Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 318 Teacher Quest: Lu Bu (1)

A soft wind blew past me, fluttering my hair across my face, forcing me to tie it up behind my head before I took another look around.

I was on a tall mountain. A very, very tall mountain with a singular tree right behind me, serving as a bit of shade from the soft sun spreading firmly through the leaves.

A gentle breeze once again blew past me, sending chills across my body, forcing me to step outside from the shelter of the tree and onto the firm sun-kissed grass forming a little green helmet around the top of this mountain.

I took a look over the mountain and saw the scattered pieces of rock formations spread across, but the thing that really made me drop to my knees was the stretching prairie of grass, fluttered lightly by yet another breeze.

"Fuck… it's so beautiful… it's so fucking beautiful," I nearly teared up, thankful I could see something much more appealing than the dark skies of hell and the thick red fog that would occasionally roll through my surroundings. "It's so pretty…."

I sat there on the edge of the mountain, looking over the rolling hills, seemingly trying to welcome me in as the golden sun began to lower behind it.

The golden haze it produced was spectacular to just look at, as the golden properties infiltrated the world and calmed the entire world before it would soon disappear, never to be seen again until half a day later.

Click Click Click Click

Suddenly, the galloping of horses resounded through the air, their stomps like beating drums setting up for a new air within this field of hills that sent a shiver down my spine.

"RAHHHHHHHHHH! SLAUGHTER THEM ALL!" A man shouted from below, so I took a look down and saw two opposing sides, both on horseback, charging at each other on equal geographical ground.

"You're ruining the moment-"

I was just about to jump down and clear up this disturbance within my first moment of silence in years, but for some reason, my limbs had frozen up, and everything around me seemingly moved in slow motion, as a horse as large as an elephant charged through the left side.

"Wait… why is it?"

For a second, it did look like it was as large as an elephant, but upon closer inspection, it was pretty much no different than any other horse there, maybe just a bit darker and more muscular.

But, the aura it gave off was like a completely different being was trampling its own underlings, charging through them with a bloodlust that could rival even that of a starving pack of hyenas… and the lion that they are trying to hunt.

Its power and aura just kept rising, something no mortal being could ever pull off without magic… yet here it was, already as strong as some high-tier monsters.


It kicked up its front hind legs, unleashing a cry that froze all soldiers on the backs of their horses, with their trusty steeds, stopping in place, just narrowly dodging the massive hooves that nearly crushed their faces.

But, the monstrous horse didn't stop there as its mouth opened and its surprisingly long neck stretched towards the other horse in front of it, chomping down on its neck and flicking downward, ripping its neck in half and sending it flying into its trampled allies.

Bum bum… bum bum… bum bum… bum bum…

I felt my heart begin to beat harder and harder as a presence even more menacing than this monstrous horse stepped over the trampled soldiers on the left side of the battle.

A singular man with a tattoo like that of a purple centipede ripping down from his cheek, and all the way to his exposed torso, the only item of clothing being some light black baggy pants.

"Seems I was right… there was no need for armor," He yawned, calling back the monstrous horse with a whistle and then pulled out a halberd as long as my entire body from behind his back.

I barely even noticed it, as all my attention was on him. The man. The myth. The legend… Lu Bu, the Flying General of Ancient China.

I gulped down a large drop of saliva as I felt completely suppressed, and if I was struggling to just maintain my composure, then you could already assume what the others were doing, all while Lu Bu stood there, expressionless, nearly yawning as he took another step forward.

"R-RETREAT! RETREATTTTTTTT!" The opposing commander shouted, and as his army turned around, he took one quick glance to make sure they were running before turning his horse around… and right before, his vision flipped upside down.

I could barely see it.

Lu Bu covered a mind-boggling twenty meters in just a split second, his halberd tearing off his neck and then snaking down towards the horse, also cleanly slicing off his neck.

The amount of strength needed to resist all of that gravity and pressure and speed and momentum nearly made my head spin… as he was doing all of this without the help of the system.

As he saw them all run away, his opponents sprinting with their tails between their legs shamelessly, he let out a long and disappointed yawn which completely contradicted the image I had of him.

I thought he would be overbearing and a completely bloodthirsty man, just like his horse… but I guess he was the calm that quelled the storm.

"And you! Come down from there unless you wish to meet your end!" The man shouted, his dark red eyes suddenly snapping towards me, sending a shiver down my spine.

He was hundreds of meters below me, yet he noticed me without skills or skill of that matter… but how would he reach me?

Suddenly, from his trampled allies, Lu Bu picked up a long wooden bow about as big as his torso and stretched the string with his halberd serving as the arrow.

I immediately got up and attempted to run, but before I knew it, the weapon had whizzed past me, tearing out a chunk in my shoulder that made me click my tongue.

"He's strong… way too strong."


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