Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 310 Colosseum (13)

The next day, I woke up feeling completely battered and bruised, so when I went to go and take a look at my injuries, I realized there was some severe damage done to my muscles and bones.

Somehow, he had fractured some of my bones, and I only just realized now since the adrenaline finally wore off.

In addition, there were massive bruises, mainly stretching across my torso, meaning this could only be one thing…

"That was entirely luck… if it wasn't for his personality, I would've lost for sure… shit…." I groaned, slowly standing up with the help of the bars so as not to make my wounds worse. "Guards! Lemme get some medical attention! Guards?!"

No response… and then a pale white woman stepped from out of the corner down the hall.

My face softened, and I just returned to the wall of my cell, leaning against it and then slowly sliding down until I was sitting.

"What do you want? It hasn't been a week yet," I questioned the vampire duchess, but clearly, she was intent on responding, only coming here to get some kind of job done.

As she walked up to my cell, her body faded into smoke, allowing her to pass through and then reform inside my cell, where she grabbed me by the neck and slowly picked me up.

Shit… she's strong as hell…

I clawed at her hands but couldn't do much besides that, as the chains restraining my limbs prevented me from activating any of my skills.

Her eyes glowed a dim red, causing me to panic as I pieced together just what was about to happen, so I flailed my arms, only to evidently fail as the woman sunk her fangs into the side of my neck.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head as a mix of pleasure and pain coursed through my body, trying to resist the induction into her own race.

My blood was extracted for only a few seconds before she began to pump some kind of liquid back into that wound, making the conversion into one of her own even harder than before.

"N-No… I have to stay as a demon," I just barely managed to choke out since if I returned as a vampire to the demon lord who watched over practically everything that I owned and loved, then there was no doubt in my mind that he would slaughter me.

And then suddenly, the spear with roses marked into the back of her hand began to glow a dim red, causing the vampire to slowly back away.

"Let go of me," I snarled, but it seemed this mark wasn't all-powerful as she only began to crush my neck even harder with her hand.

It seems this tarot power doesn't use mana which these chains feed on… though that's the least of my worries as of now.

And then, finally, after what seemed to be minutes, she let go, and I dropped to the ground, gasping for air.

"What the fuck did I do?" I choked out in between gasps.

"You're a subject of Satan… my enemy. Even though I may despise the demon lord ruling this place, I despise the other ones even more… and you really slipped up thinking you could hide the demonic aura chaining your soul,"

How come she just noticed this now… or was she waiting for something?

"Well, as you can see, I am but a lowly slave within this colosseum now. And I'm sure you're well aware, the demon lords don't give a fuck about their subjects… so what makes you think I still have a connection to him?" I grunted and then leaned back against the wall, calming my heartbeat and attempting to relax.

"You must become a vampire. Otherwise, I cannot uphold our deal. You could always leak information, but if you become a vampire, that will be physically and mentally impossible upon becoming my kin,"

"Well, that won't be possible if you always keep me under surveillance… you can trust me. But, turning me into a vampire will forcefully make me trust you, and even once everything is over, I'll just be your slave until the end of time… it's a win and then a massive fucking loss for me,"

"And? What's wrong with becoming my slave for all of eternity?"

"*sigh*... just trust me, alright? Is there anything I can do to earn your trust without becoming one of your own?"

The vampire didn't look amused in the slightest, possibly even considering dropping our agreement for just killing me right here and now… which honestly wouldn't be the best for me.

"We'll form a pact which will set our own rules. From there, we can come to an agreement," She sighed, and I knew this was my chance to really dig deep into this alliance that I currently have with a rebellious duchess within the kingdom I intend to take down.

"Fine… we'll drop the deal from before and create a new one within this pact… not one made by words…." The vampire's voice trailed off as she slit the palm of her hand with her nail, letting a few large drops of blood to drop onto the cell of my floor. "... It's a pact made with blood and equal loyalty."

"Then let's get to it," I muttered before she wiped some of the blood dripping from her palm onto my forehead and then onto her own forehead.

I can already assume what she is going to be asking for… so I'll come up with some equally as dangerous to her as it is to me.

The drops of blood sprawled across the floor suddenly expanded into a large magic circle, catching the attention of everybody within this prison.

The guards, who were supposed to be just outside, weren't reacting, meaning the vampire duchess must've done something to get them to stay silent.

The blood mark on my forehead spread to my eyes, stinging them greatly before making their way into my mouth and wrapping around my tongue.

For the vampire, the same thing happened, and then she proceeded with the rest of the ritual.

"Now, I shall state my conditions first…."


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