Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 520 Even Fight

Chapter 520 Even Fight

Beneath the surface, the ocean floor was a mosaic of vibrant coral reefs and delicate seashells, a testament to the thriving marine life that called this cove home. Fish of every hue and shape darted through the crystal-clear waters, their scales catching the refracted sunlight in a dazzling display of color.

In the heart of the cove, a natural pool formed by a gentle waterfall cascading from the cliff above beckoned with its promise of rejuvenation. The water, infused with the magic of the cove, emitted a soft, soothing glow. Its touch was cool and refreshing, like a gentle caress from the very essence of life itself.

The sickly couldn't resist the allure of the cove's vitality. With each step into the pool, they felt a sense of renewal washing over. The water seemed to heal not just the body, but also the spirit, lifting away the weight of time and leaving behind a profound sense of well-being.

"O' Mermaid Queen, please rid these victims of their suffering."

"I shall do just that for you," A voice resonated back at the leader. "But I cannot destroy such suffering. You must take it all upon yourself."

(Present day)

(Beezelbub vs Cy Benoit)

They descended upon me – a horde of flies, so numerous that they blotted out the dim light filtering through the dense canopy. They swarmed around my face, my arms, my legs, penetrating every gap in my clothing. Yet, a calm wave of experiences soaked my mind, not even attempting to escape.

With every bite and every sting, I began to see visions, like a fevered dream overtaking my senses. The flies seemed to carry with them a malevolent power, an ability to twist my perception of reality.

Slowly, I approached a once-thriving village. A sickening pall hung in the air, heavy and foreboding. The distant echoes of screams and the acrid smell of smoke reached my senses before I could see the source of the chaos. The horizon was painted with an ominous orange glow, a harbinger of the destruction that awaited.

Misery pervaded the scene. The villagers, their faces etched with despair, huddled together in the town square. Their homes, the very essence of their lives, lay in ruins, reduced to smoldering rubble. The cries of mothers searching for lost children mingled with the anguished pleas of the injured and wounded.

Suffering was etched into the landscape. The raiders, clad in armor that gleamed with malice, showed no mercy. They brandished cruel weapons, their brutality evident in every strike. Men and women writhed in agony, their bodies bearing the cruel scars of violence. Children, innocent and defenseless, cowered in fear, their innocence forever shattered.

Greed fueled the raiders' rampage. They looted with reckless abandon, ransacking homes and pillaging whatever precious belongings they could find. Greed danced in their eyes as they clutched stolen jewels, heirlooms, and food supplies. The village's treasures, gathered over generations, were now mere trophies of avarice.

Sickness spread like a plague. The wounded lay unattended, their wounds festering in the dirt. Blood mixed with ash and soot, creating a grotesque tableau of suffering. The raiders, their faces twisted with malevolence, seemed like harbingers of pestilence, spreading destruction in their wake.

Other malicious emotions festered in the hearts of the attackers. Envy seethed in their ranks as they eyed the villagers' simple lives, their homes, and their unity. Hatred fueled their violence, driving them to commit unspeakable acts of cruelty. Betrayal hung heavy in the air, as some villagers turned on their own to save themselves from the invaders.

The village burned, the flames of greed and hatred consuming everything in their path. The raiders reveled in the destruction, their malevolent laughter rising above the crackling inferno. The once-vibrant community was reduced to a desolate wasteland, a testament to the depths of human depravity.

As I watched this scene unfold, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a profound sense of pity. The village's suffering and despair were etched into my soul, a dull reminder of the darkness that persists in each and every single mortal.

"Wh-What the hell?" A voice rang out as the miasma sinking into my body was instantly pulled out. My own mana ripped into shreds and began to devour it, using the dark energy to build up a swelling of power that began to concentrate at the tip of my dark spear.

"My mind, sharpened by misery. My body, tempered by starvation… you old hag… you may be dead in this age, but lend me your power once more."

Upon the precipice of power, I stood, a conduit for the very essence of mana that coalesced around me. It was a tempestuous maelstrom, a swirling vortex of ethereal energy drawn from the limitless expanse of the atmosphere. With every breath I took, I absorbed more of this boundless force, each inhalation stoking the fires of my inner strength.

Before me lay the malevolent dark energy, a seething, formless abyss that threatened to swallow all light and hope. It writhed and pulsated with malice, a malevolence that seemed to reach out and claw at my very soul. But I was steadfast in my resolve to confront this looming darkness with a blaze of my own making.

With a will as unyielding as the mountains, I unleashed the tidal wave of mana that enveloped me. It surged forth with the fury of a cosmic storm, an irresistible torrent that crashed into the malevolent energy. The clash of these titanic forces birthed a cataclysmic painting of radiant light and shadow, a celestial battle that transcended mortal comprehension.

As the mana consumed the malevolent energy, my form began to metamorphose, reshaping itself into something both terrifying and mesmerizing. My body elongated and twisted, sinuous tentacles sprouting from my limbs like serpents of the abyss. Each appendage bore ominous, razor-sharp suckers, poised to rend and tear.

Hints of an aquatic creature, the mythical Kraken, began to emerge within my newfound form. My skin took on the iridescent sheen of deep-sea creatures, shimmering with an eerie bioluminescence that pulsed with an entrancing rhythm. My eyes, once human, now glowed with an otherworldly radiance, reflecting the ancient wisdom and unfathomable depths of the ocean's abyss.

My newfound power surged through me like a maelstrom, and I felt the ancient secrets of the sea whispering in the recesses of my consciousness. I was a creature of the depths, a harbinger of tempests and turmoil. With my tentacles, I reached out and crushed the last remnants of the dark energy, drawing them into my ever-hungry essence.

With a gesture of my sinuous tentacles, I roared with a deafening, primordial cry that shattered the buzzing of malicious flies. The very ground quaked beneath my monstrous presence, and the skies crackled with arcane energy. At this moment, I was no longer a mere mortal; I had transcended into a force of nature, a living embodiment of the elements and the unseen forces that governed our reality.

As I adjusted to this new form, swinging and squeezing each muscle making up this myriad of tentacles, the Lord of the Flies suddenly converged into one single entity and then transformed into a monstrous, carnivorous commodity.

Beelzebub's grotesque form now loomed large, a nightmarish fusion of insectile features and demonic malevolence. His wings were vast, tattered membranes of darkness that cast an ominous shadow over the desolation below. His multiple eyes glowed with a sinister intelligence, and his mandibles dripped with corrosive venom.

The battlefield crackled with tension as the monumental clash between my Kraken-esque form and Beelzebub's monstrous fly form continued to unfold. The very earth beneath us quivered in response to the titanic forces at play, creating an eerie and desolate backdrop for our cataclysmic showdown.

I then made the first move. With a whip-like motion, my sinuous tentacles surged toward Beelzebub, guided by a malevolent intelligence that sought to ensnare and subdue my winged adversary. Their cruel, razor-sharp suckers aimed to rip and tear into the abomination's chitinous exoskeleton, while my bioluminescent skin pulsed with an otherworldly glow.

Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, was no easy prey. His massive wings, like tattered obsidian curtains, beat with a cacophonous fury, creating gusts of wind that threatened to upend my calculated strikes. His multifaceted eyes glowed with sinister intelligence, and his dripping mandibles unleashed torrents of corrosive venom, seeking to corrode my tentacles.

Beelzebub's insectoid limbs moved with uncanny agility, each one a deadly weapon as he evaded my strikes with a grotesque grace. His movements were erratic and unpredictable, just like the chaos that fueled his very being.

I countered his evasive maneuvers with fluid precision, my tentacles coiling and striking in calculated arcs. They moved like serpents, intertwining with one another in an intricate display of combat choreography. The suckers on the ends of my tentacles clamped onto Beelzebub's chitinous armor, leaving a trail of smoking, sizzling marks as they made contact.

Beelzebub's wings buzzed with an ear-splitting drone, that echoed through the surrounding desolation. Using his wings, he attempted to create whirlwinds of darkness to obscure my vision, but I narrowly navigated the obsidian tempest, my bioluminescent skin casting an ethereal glow that pierced the inky abyss.

And then, I muttered a few simple words. "Using this overflowing mana I establish a decoration upon which my soul sits... Contract Creation: Sacrifice."


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