Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 325 Teacher Quest: Lu Bu (8)

It was about two-hundred soldiers, more or less, filled with vigor and violence as they saw their allies begin to overwhelm our front line.


Our first volley of arrows struck into the very front of their army, killing some of these berserker men, but the rest charged forward, even with arrows going through their limbs.

"R-Retreat-" The captain of our horseback group stuttered before being interrupted by a voice that boomed through the planes like a clap of thunder.


Everybody quickly listened to the general's orders and ran as fast as their horses or legs could take them, positioning themselves in their proper places.

The horses provided support for the sides so as to not get crushed from the sides and be pincered, cutting chunks of the army off.

Meanwhile, the general ordered the army beside him to focus on the army which was attacking from behind as he turned towards the army of about now three hundred men strong… his bored expression slowly shifting up.

His horse beat its legs against the ground, kicking it and creating a cloud of dust that illuminated a massive demonic aura that wrapped around Lu Bu.

He unsheathed the massive halberd from his back, and as his horse began to step forward, he swung.


It wasn't the sound of a blade slicing through the air but instead something much thicker, grainier, and almost explosive as it tore through at least fifteen men in one swing.

"What are you doing, newbie?! Do not get distracted! FIGHT! FIGHT BACK NOW!" The captain shouted, and so I turned back towards the oncoming soldiers and took the spear, which was so light in my hands that it felt like feathers.

I gripped it tightly, feeling the leather wrapping nearly fuse with my skin, my callouses, and my hard work as the stench of blood and bloodlust welded together, nearly fusing into something much deadlier.


The number of men I had slaughtered was enough to fill a massive swimming pool full of their blood, yet the massive war was still in a stalemate.

Morale was not only beginning to dip on our side but also on the enemy's side as there was no sign of hope for each side… it almost seemed like everybody present was destined to die.

In fact, our side was losing more and more hope as our general was so focused on forcing back an entire army of four hundred men, causing him to give very loose directions, which we mostly had to fill in ourselves.

If the soldiers who fought beside me weren't so strong and skilled, then our army would have been obliterated by now, our corpses littering the blood-stained grass and deep-red earth.


But then, all of a sudden, the tides of the battle turned, and a visible wall of bloodlust pushed ours from behind, supporting us as a man parted his soldiers like a god cutting a wave in half.

"What the hell- oh," My captain muttered, wiping the blood from his face before pumping the sword he had gripped in his hand into the air and unleashing a battle cry so fierce and powerful that the surrounding soldiers almost seemed paralyzed. "RAHHHHHHHHHH!"

The rest of our soldiers turned towards the general and his massive horse, both stained with so much blood that they looked more monster than human and much more demonic than me.

"EVERYONE CHARGEEEEE!" Lu Bu shouted at the top of his lungs, and soon, our army had gained back their morale, and I caught a quick glimpse of the makeshift army which had challenged the man… and I barely saw any corpses with clean cuts.

They were beastly and rigid, as if he was already turning towards his next victim while the tip of the halberd was stuck inside the ribcage of somebody else.

It was complete carnage behind the man who looked like a god waltzing through the field of death, his reaping completely unstoppable.

He was the deifnition of a grim reaper, but there was nothing dark about him, and instead, the two shimmering almost feathery strands of golden hair that protruded from the very forefront of his head shimmered brighter than ever, ridding themselves of any dark stains.

It was a glimmering hope that the soldiers around saw and felt completely filled with something much different than just excitement… but a culmination of all the trust they had placed in their beloved general.

He may have been a ruthless and cold man, but when on the battlefield, he was somebody you wanted to be on the same side as. Otherwise, you might as well just kill yourself before the god of death can reap you.

[You have been filled with an injection of Golden Morale]

As the screen popped up in front of me, I felt the exhaustion within my body utterly evaporate before the man's heavenly body.

His back muscles almost seemed to form wings as he took to the very front of the battlefield before his signaling for all horse riders to come to the front.

"We will pierce through the center. As soon as I release my bow, you will destroy them, and then when I signal once again, you will split to the right or to the left. The choice is up to you," Lu Bu ordered, tearing apart soldiers like they were mere leaves falling from a tree.

Slowly, he took the massive bow, which probably weighed at least half of his weight from the massive horse that only it could withstand the weight of.

He placed his blood-stained halberd and locked onto a man on a massive horse at the very back of the battlefield.

The general of the opposing side quickly noticed as the halberd had been cocked back into place, ready to release at a moment's notice.

A wall of shields gathered before him… but it was practically air before this man's combination of weapons.


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