Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 234 Judgement

"Shit… another battle has appeared."

The feeling of sweat and grime practically sticking to us traveled throughout the entirety of the battlefield, which had encapsulated pretty much every corner of Amlas.

No place was safe, and chaos had ensued. No trenches had been dug yet, but more blood had been spilled than in any battle before. No armies had been recruited or set up yet, but there were more fighters than in any battle I had seen before.

"What an absolute shit hole," I muttered to myself before deflecting my spear deflected a bullet by itself.

I had no idea what to do as manipulating such chaos was completely out of my control… but first of all, who did this?

Who else had the power to ensure such destruction and unusable human resources?

"Let's go home," Bella muttered, her head hanging low as we stepped through the corpses and mountains of burnt flesh.

"What about you? What are you gonna do now that you're practically king?" Luna asked Orme, who silently stood behind us, motionless at the sight of war before him.

"Probably check up on something… anyway, I wish you all good luck," He muttered, but from the look in his eyes, we didn't seem like we'd be meeting anytime soon.

"See ya,"

"See ya,"

And just like that, he disappeared into the distance while we traversed back to the mansion that we had hoped was still kept alive, but…

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Bella cried out as she saw her mansion burning to ash, the lives of her servants all withering away inside that smokey marble box.

"Where's the previous family head?" I asked some of the servants who managed to squirm their way out of the destruction.

"T-The head butler managed to bring him out just in time, but the guy is… he… he was too injured for us to save," The woman cried and cried at the thought of losing somebody as important and close to him.

"Do you have any idea who could've caused this?" Luna asked, practically digging her nails into the neck of this servant.

She was not only desperate for answers but also desperate for consolation as everything we had built up was beginning to break down once again.

I attempted to place my hand on her shoulder, but she quickly swatted away before breaking down right there, kicking and punching the ground with all her might.

But, while everybody was either sorrowful or angered to a near point of no return, I just stood there, staring up at the burning mansion.

A few figures cloaked in black stared right back at me, as if they were predators attempting to get a piece of me.

"Kekekeke… KAHAHAHAAHA! ALRIGHT! FINE! YOU WANT US TO BRING THE WAR TO YOU?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?! HUH!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs before a badge with a single insignia clanged on the ground.

They were clearly attempting to taunt us at my friends' lowest points. And that insignia was enough to make everybody pale. Just pale.

I couldn't tell whether it was from fear or anger, but they turned as white as a ghost.


A single bell rang in my head, seemingly taunting me once again. A foreign substance almost seemed to flow through my veins as a feeling of strange power swelled up inside me.


It rang again, matching the speed of the city-sized meteor toppling from above. There was no other way to dodge it besides burying as deep below the ground as we could.


It rang once again, filling me with adrenaline and a source of new intoxicating power. My back even felt like it was burning up in the sea of flames behind us.

The sound of the meteor ripping through the air was like that of a jet plane. It blotted out the shining moon, leaving us in dim darkness, only slightly illuminated by the ball of fire raging from above us.

"Hey, all of you. Do you think we could survive if we gave our souls to the demons?"

Everybody paused what they were doing, and their heads creepily swiveled towards me, their eyes digging into my skull.


But, before they could even respond, we appeared in a white hall. It was more like an open-air court with sky-scraping pillars of marble and seats so big you could fit an entire city in them.

I attempted to speak up as the twelve Olympians in front of me glared down at me, but a meek voice that was muffled by chains only just managed to slip out.

I took a quick glance at my father, who looked almost bored, and my blood began to boil… because, just like with my mother, he didn't give a shit about me.

"For the contracting of demon lords and the absorption of their runes, all quests shall be broken off. Dying is too easy on you all… so we have all come to the conclusion that you all should be banished to Tartarus! RID FROM THIS EARTH AND OLYMPUS! DO NOT EVER DISPLAY SUCH UNSIGHTLY FACES BEFORE US!" Zeus shouted, his voice like a lightning bolt that cracked through the air, tearing everybody apart.

Our souls felt as if a chain had been released, and we were dropped straight down into the pits of hell.

We all glanced at each other, still chained up by the unbreakable steel of Olympus. Some of us had fear coursing through us, while some were still trying to analyze the situation.


[God Quest has been terminat-

[God Quest has been converted to a Demon Lord Quest]

[A throne of purple blood and flames seemingly eats away at you]

[Demon Lord Quest conditions have been met]

[First Rune has been unlocked]

[Constitution has been changed]

[Good Luck]


With the sight of these panels slowly dissipating from before me, I smiled widely.

The feeling of fire scorching my soul was excruciating, but upon slamming through piles and piles of thick and demolishing leaves, I hit solid ground.

"Ugh... my head,"


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