Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 327 Teacher Quest: Lu Bu (10)

"F-FOLLOW ME!" He shouted, and normally people would have attempted to escape, but I knew he would cause me trouble later on… so I decided to just deal with it now.

There were no direct orders for the horseback riders, so we all grouped up and went deep into the two before reaching a semi-remote area where people hadn't hidden.

"Now, lower your spear unless you want me to slice off your-"

A blast of dark aura exploded from my body, instantly chopping off the man's head, leaving everybody around me staggering in place, puzzled, confused, and most of all, fearful of me as they could barely crack open their lips.

"Oh, what a shame. He was a good captain, but I guess he couldn't handle the pressure of being in that position… suicide… how sad… am I right?" I sadistically smiled.

The remaining members, who lightly nodded before turning away, held back the urge to throw up as the captain's head rolled through the streets.

His blood painted a long streek on the barren rock-tiled ground made completely from polished and pure white stones.

This town, being a crazy popular trading hub, was, of course, going to be crazy rich, which most everybody here was, but there were still ones who stood out.

"Let's return," I smiled, and as the men shivered in place, I hopped back onto my horse and rode toward where most of the action was.

When I got there, I saw a rampaging wall of bloodshed and chaos push through the entire town, capturing men dripped with gold and immediately chaining up the ones who seemed useful in a slave sense.

Slaves did go for tons of money, such as very buff men and women who would be good labor workers… and, of course, beautiful men and women who would be sold as prostitutes across the entirety of China.

"Hm… Now, where is he… oh,"

My eyes lit up as I saw the general just across the street, directing a few soldiers to clear out a house so big that it stood out from the rest of the houses.

The others were made with stone and wood, while this one was also made with stone, but also with a stone close to marble… possibly quartz?

"Sir, the captain, unfortunately, committed suicide," I reported to the general, whose eyes didn't even glance over at me.

"Uh huh… and did he leave a will?" The man asked, and a drop of sweat dripped down my face as I completely forgot about that part. "He was a very familial man. Surely he wanted his children and wife to obtain parts of his assets,"

His eyes then turned towards me, and I felt a shiver run down my spine, the horse beneath me practically freezing in place.

I kicked its side, attempting to get it to move, but it just wouldn't, as if its hooves had been glued to the solid ground beneath us.

"Ummm… well, you see-"

"I already know you killed him. I never liked him anyway. I only kept him around because he had the most experience out of anybody in my army. But now that he's gone… well, I guess I'll have to find somebody else," The general sighed before hopping off of his horse and gesturing for me to follow him.please visit

I quickly unmounted the horse and dropped to the ground, following the man who towered before me as horrifying screams came from the insides of the massive white house.

"This place is so big it could be a palace," I muttered, my eyes sparkling from the amount of jewelry scattered across the main entrance.

"It is a palace… kind of. No royalty lives here, but the residents do think they are royalty… and they have no use to me anymore. The emperor will be injecting better and more ambitious men in the seats of power," The man muttered, watching a fat pig-like man get dragged away, his struggling futile against the powerful chains.

"If he's useless, then why aren't you killing him?"

It took a while for the man to reply, but eventually, he let out a long sigh and turned towards me, cracking open his pink lips.

"He's still useful for other things… such as using him as a piece to blackmail the Mongolian empire. He seems to be high in power as a powerful and rich trader… so we could get some more out of him if need be,"

The Mongolian empire existed around this time? Really? Did something happen for history to be changed… or was history changed inside this bubble probably made by the gods?

"Why not extract information from him?"

"Well… he'll just die. Most die instantly if they speak of anything about Ghenghis Khan. So, we'll use him in a more beneficial way than him going out as a useless turd,"

Alright, this timeline is definitely fucked… these two did not live anywhere near the same time period.

"Also, I've been meaning to ask, but back there, did you use magic? Your halberd lit up in flames and then turned into a streak of lightning,"

Suddenly, the man froze, his expressionless eyes opening up for the first time as his head slowly turned towards me, and as I thought I had said something wrong, his hand reached over to my shoulder and gripped it.

"You must not tell anybody about what you saw,"

"Y-Yes, sir," I could only stutter as he walked away, deep into the white palace lined with sparkling jewels and towering pillars of quartz.

Once again, clearly, something was up with this reality I'm in… and slowly, I felt like I was piecing things together.

If nobody can see my skills and judge from his reaction… nobody can see his skills, then only people with a status can see this magic?

Or maybe they need a connection with a god? A connection with a higher power? Reaching some kind of enlightenment that lets them know of the truth of this world?

The deeper the hole went, the more my mind began to spin.


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