Warlock of The Magus World (FanFiction)

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

{A/N : If you want to support me or read more chapters in advanced consider becoming a patren: /keetarp and if you want to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/5TjDmwUWuG}


"... Hence the Innate Beasts are divided into 5 classification, leading from the lowest to the highest these are : Mortal, Earth, Grand, Spiritual and God. The 3rd level Grand is considered an appropriate level enough for enrollment in many prestigious Academies including our own, but it's still not good enough for this Elite Class. This as all of you know is at a completely different league than others. Each and everyone of you is tested to have the 4th level, Spiritual grade Talent and even in that level you have exceptionally good aptitude. So it's your duty and destiny to work hard, do you understand? As for the God level talent, they are a rare oddity. In fact a Great Empire is seldom able to rear such talent. Only the Four Great Dynasties have such strength and ability.... "

Dong! Dong!

"That's there, the class is over. All should hand over your previous assignment and the next work is to The study about Aptitude and Talent, no innate beast is worthless you just have to find a way to properly use it, so research on it.... Have a nice day. " Leylin explained and slowly ended the lecture, this time he didn't bother to stay and observe the bunch as he quickly left as well, since he wants to have a meeting with the Principal.

Suddenly as Leylin was moving towards the upper floor to meet the Principal, he sensed that a presence is following him, he was very familiar with this particular person as he has been keeping an eye on this person. He turned sharply around the corner, hiding behind the wall and the presence followed him as well.

"Ahh" A small girl shrieked as if she has seen a ghost, on the other side of the corner of the room, stood her classroom Teacher, looking at her with an expressionless face.

" Why are you following me, What can I help you with, Miss Rhea Allen? " Leylin smiled as he asked while leaning on the wall, he had his hands crossed before his chest and his head rested on the wall.

This girl was the ever so mysterious Rhea Allen. Leylin knew that this is definitely not her real name, He was quite interested in this girl, there are too many events and circumstances that converge and points at her. He previously decided to talk to her and unravel her secrets but currently he has other commitments.

Rhea quickly recomposed herself and bowed in an appropriate noble courtesy towards Leylin, "Teacher Karrion, I was just a bit confused about something you said in our previous lecture and the current one. If you don't mind I would like to ask a question I have?" Rhea glanced at Leylin looking for approval to continue.

"I am listening! " Leylin shrugged.

"You said that Aptitude doesn't matter much, hard work does, but now today you explained how some people are just born better, so how.. " Rhea bit her lips as she asked, " How could someone will lesser talent ever match them, and you also explained that a Great Empire cannot rear a powerful expert, does that mean, we are destined to stay the bottom feeders, What's the use then...Tell me? What's the use of working hard? " Rhea asked unsure, there was confusion and perplexity in her eyes as she looked at Leylin for answers.

To Leylin it was clear that this girl is not really questioning him but she is probably questioning herself.

"*Sigh* The world is not fair, I would be the first one to say that. Some spend their entire life trying to scratch their way to the top, and still die in poverty. While others are born into wealth without ever working at all. It's a cruel and random world. but.. " Leylin brushed his bangs out of his eyes and looked cheerily at her, " Know this, While Working hard you may not achieve your goals but without working hard, you will definitely not achieve your goals. So believe in yourself and if you can't do that then believe in the me, who believe in you. You are brilliant, okay! " Leylin preached shamelessly as he portrait himself as a benevolent and hard working fella, He almost vomited while saying all that, it seems inappropriate for someone so gifted like him to preach about hard work but he had his own share of trouble too.

Rhea almost spilled some water works listening to him, She wiped away her glistening tears away and nodded with great vigour, She bowed and quickly left.

Leylin looked at her leaving back as a Purple hue covered his eyes, 'My luck is truly not good with Purple Demon Eyes these days, she seems to have some kind of protection and something much more dangerous than what Lita had, it was good that I was discreet and decided to take precautions, taking a lesson from Lita and first probed her otherwise I could have tasted some bitter setbacks" Leylin thought as a serious look appeared on his face, he could distinguish an extremely dangerous intent hiding in her consciousness, and that person also seem to have a great attainment and capabilities in the matter of spirits too.

Leylin couldn't probe further thoroughly and distinguish the strength properly, but it must have surpassed the Rank 2 Magus level.

'I couldn't properly distinguish the strength level but if I were to guess it could be at the Colonel or even the Brigadier Stage. That is already the strength level that is only possessed by one of the Four Great Dynasties, If I have to make a guess then she probably comes from the powerhouse which backs this Empire. Then the question is, why is she here? ' Leylin thought rapidly as gears started to turn in his head, Leylin knew that each Empire are just a subsidiary territory to the Great Dynasties. They couldn't be bothered with other weak ant like existence but these Empire are like their reared hounds.

'I really shouldn't underestimate the people here. It was good that I was careful in my approach this time, if not..but one thing is for sure this girl is quite interesting!' Leylin was rudely awoken to the fact that he has still not reached his peak strength, and right now he could feel that even at his peak, he wouldn't want to get in a meaningless bout against someone like that.

Of course even if he fought against the Intent currently, he would have destroyed it since a mere fragment is not good enough to trouble him, but that will attract the hatred and ire of a powerful Beast Tamer. Ond that he cannot afford to offend not now at least.

"Anyway, I can see that the hands of destiny are being quite kind to her, maybe she is... ' Suddenly a prophetic erudite look flashed through his eyes as he gazed at her retreating back. A smile formed on Leylin's face, as the determination to re-reach The Rank 3 Warlock Level flared in his heart. He could then peer at her secrets without alerting the expert behind her that way.

Leylin retreated his gaze, as he began to reach for his destination. He had to take care of some business and he needed to meet with the principle to do so.



Leylin calmly entered the principal chambers, There was a small waiting room before his actually office, it had various couches ready with snacks and an attendent/secretary ready to tend to their needs.

As soon as Leylin entered the waiting room, The attendent stood up and bowed in courtesy, "Teacher Karrion, Professor Henry is waiting for you. Please go ahead! "

Leylin glanced at the attendent and slightly nodded his head. The attendent is a beautiful young blonde women with sexy curves and bright eye. She wore slightly revealing clothes and seemed to be a little flirting type. She stole a few glance of him as he proceeded to enter the Principal's office.


"Come in! " A prestigious and bold voice sounded, the voice held a certain authority befitting one of the most important individuals of this Empire, although it seemed a little aged.

Leylin entered the room and smiled looking at the Old Man behind the huge table, the room was very plain and didn't had much decorations, only some awards, medals and accolades were kept on shelves along with some books.

"I must admit, Principle's taste in woman is quite good! " Leylin spoke first in a rather stange familiarity and he started to walk towards the chair near the table, at each step he took black mass emerged from his body and till he reach the Chair, His body completely changed to uncover the disguise and reveal his true face.

"Hahaha Friend Leylin, I am not as young as I used to be. She is just a daughter of my acquaintance, She is like my niece but if you are interested in her I will wholeheartedly give you my blessings. " The old geezer, Keith Henry talked to Leylin in a strange closeness as if they were good friend.

Leylin smiled but didn't answer, he looked at the old wrinkled man and calmly tapped his finger on the table.

After Leylin massacred the Branch Greg's Family in Linthin town he had plenty of time and enough resources in his hands, so entered a period of research. One fine day, when he went to a bar, which was a disguise for a black market, he found this Old Geezer. He could sense faint feeling of danger and familiarity emitting from his body, The old Geezer also somehow took an intrest in him.

Afterwards they talked and had multiple dealing with each other, The both gained a fair amount of information from each other. Leylin marveled at his fabulous experience and Keith was astonished by Leylin's amazing prospective. One thing lead to another and at last, Keith decided to propose a teaching seat in his academy, Leylin didn't really cared at first, but later decided to accept the offer. This seemed like a good way to get both a better resourceful environment and be updated about the happening, He had the backing from the highest authority here anyways so, he didn't had to bother with menial nonsense.

"Would you like a cup of tea? " Keith asked, as the wrinkles near his eyes contracted and a smiling expression appeared on his face. He looked like a kind and benevolent Grandpa but Leylin wasn't so easily fooled, as a Dark Magi himself he could distinguish that this kind looking elder has spilled his fair share of blood, even their friendship is just a benefits based relationship.

"No, I would like to talk business now. Keith! "


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