Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 357 The Spine Of The Vampire Progenitor

First, to narrow it down, I cut out the wings option as no matter how cool they would look, I just knew they wouldn't be practical to my style. 

Mastering how to fight on the ground is one thing, but learning how to fight in the air is another thing… I just felt picking this option would take away time I could be spending on mastering the craft of fighting on the ground. 

I mean, barely any of my enemies in Hell fight in the air, and if they do, I could just use my ancient tongue to tell them to freeze, forcing them to drop to the ground. Simple enough. 

"What do you think? Should I go for the safe option and take the ability to create armies… or take the ability to become a living weapon?" 

The god behind me sighed for just a moment before speaking up. "The path to killing or becoming a god takes a solitude mindset and skillset… so obviously the latter." 

"Yeah… that's exactly what I was thinking." 

[You have selected the demonic enchantment: Spine of The Vampire Progenitor]

[1/3 of your existence is nearly complete]

All of a sudden, searing pain ripped open the flesh on my back. It was horrid and bloody, and even though I couldn't see it, there was no doubt in my mind that the wound had gone down to the bone. Nothing could tell me otherwise. 

As I slightly winced from the pain and dropped to my knees, my hands gripped the solid ground whilst my knees took the brunt of the force. My spine felt as if it was being shattered by a hammer continuously slamming down on my back over and over and over and over and over until I could hardly keep myself up anymore. 

The pain was intense but nowhere near as intense as the pain I had experienced in hell. Compared to that, this was just a walk in the park, so I stopped being such a pussy and grit my teeth to the point an audible sound resounded through the void. 

It was a nauseating grinding sound, but it was the only thing I could do to bring myself to stand up with the assistance of absolutely no skills. 

Physically, this shouldn't have been possible as my spine had disappeared, but flexing and contorting each muscle in my back sufficed… only for a moment, though, as an even more painful burning erupted from the wound. 

Coughing up a mouthful of blood, I found myself on the floor once again, this time frozen in place. It was as if my entire body had been paralyzed from the tips of my hair to the edge of my toenails. 

The only thing my body was capable of doing was coughing up large qualities of blood that soon turned into black sludge. It clogged my throat and suffocated the chambers of my lungs, but upon releasing one massive wretch onto the ground below, everything came up. 

My eyes burned just from how pressure was used to spew out all of this black sludge, but in the end, it was worth it. 

My senses slowly returned to me, but even sharper than before. My sense of smell was the first thing to catch my consciousness as the sweet, tangy perfume from the man behind me wrapped around my nostrils. Then the slight crackling of his twitching fingers popped, all heard by my sense of hearing. My sense of sight then picked up, the drifting caught crossing my face, causing me to smile ever so gently. My sense of touch surprised me as it was numb in the beginning, but slowly and surely, it felt like I could touch the void around me. I could graze it, manipulate it, or even converse with it… it was strange. 

"And I guess my sense of taste is stronger… I can taste that awful perfume you sprayed… holy shit, why is it so strong?" I immediately covered my nose from the dangers of that absolutely burning material.

It was like a fire had been lit in my nose, preventing me from smelling anything but its insense as it traveled deep into my mind. It wrapped around my brain and squeezed it tightly, creating a chokehold on my consciousness itself. 

"If you want to pick up a chick or dude, then you should use this," The god handed me a beautifully crafted glass bottle of pink liquid. 

The smell was radiating from this tithing, forcing me to hand it back immediately; otherwise, I would have just passed out. 

"Make sure to suppress some of your senses. It helps in the long run, although I feel you might not need that…." The man smirked, seeing me sit down on the rough terrain below. I immediately began to meditate and lose myself in the wonders of my own mind, distracting myself from the burning perfume. 

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Clearly, he was testing me even though he didn't directly say it… meaning he was aware of these goddamn enchantments from the beginning. 

"We're you working together with Athena?" I asked as soon as I felt I was ready. And just like that, the stench was bearable… just bearable. 

He immediately scoffed while taking a floating cat into his arms. His slender fingers ran through the adorable creature's hair, causing it to snuggle into the man with great comfort. 

"Of course not… I wouldn't work with that bitch even if my life depended on it… And I guess the Goddess of Wisdom has fallen, but it doesn't seem right. You know, your old man actually gave Athena the orb necessary to give you a god quest. He even permitted its usage under her name, meaning he didn't want the rewards… it was all a trap for Athena. He knew something she didn't." 

"Like that, I would end up actually killing Lu Bu… but also having Athena arrested. Are you saying he planned that out? That was all coincidence, especially when my own skill killed my own Master." 

"Nope… that was definitely planned out, although, most likely not by Ares, but somebody close to him… hmmmmm… a lower god wants to rise up. " 


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