Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 282 Training With Ares (4)

There was a great war millions of years ago, and that is where my mother and Ares had met… so that either meant my mother knew Time Magic or she wasn't from the earth in the first place… possibly a fallen angel.

"Did you enjoy your dinner?" Ares asked just as I left the dining room.

"The food was good… but just as I had thought… the sight of the gods makes me disgusted. You have no idea how hard it was holding back from getting out of my chair and stabbing each and every single one of them,"

"You would've died,"

"And that is why I prevented myself from losing control… I still have plans,"

I woke up naturally and without an alarm today, feeling completely refreshed yet a bit sluggish at the same time.

My body felt like it was being torn apart from the deepest muscles in my body, but upon seeing a woman with long white hair and eyes that had multiple pupils shifting within their sockets… all of my soreness seemingly washed away.

"Hm? What is this?" I muttered to myself.

"Allow me to heal you up. Your exhaustion from yesterday is shifting over into today's presence… so just sit back and relax," She snapped her fingers, suddenly causing me to appear in a room with no door.

What the hell is she thinking of doing…?

I kept my guard up as I sat on the couch, making sure she wouldn't take advantage of me due to her being so overwhelmingly strong.

She walked up to me and removed my shirt before gesturing for me to lay down, which I swiftly followed, but just as her hands approached my beaten and bruised back, she stopped.

"Hey, aren't you going to thank me for when I saved you in that sticky situation?"

"There is no need to if I still ended up dying and even still ended up in fucking Tartarus… some lawyer you are," I muttered.

"Oh shut up…." She groaned before digging her fingers into my back, making me convulse from how deeply she attempted to massage me.

Her fingers felt as if they were trying to massage my bone instead of my muscles, and I kept suppressing the groans of pain until she finally finished.

The heaviness in my body was gone right after the soreness had completely disappeared.

"Geez… you suck at massages," I muttered, throwing on my shirt again and following her out of the room, where I found myself right back in the massive dome-like hall.

The servants of all sizes greeted me with a bow and then dashed toward me.

"Good luck, pretty boy," Arachne lightly chuckled before disappearing and leaving me to deal with all of these crazy servants who charged toward me.

[Influence of Battle]

My skill allowed me to see the battle from the air, where I gathered as much information as possible and then maneuvered my body around.

For now, I was dodging as many attacks as I could, but eventually, I began to slip into some attacks when the positioning was right.

I didn't want to waste any mana on killing a singular one but instead used an attack that would wipe out many at the cost of very little mana.

My spear was mainly used to just create space over everything, so once that actually happened, I was near unstoppable.

But just like my last death, the sole problem that I could not overcome no matter how hard I brainstormed… my limited stamina.

I managed to conserve my mana, but now I'm running low on stamina which is a given from how I'm moving.

Eventually, my body broke down once again, but I tried to save myself by creating a massive wave of [Shroud of Fermented Blood] that moved like a wave toward my enemy.

Sacrificing some more mana for the sake of recovering stamina was my only option then… and then it clicked.

"Ah, I know what to do now," I lightly smiled before being absolutely torn to shreds.

"It seems you're slowly getting used to the battle. I expected this to take at most a month, but you're mastering it within a few days… though, I'll give you some advice," Ares spoke up as soon as I sat down at the table to eat my dinner.

"And what is that?" I asked, a maid serving some food and drizzling what looked to be balsamic vinegar on the greenery on my plate.

For some reason, the slab of meat in front of me was a dark-purple, as if whatever alien they had picked this from was beaten black and blue before being slaughtered.

Though when I actually dug into it, I tasted the most flavorful piece of meat in my life, though I doubt I could actually have it again.

It was rich and delicious, but it was like eating pure butter.

This was probably a once-a-month or maybe a once-a-year treat, so I knew to savor this dish while Ares ranted on about how I could've used my throne world.

"Stop trying to clear the objective as of now. I want you to focus on honing your throne world and awakening it to the best of your abilities…."

"You've already told me this a thousand times… and I'll train when I want to. I want to hone this one skill that seems extremely useful compared to my throne world, which always ends in me losing or wasting tons of mana… I need to learn to fight efficiently as opposed to powerfully,"

"Wise words from a greenhorn," He snarled, and just like that, the rest of the dinner was awkward, with the only other person there: Arachne attempting to synthesize some kind of conversation.

She started off with a few questions that immediately died off, but then eventually asked one big one.

"If you don't mind me asking… where is your son's god mark? Isn't he supposed to be a demi-god no matter his evolution or class?"

I then looked at Ares, who sat across the table, twirling his fork in hand.


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