Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 261 Rise Of A King

"Too late…"

The man's words were slimy as if they had been covered in an untrustworthy grease, maybe a tar meant to explode the situation in a raging fire that would cause him to act against me.

"Lemme see her," I demanded, but as his body melted into a slime-like fluid that plopped through the spiraling staircase and landed before me, he just smiled with malicious intent.

"You trusted Beezlebub… what a fool you are to become a full demon. I'm jealous, in fact…." The man muttered as his slimy body began to gather into a solid form once again.

"I could give any less fucks than what I'm giving now,"

"Oho… Okay… but you'll have to rip her from my grasp," He muttered, and suddenly, Bella, who was unconscious, faded out of the marble wall and shot into the room like she had been carried by the barrel of a gun.

Findir quickly caught her, causing the man before us to click his tongue with disappointment.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder, and the presence of Cy, which I didn't even know, disappeared and reappeared right beside me.

"I forgot to tell you, but he's the weakest out of all of the demon lords," Cy said without ever trying to whisper it.

Clearly, he was attempting to taunt the man, and for some reason, the idiot actually fell for it, shaking with anger and causing the palace around us to turn into several slime tendrils.

They shot towards us before bouncing back like a bungee cord, only to be shot again at an even higher and more insane speed than before.

We could barely dodge the shooting tendrils as their speed rose exponentially… or… not?

"Logarithmic?" I muttered to myself as the speed soon capped, and I activated almost all of my buff skills, allowing me to now dodge the incoming attacks without much problem.

"We'll destroy his ass here… Synchronize your attacks with me, and I should be able to send that head of his into the abyss," Cy muttered, and I slightly nodded before we summoned a spear with our respective element.

Our tight grips resounded through the atmosphere as our nerves were apparent, but our will to fight was even stronger.


We tore through the tendrils that tried to block us from the head of Asmodeus, but just as we reached him, suddenly, we were back where we started.

"Huh?" We both muttered as we looked down at our feet.

We then snapped our heads upward and saw the cold gaze of the demon lord. It looked as if he was looking down on a pair of ants.

"What a shame… only one of you is experienced in such illusion magic… if it wasn't for your girly friend over there, you all would've had a tendril through the stomach," Asmodeus muttered, the taunting image that had encapsulated his entire being suddenly wiped from existence.

"Shit… Shit… Shit…" Luna muttered from behind us as she coughed up a mouthful of blood, but the floor from under her turned into slime, dragging her beneath the floor without much resistance.

Aisa and Findir tried to help her, but the slime was way too strong and, at the same time, way too slippery for them to get a good grip on it.

"Whenever you see his eyes light up! Wrap yourselves in as many layers of magic as you can!" Luna shouted, leaving the demon lord in front of us to cackle like an insane mad scientist.


Suddenly, his eyes snapped towards me, and his expression warped back into a cold gaze as a pair of stars reflected off of me.

I spit up a mouthful of blood that splattered across the slimy floor, but at least I had defended myself from being caught in yet another illusion.

"Dammit… he's supposed to be the weakest of all the demon lords," Cy muttered through gritted teeth.

"Well… a demon lord is still a demon lord," I shrugged before the blood I had spat out wrapped around my arm and sunk back into my body.


Suddenly, a tendril appeared from behind me, a bold and rash move from the demon lord, but the speed was absolutely insane.

It tore through my neck, leaving everybody around me to cry out as they ran towards my body that just barely hung onto a few strands of the flesh connecting my head to my body.

But, just as I was about to fall, I caught myself and pulled my head back up.

"You motherfucker," The demon lord smiled as the shower of blood that sprayed from my open wound seemingly reversed time, wrapping around my neck and then sinking back into my skin. "You're a student of Cerberus, aren't you?"

"I don't know… am I?" I smiled sadistically as my head twirled around my neck before fully locking itself in place.

"Hey, what happened?" Cy asked as he warped his arm around my back, seemingly for some support, yet I was completely fine.

"Pseudo-immortality is great…." I muttered through the smile that creased my eyes into slivers and caused the demon lord before me to shiver.

As a dark aura dripped from my neck like the sealant to a piece of wood, it dissipated into thin air, leaving everybody questioning what the hell had just happened.

"Alright, asshole! LET'S FIGHT!" I shouted before grabbing my spear with both hands.

The atmosphere within the room had become so tense that you could literally just snap it in half with a butter knife.

"[THRONE WORLD…!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, blood leaking from my eyes and ears as my teeth grit together, creating a disgusting gnashing sound that rang through the air.

"[THRONE WORLD…!" The demon lord shouted back as his left fingers tensed into a blade and cut straight through his right hand like a real dagger.

As blood poured across the palace, the glowing rocks and marble created a heavenly effect that surrounded both of us.



The world around us split into half a spitting image of hell told in every single old religious story.

Cracks in the ground spewed gallons of lava, volcanoes endlessly erupted, an earth-shattering earthquake rumbled the ground, and a massive white sun with a single purple eye in the middle stared down onto the ants below.

On Asmodeus' side, the sky had become a kaleidoscope, reflecting his very personality since all it showed was his exact image.


I felt my power exponentially rise just sitting in my domain, and as soon as I took a step, a blast of bloodlust exploded from my feet.

It cracked through the air, tearing it apart, but my throne world suddenly filled it in, rearranging reality by itself.

At this point, my spear had expanded into double- no, triple its size-no, quintuple its size and turned into some kind of cross at the very end.

On the other hand, Asmodeus took a step forward, unleashing a blast of kaleidoscopic tendrils that reflected the blazing heat on my side right towards me.

I quickly cut those in half with my new spear, but all of a sudden, time froze… even the demon lord was unable to escape this freeze in time and what also seemed to be space.

The weapon in my hand disappeared, and a spear with a large dark-red pupil in the shape of a crown rose from the lava in front of me.

"Claim the inheritance… claim the throne," The spear spoke to me as if it had been waiting this entire time to reveal itself to me.

My body suddenly began to crack under the weight of such time-stop magic, spewing blood, but the black goo that seeped from my skin quickly stitched me up, allowing me to take a step forward.

It felt as if gravity had increased by one-hundred-fold with that single step, yet I still pushed through, taking another step that made my knees shatter into a thousand pieces.

I used my arms to pull me forward a single foot before they were suddenly cut off by an unknown blade.

"Impressive… when did your pain sensitivity dull so much,"

"Shut the fuck up," I muttered before using my teeth to drag me over to the spear, and as soon as I reached it, it felt as if an unstoppable boot was pressing on the back of my head.

But even as the muscles and tendons in my neck began to snap and tear, I lifted my head up and grabbed onto the very base of the spear with my teeth.


And then, I felt it… it felt as if I could see through the very fabric of reality.

My eyes began to burn, yet at the same time, my body began to get stitched up by the black goo seeping from my skin.

The increased gravity loosened, and I was finally able to stand up and catch my breath, holding a ten-foot-long spear in my right hand.

It was as light as a feather, to the point that I wasn't even able to tell I was gripping it.

[You have re-claimed the Title: Sangria-Eyed King]

[Fate has been spun]

[Your future will be affected]


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