Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 130 Quick Meeting

"Scary…" I muttered.

(Orion POV)

Long story short, the kids were no match for us, especially when we started using weapons, and I don't think they'll be accepting the results any time soon.

That's not my problem, though…

"I'll be off. Need to do some things until the night comes… In fact, I might not even be able to come until tomorrow morning. Just know that I'm safe," I said as I had already packed up the stuff and was walking towards the exit.

Today, I had a few meetings with some of the family members that I've been trying to keep a good relationship with… and one of them was the Bonebloom family.

They were very useful, especially since they were part of the Council of Roses, which gave me even more connections.

After a few hours of walking down the barren but slightly populated street, I arrived at a new cafe with an actual attendee.

"Who's that?" I asked before sitting across from Orme.

"Just a simple bartender. He'll be making drinks for us whenever we need them," Orme replied while stirring his dark green drink.

"That's nice of them…." I muttered before Orme sat back in his chair and eyed me with a suspicious look.

"I'm gonna give it straight to you… Did you betray us?" Orme asked, and the pressure he suddenly emitted was on par with somebody like Bella or Cy.

Obviously, it was enhanced by his rage, but it was still impressive nonetheless.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, already keeping my composure as I had already expected this to happen.

It just happened a bit earlier than I anticipated… and this won't be the only encounter I'll have with this question.

There were also the eyes of the bartender, who was on par with a high C-rank, but he kept his pressure and bloodlust in, hiding them like a pair of fangs.

"I had some of my shadows follow you. Forgive me if that was disrespectful, but I needed to know if you were actually loyal… and it seems you weren't," He replied, and this serious aura was something I hadn't seen from him ever.

"You must be mistaken… when was I ever loyal to your family?"

As soon as I asked that question, a red hot arrow whizzed past my face, and I just barely managed to dodge it while only receiving a small scrape on my nose.

"Stop… That is correct, you were never loyal, but sleeping and conversing with another family could practically be seen as treason. So tell me, what was your reason for being there as you dared to come to have a meeting with me… as I'm sure you already expected me to ask this question,"

My eyes widened a bit as I didn't expect Orme to be able to actually figure that out… but I guess these rich kids do have some talent in things other than fighting.

"You're good… Okay, well, I was there because I was trying to obtain as much information on our enemies as possible. Also, do you really think I would betray you guys to a family that is being targeted by five others?"

"That's what I thought, so I just wanted to confirm it. It's good that we're still on the same page, but make sure not to get caught…."

"But if they do catch me, I'll just say I was gathering information on your family," I said with a giant smile that caused Orme to visibly shiver.

"It was a mistake working with you… but I've already fallen too deep. You know too much, so it's best to keep you close… was this also part of your plan?" Orme asked, and I just gave him the silent treatment as I continued to smile all the way until he sighed heavily.

"Sir, he wasn't lying," The bartender said as he suddenly appeared beside us, ready to take new orders.

"I know. I'm sure he already knew you had that skill also… Alright, let's just enjoy this fine afternoon with some nice food and drinks," He said, and all of a sudden, a few guys rose out of the shadows… with cooking apparel on.

I didn't even sense them, meaning they're at least low B-rank or possibly just regular B-rank.

"Sorry, but I can't stay long. Have other people to meet with,"

"That's fine. I'm sure you're a busy man. That's why we're just going to have some light snacks,"

Soon, a full course meal came out… and I didn't reject any of it.

The next day, I finally came back and hit the sack, immediately falling asleep in the embrace of my angelic sheets and pillows.

But, I only got to sleep for a few hours as we soon had to depart for something.

Myself, Bella, Cy, Findir, and Aisa were all going to a place entirely across the city… where buildings had been flattened, trenches had been built, and everlasting fire raged in between the two sides.

"Are you sure you want to proceed with this? Do you really think you can stop it from going into an all-out war?" The Wony head asked me, and with full confidence and eyes blazing with determination, I replied,

"Of course,"

But… that's a lie.

That's right. I got the Wony head to find a battlefield for us to partake in, and from what I heard… there are ten thousand souls I can claim.

I tried to hide my thirst for blood under the guise of stopping the war and improving the minds of my close friends.

I doubt any of them have killed a human before, so I guess this was good for them… but it was mainly to sate my own thirst for blood.

It has expanded and dripped with more intensity ever since I got this new spear, but thankfully, it isn't so bad that I will go crazy and rip apart my friends… but I'm sure it could evolve into that later on if I don't sate it now.


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