Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 285 Intermission: The Interference Of An Old Sponsor (3)

She wanted to provoke Ares, meaning she still knows that he can get angry, and normally when people are rageful, they'll lose their sense of reasoning.

So, even if I declined, her plans would still proceed… just a single variable would be taken out.

But, I wasn't so stupid as not to negotiate… and even if I did join the woman hand-in-hand, she knew I was already doing it to gather information and use this for my best interests of myself.

Having two gods backing me up wouldn't be so bad, now would it?

"And what's in it for me? I hope you don't think I'll be joining you for free…." I smiled since the goddess' lips slowly hung downwards.

"I'll grant you access to my library of knowledge. Pick three books from there, whether those be skill books or just general knowledge about a certain topic… I have everything you could ever want, but in return, I'd like absolute loyalty…."

"And you know you'll never receive that, right?"

"Of course,"

"Then it's a deal… I won't tell Ares information about you, but I won't tell you about the information of Ares,"

"That's fine with me,"


All of a sudden, a shattering step came from behind me, breaking the ground into thousands of shards that continuously floated in the air.

It was like the atmosphere around me hung in zero gravity… and the powerful being right behind me reached his hand out, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me backward.

Yanked to the ground, I attempted to stand up, but for some reason, a thousand pounds had been placed on my head, and I was forced to kneel before this all-powerful being.

"You've crossed the line Athena… were you really that desperate to get your ass kicked?"

Athena only smiled lightly, with a bit of slyness creasing her eyelids; it was obvious she was trying to provoke Ares even further.

Ah… this is interesting…

"You do know it is forbidden for the twelve to attack each other. Wouldn't want the entirety of Olympus going against each other, right?"

Ares, whose anger had increased by tenfold was so thick that it created a deadly aura around him, forming spiraling armor of pitch-black winds that encapsulated his body.

Yet, it was unlike any other thing I had seen before… it was strangely a calm rage.

A rage honed by the wisdom of the battlefield and a deadliness honed by countless battles against near-immortal beings.

"I'll fucking kill you,"

"Big words for such a pitiful being… you've fallen from grace, young lord," The woman smiled, and in an instant, just as I blinked, Ares had done some kind of attack.

It was so fast that I couldn't even see the blur, so before I knew it, Athena had been sent flying into the end of the hall, crashing against the stone bricks and denting a massive gaping hole in the wall.

Her nose was bleeding at that ethereal face of his… could only be described as an ugly rage.

She grit her teeth with the force of a thousand suns, creating a grinding sound that rang through the air, tickling the very depths of my brain as it penetrated through both of my ears.

"Zeus won't forgive y-"


She was kicked through the wall, sent into the bloody and dark outside domain of the god before me.

It was eerily familiar… as if the domain of this man was the coagulation of every single battle, war, and skirmish he had ever seen, participated in, or led with all his might.

"Son, look at me. I'll show you how to slay a god so, in the future, you might have the courage to try and stand up to me. Take my position as the God of War… that is what I want for you,"

Athena, who slowly stood up after seemingly endlessly sliding across the ground, scraping her skin, and tearing up that beautiful dress of hers, threw the cracked bronze shield of hers to the side.

It had been shattered to pieces with the thrown punch of Ares, though just before she could conjure another one, her body began to contort.

Her ligaments instantly twisted in ways unnatural to a human body, and thus, the sound of bones cracking began to commence.

A truly nauseating sound was the only thing I could hear as Athena died. Flat-out died right in front of me.

Her ichor blood flowed into the already existing streams of blood, seemingly adding power to the domain of Ares.

"You… You killed her?" I stuttered since I could already assume that this action would have hundreds- no thousands of repercussions.

I didn't actually expect this guy to kill another god… wasn't that something completely taboo?

"Gods don't die," Ares muttered, looking back at me with cold eyes as a golden aura arose from the corpse of Athena.

Her ligaments snapped back into place, the bones instantly regenerating and Athena's presence regaining form in the shape of… a demonic figure.

Her rage endlessly flowed through this valley of battle, and here I was, experiencing it firsthand as it scraped my skin.

A chilling sensation ran through my spine with each flex of her muscles, and as those pale gold eyes of hers lit up brightly, a halo of golden aura wrapped around her head.

"You goddamn good for nothing king… I'll kill you… I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" She shouted, her voice echoing through the domain, shattering the entire palace around me.

The bloody screams of the servants inside all collapsed into one malding shout before quickly disappearing.

I saw the walls and ceiling crumble onto me, but I was suddenly saved by a string sticking straight through my torso and ripping me out of the palace just in time.

"Don't just sit still with your dick in hand… get out of there," Arachne sighed before looking down a the stare-off between both of the gods.

Despite Athena's rageful words, she didn't do a single thing.

It was obvious she was completely powerless within Ares' domain, though that didn't stop her from doing as much damage as possible.


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