getting more and more proficient with their weapons and could handle the unceasing attacks of the dummies now

During the first day of the training, Paul had lost count on how many times he had cursed the dummy because of fury. During the whole time he was forced to defend again and again while cursing continuously because he was hurt. Now, Paul's face developed a tinge of sharpness.

Because of Raven's pointers, he now had an idea on how he should improve himself and came a long way from it. He could now effectively block the attacks, intercept blows and even parry certain attacks to create an opening for his spear. Speaking of which, the way he handles his spear made a great progress too, his attacks aren't as diverse yet and just normal pokes but the places where he aimed are particularly deadly. Raven taught him how to aim for the vital spots that could easily cripple the enemy.

As for Mark, he too matured during the first week of their training. The way he handled his sword had impressively came a long way. His attacks were swift and deadly, he was also nimbler and more flexible than Paul. With Raven's pointers, his view of the sword had completely changed and he even developed a slight obsession with it.

Both of them also made sure to give some time to learn the Foundational Movement Arts as well. Overall, Paul and Mark won't have any troubles dealing with someone who's strength isn't greater than them.

Raven on the other hand, still continued his intense training like what he did on day one. His progress was astonishing to the fact that each punch he threw always carried a loud slapping sound in the the air. One time, Paul and Mark saw him casually testing this kind of punch on a tree, their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as they saw how easily the bark shattered and flew everywhere. They thought that unless their defences are as tough as a tree, there will be no way in hell that they will be able to endure that kind of punch.


Class went on normally like before. Old Lee talked about some few interesting things such as the previous Royal Families and their traits. He also touched on their deeds according to the history and few more things like theoretical ways on how to raise their strengths.

Uneventfully, the class ended and the triplets left the classroom. As expected, rumors about what happened last time had already spread amongst the crowd. The few people who had deeper connections learned about the fate of Randy and the Black Jewel Clan.

When Marshal Valorheart received Raven's letter, he immediately ordered his men to move and arrest the Patriarch of the Bright Jewel Clan. Upon their raid, they saw few smuggled items from their operations which already is considered as a huge crime. Add the fact that they are delving with slavery and illegal abuse of women made everyone shook out of pure rage.

The Patriarch of the clan almost died right on the spot when he saw the Kingdom's Hawk standing before him with his terrifying gaze. Randy was also there when the arrest occured and he even fainted on the spot. When the clan realized that it was his fault, all they could do was to give him hateful glares since pretty much each person in the clan was sent in prison.

Oh and as for their assets? Winner takes all. When the royal court sentenced them as guilty, not even a scrap could be seen on their treasury, everything was seized by the Marshal and his men. 50% was donated to the military, 30% was divided amongst his men, Marshal got to keep 10% and the last 10% was sent to his little hatchling who made all of this possible, Raven.

With barely an effort on his side, Raven suddenly found out that he was loaded and would not be running out of money for quite sometime. Anyone would feel elated at this scenario.

As for the teacher who asked Randy to provoke him and his brothers, he resigned from his job and went missing. Raven never cared about his well being. That being said, Raven still knew who he was working for and the whole reason why he did this. He's already marked by his father so there's no way that he will be sleeping in peace from now on.


"Bro, what's all this?"

Back at their place, Paul and Mark was dumbfounded when they saw Raven tinkering some stuff once more.

He was on top of a ladder holding, some carving tools. His face was slightly dirty because of chipped woods scattering whenever he carved.

He was in front of wooden column, there are several of this columns that formed at least three separate sections or rooms even. Each wooden column has some inscription runes carved in them, neither Paul nor Mark could understand what these runes are for but for some reason they're feeling some bad vibes about it.

Raven seemed to not hear them and still carved away the runes. It took him a while before stopping with a sigh and climbed down the ladder. Only then he became aware that they were here.

"Oh! Welcome back!" Raven said surprised.

"Welcome back my ass!" Paul retorted, "We've been standing here for fifteen minutes calling you and you just noticed?"

"Ahahaha! My bad, my bad!" Raven laughed as he scratched the back of his head.

"What's this for Raven?" Mark said while pointing at his creations.

"Oh this?" Raven grinned fiendishly once more, "Tort-*Ahem* Training Chambers."

"Hey, you were about to say Torture Chambers aren't you?" Paul glared at him.

Raven's eyes widened and placed an 'offended' expression, "How dare you! My intentions are clean!"

Paul and Mark could only look at him with dead eyes. Raven only laughed upon seeing this, he stopped messing around and explained the real purpose of this new creation of his.

"Air Projectile Chambers, due to lack of necessary tools, it's only a D-rank Training Room in my opinion. This is used to train you're nerves when it comes to dodging." Raven walked towards one of the chambers.

Each chambers has five wooden columns, each column has numerous inscriptions carved on to them. Each corner of the chamber has a column making it a rectangular shape. The fifth column is a shorter one compared to the rest, but this is where the main controls for chamber was place.

"This where you activate the chamber, place your hand onto this rune and turn it once. Upon activation, you will be screened inside. The chamber will form projectiles made out of air and aim towards you. It will depend on you whether you dodge or block it."

"Turning this rune twice will make the chamber go towards Level 2, which will produce more projectiles and the speed will kick up. The maximum will be Level 15, but you guys aren't ready for that yet. Now come, get in and try it."

Raven had a sweet smile during his explanations, it may seem harmless but Paul and Mark knew better. Nevertheless, they still bravely marched towards the chambers and prepared themselves for the worst.

Their thoughts are simple, this is something that their brother created to help them become stronger. Why do they need to be afraid? Isn't just some pain? They could just grit their teeth and persevere, it's not like this is going to kill them.

Raven's expression softened seeing their determined looks. This is what he always admired towards his brothers. Their determination and thirst to become stronger. He always looked up to them during his past life and they always protected him. Now he will use everything at his disposal to make sure that they grow strong enough to trample anyone who threatened the safety of their family and this kingdom.

He gently wiped the tears that were forming in the corners of his eyes and activated the chambers for them.

Paul and Mark saw how the entire chamber lit up and screens of light boxes them inside. Each of them heard the sound of air forming. After which, they a whistle which made their vigilance shoot through the roof. They hurriedly dodged the projectiles and felt it disperse behind them.

Their minds reeled as they realized that from start to finish, they never saw how the air projectile was formed nor where it was targeted, it was basically their instincts that tell them where they were.

Thinking of this, they realized how hard this is going to be for them, but instead of being afraid, there was a trace of craziness and anticipation on their faces.

"Bring it on!"


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