Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 332 Teacher Quest: Lu Bu (15)

"Goddammit… this is so annoying," I muttered, rolling on my side, redirecting my eyes from my status to the small charm that I held in my hand.

The shiny stone was slowly fading into what seemed to be an orb as layers on top of it began to break away, eventually revealing its proper form.

"Jade, huh? It's not even cloudy… it's almost like glass," I chuckled, expecting it even further. "Small town, my ass… if she's from a small town, she must be the goddamn god of that place."

As I looked at the jade even further, I noticed tiny bits of blue mana floating inside of it, causing my eyes to widen.

"I was wondering how mana was getting into this world… I guess it's through… no, that just doesn't make sense," I shook my head before getting some rest, as I would need it tomorrow.

The next morning, during breakfast, I stared at the jade in the center of my palm all the way until the general came to pick me up.

He swiftly noticed I hadn't eaten any of my breakfast, and so he sat across from me at my lonely table, watching me twirl the jade in my hand.

"Where did you get that from?"

"A girl I met. She was kind and gave this to me as some kind of lucky charm… and maybe it is lucky, but from what I can tell, it's most definitely filled with mana… did you know that? Does mana come from stones or something? I always wondered how it really got into our world,"

Seeing how the flying general was just as curious and confused as me, I gave him the jade from which he began to press on it, the veins on his hands bulging out as he squeezed seemingly with all his might.

"I can't break it," The man huffed, sliding the jade across the table so I could have a turn at it, and just like that, even with a few buffs, my fingers felt as if they were about to snap, all while the jade was completely untouched.

"So you had no idea of this as well? Have you ever seen anything like this?"

"Nope… I only know of what I've seen with my own eyes. On the other hand, Zeus has told me pretty much nothing. He just reacts to some of my decisions and occasionally grants me a reward after giving a certain side quest. Sometimes I even get hidden quests which grant me an even larger reward,"


[You have completed the Hidden Quest: Meet Another God System User]

[Your mind's eye has expanded, granting you a new skill]


Suddenly, I felt a kickback of mental whiplash send my head flying back, causing me to nearly fall off of the bench and tumble to the calm grass below.

"You good?" The man asked, kneeling down next to me and reaching out his hand.

But as I slowly reached out my hand to grab him, I missed and felt my entire arm go limp, causing him to catch my arm just before my mind went blank.

"Alright, we're going back inside. Rest up and tell me what happened," He muttered, laying his free hand on my eyes, causing me to instantly drift asleep.

When I awoke yet again, I felt a calm ray of sunlight bask over my entire body, filling me with a strange feeling of warmness that slowly circulated in my body.

In the sunlight were faint blue particles that seeped into my skin, filling me with even more power and granting me the ability to finally sit up.

My groan nearly echoed through the hall as my hand grasped my face, attempting to unblur the vision that made me nauseous.

Once again, I saw a wind of faint blue particles sweep past me with the open window, causing my eyes to widen and my pupils to dilate into beads of purple and red.

"Mana?" I muttered, reaching my hand out, causing the faint blue particles to drift around my hand before gathering at the center of my palm, seemingly awaiting my orders.

And then, almost instinctually, my mouth opened, and my tongue felt numb, yet I was still able to speak the few words hanging in the back of my throat.

"[Mana Control]."

The faint blue particles swirled in the center of my palm, the surrounding specks around the room soon gathering at the center of my hand as well, swirling and swirling until it formed into a piece of blue crystal.

I grabbed it as soon as I deactivated the skill, and as I glanced at my status, something made my eyes widen even further and my smile to crack into an ear-to-ear grin.

[HP: 100/100 MP: --/-- SP: 56/60] - Above Human

"Holy shit… I have infinite mana…." I smiled, immediately testing the limits of the skill as soon as I could.

I dropped the crystal to the ground and focused all my attention on the center of my palm once again, activating the same skill as before.

"[Mana Control]."

The mana around the room began to swirl, dragging bits from out in the hallway and all the way from the wind and sunlight just outside my room.

It formed into an even bigger crystal, creating a physical gust of wind that shook the items left on my bedside table.

My breathing began to rapidly increase from excitement, but soon, everything came to a stop despite the skill still being active.

[HP: 100/100 MP: --/-- SP: 55/60] - Above Human

"Holy shit… I really do have infinite mana," I smiled but knew there were some quotation marks around such words.

It did take some of my stamina, but it was very little, and there was a limit to the radius of the absorption since absorbing the entire world's mana would be way too overpowered… I would essentially be a god.

"But with this, I've definitely leveled up… I have to go find Lu Bu."


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