Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 268 Meeting

"Well… she's suffered enough,"

Soon, Findir met up with the rest of us as we exited the long alleyway, making sure to cremate her body and let the ashes brush through the wind.

"Did you finish them off?" I asked, and Findir gave me a very shallow nod which was a sign that, of course, he had completed the job.

Those spectators were absolutely nothing to him, and if he wanted to, he could've probably just tortured every single one for information… but since they were most likely highly trained, we ended up just wasting our damn time.

We might get some piece of important information, but we still need the time to put everything in place… otherwise, everything just goes to shit.

After about a day, we finally reached the brothel, where a meeting was already being held due to us being a tad bit late.

"Geez, we thought you died," Jack rolled his eyes before making room on the couch for us to sit.

Everybody noticed the appearance and power change in both Findir and Aisa, causing them to reevaluate the way they treated them yet again.

It was kind of nice seeing all of the remaining arrogant demons know their place, but this wasn't a matter of displaying our power but working together to get rid of this demon.

"Hey, kid, you could've at least covered the hickey up," A familiar succubus announced, and as I rolled my eyes, everybody slowly turned towards me. "Who's the lucky woman who managed to steal you from me?"

It was the same one who attempted to have some fun with me just before we left, and I don't think I managed to get her name.

"Well, I found somebody who gave me some useful information… in fact, it's so useful that you all might be praising me at my fight," I smirked jokingly, but inside I debated whether I should just downright tell them to pay for it.

"Let's hear it then,"

"His weakness… well, if you can call it a weakness, is his low health points. Apparently, they're on par with a high demon, but I don't know any of that, so I can't say much,"

"And… where did you hear this?"

"From an undisclosed source. You can't find her anymore, but it's fine. She was of great use to me anyway,"

Everybody visibly shivered upon seeing my light smile that held daggers right beneath my pursed lips and raised eyes.

"Well, if it's on the level of a high demon… then it is definitely possible. Demon lords normally range from an insanely massive health point pool to nearly infinite as long as they can continue sucking people dry…."

"Oh, and who is that?" I asked, not expecting much.

"Satan… He's a warrior who can infinitely battle as long as he has mana, which he has an infinite amount of, and soldiers around him… Foe or friend, he'll suck you dry to stay in top shape…." Jack explained before turning to Aisa, who was lightly blushing. "And not in the way you're thinking,"

Her blush turned an even deeper red as everybody looked towards her, Cy elbowing her in the side just a few times to tease her.

"Makes sense… anyway, let's continue the plan,"

For the rest of the day, all of the incubi and succubi tweaked the plan to their liking, making sure absolutely no holes were in it, and of course, they came to us for any suggestions.

To be honest, they covered every hole that I found, making my suggestions useless, and if I couldn't come up with anything, neither could the others.

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting. We'll meet back here on Friday and Saturday as we're leaving on Sunday. Quit your jobs, do everything that you want… because there is no guarantee you'll survive," Jack explained, and everybody lightly nodded.

We stayed in the room, leaving me with Jack and that other succubus who, I guess, was jealous and attempted to retain my attention.

She immediately sat next to me, pressing her chest against my arms and wrapping her left arm around my waist as she leaned into me.

"It stinks of artificial perfume… that woman must've been of a lower tier… higher tier succubi don't need artificial perfume as we naturally emit it wherever we go,"

​ "So that's the rancid smell I've smelled this entire time… I thought I was gonna suffocate in a cloud of horrible aromas," Findir groaned as Jack tossed him a snack.

It was some kind of small cake that he was able to absolutely devour within a few bites… seems he was quite hungry.

"So, what do you want?" I asked the woman attempting to seduce me.

"To sleep with you just once… free of charge. Come on, it's a win-win situation. You get to sleep with a beautiful lady such as me and have me all to yourself for however long you want while I get to taste your essence. To be honest, I'm not gonna lie to you… I can just drink your blood and it would be over, but that would be such a waste for somebody as beautiful as you," The succubus lightly smirked, her breath which also smelled like perfume, grazing up my lips and into my nostrils.

What a pain…

"Hey, stop touching him," Aisa snarled, pushing her off of me and sitting directly right next to me before placing a small cake-like snack in my lap.

"Oho~... Do you want to play with him~?" The succubus teased Aisa, but with a face so dead-serious that it looked like she nearly died… she replied with,

"Absolutely not. Fuck him if you want… but that's if you can even manage to seduce him. He isn't interested in things like you, so how about you go finger yourself somewhere and leave us to some quality time together? Hey! Cy! Get over here!"

The succubus looked at Aisa as if she was crazy before quickly storming off, clearly angry at how all of her attempts weren't even recognized.

What's worse is that I didn't even turn her down… she just saw how uninterested I was and how everybody didn't care, I guess harming her horny pride.

"What a clown show," I muttered.


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