Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 832 - Family Banquet

Chapter 832: Family Banquet

“Angor?” Thewis repeated the name he just heard with a strange expression.

“What, you heard about him before?” Irisa grew curious. “Yeah, you definitely should. When I left from Fey Continent, everyone was still talking about a high-tier item he just made.”

“He can make high-tier alchemy items?”

“Yes, unless the rumors are wrong. But I don’t think that’s the case because people even got a piece of footage to prove it. I was too busy to check it out though.” Irisa shook her head in disappointment. “It’s not easy to find a detailed footage record showing the birth of a high-tier item. I really need to ask for it when I get back.

“Angor’s such an honest little boy, you know? I did ask him to try his best, but I didn’t think he’d recreate the crown down to every last detail and went through all the effort to bring back the magic array on it as well.”

She thought about Angor’s irritated look when handing in the crown and couldn’t help smiling.

Thewis held his chin. “I heard his name recently, when I left the Marginalized Island last time.”

“Someone from the Marginalized Island knows about Angor?”

“Yes. I found myself a student there. He’s called Leon Padt. He told me about Angor.”

“Leon Padt? Oh, you said something about him last time we talked. A diligent mortal who raised his spirit level above the minimum requirement for an apprentice solely by doing physical training?”

“That’s him. Before I came to Summerdew Ridge, he asked my help to look for Angor’s whereabouts.”

“Leon Padt. Wait... Padt? Angor Padt?! They’re family?” Irisa exclaimed in great surprise.

“This explains why Leon wanted to hear from Angor.” Thewis nodded. “But something is off. Leon said Angor was supposed to be training in White Coral Floating Island Academy. But didn’t you say that Angor is an apprentice of Brute Cavern? And there’s another problem. Leon claimed that his brother left the Marginalized Island four years ago. If we take his travels into consideration, then Angor only had three years to study wizardry. Someone like that can create high-tier alchemy inventions?”

“Anything is possible when God-blessed talent and destiny land on the same person. Not to mention Angor has an excellent teacher.” Irisa shrugged again. “Putting his extreme talent aside, I believe he’s very likely to become a true Master Alchemist in the near future. Heh... Angor’s brother is now your student, right? Then we just earned a good chance to approach him. It will be more convenient from now on to ask for his alchemy service.”

Thewis wasn’t sure about this because he had not seen Angor in person yet, and he did not know if Angor was someone who cared about his mortal family.

But Thewis would keep Angor’s name in mind nevertheless.

Next, they talked about other businesses happening around the wizarding world, such as the invasion in Abyss Plane and the monster disaster in Fairy World.

Soon, it was nightfall.

Irisa stood up. “I’m going. A bunch of madmen in Floating Mech City have their eyes on our shop. I can’t leave the old man tending to the shop alone for too long. Crap, I wouldn’t have come all the way here if not to deliver you the fake crown.”

“Thanks for your help.” Thewis stroked Irisa’s hair gently and felt his childhood memories coming back.

Irisa shook his hand off. “Leave your lovey-lovey stuff to Eureka. I don’t need it.”

“Madmen... Did Goman King send more people to you?”

“No. Goman King hasn’t got the guts to disturb Floating Mech City. I’m talking about some fanatics who believe in the Astute King.”

They left the private dimension, and Irisa prepared to depart.

“One more thing,” Irisa spoke up before leaving, “why are you at Summerdew Ridge in the first place? Do you perhaps... have a fondness for someone like Basket Witch?”

“I’m helping her with something, and nothing more. But whatever she was doing didn’t go well. If nothing bothers me later, I’ll leave this place very soon.”

“What was she doing? Silver Palm Isle?”

Thewis remained quiet.

Irisa then gave him an “I got what you mean” look and flew away.


Grue Town, Padt Manor.

The entire manor was basked in a joyous mood as the servants celebrated the return of their young master. Many of them, such as Head Maid Mana, had watched Angor grow up since his birth.

Even though they already had time to talk during the day, Mana still couldn’t help weeping with excitement during their family banquet at night.

Leon surely didn’t want to interrupt the happy moment, but he had no choice but to ask all the servants to leave because he needed to speak with Angor in private.

They both had too many things to talk about, yet when it was finally time, they found it difficult to find a topic to start for some reason.

It was Leon who initiated a conversation after a long, awkward silence. “How have you been all these years?”

Angor recalled his troubled life as an apprentice and felt as if everything were a dream.

“All is well.”

“Right... Mana just told me that you beat the sh*t out of the Watcher and sparred with Miss Eureka without getting hurt at all. You definitely didn’t idle your time away.” Leon looked rather jealous of Angor’s achievement. As the master of his family and the one to protect Angor’s home, he never left Grue Town.

“I will never waste any time. Mister Jon is waiting for me.” Angor gave his brother a bright smile as he admired Leon’s manly features, which had developed in the past years.

Leon saw Angor’s passionate expression and looked away.

“Brother, how’s my teacher doing? I’ve always wanted to ask.” Angor didn’t feel reassured about Jon’s condition yet, but because Eureka had been in his home for some time, he just couldn’t find a chance to ask earlier today.

“Man... you spoke of him the moment you returned to us instead of caring for your good-o’ brother? I see. Jon’s more important to you.” Leon pretended that Angor hurt his feelings.

Angor sighed. “Come on. I can see with my eyes that you’ve been good and healthy. Can you tell me about Jon now?”

“How about you share some of your stories first? I’m curious to know. Didn’t you go to an academy? What’s this ‘Brute Cavern’ place?” Leon picked up a wine glass and hid his face behind it.

“Don’t do this, brother. I’m not leaving home any time soon, so we have ample time to talk about me later. I need to know what’s happening to Jon, right now. Is-is he dead?” Angor failed to contain his anxiety this time as his voice trembled.

Leon downed his glass of liquor with a grim look.

“Today’s supposed to be merry, so I’m planning to mention this to you later.” Leon shook his head. “But since you asked... Jon is alive. But he’s not doing well.”

Angor quickly stood up from his seat. “As long as he’s breathing, I can help him! I already ascertained his illness. I can save him.”

“Sit down. No need to make haste yet. Do you know that he came from another world and that the ‘consciousness’ of our world wanted him gone?”

“Mister Jon never kept his origin a secret, brother. We both know it.”

“I always thought he was lying, and that the place called ‘Earth’ was made-up. But it was all real.”

“Miss Eureka told you this?”

Leon nodded.

“Sheriff George told me that Padt Manor was sealed off three years ago. Was that when Miss Eureka came? And did she... stay here because of Jon?”

Leon saw Angor getting aggressive against Eureka and couldn’t help getting worried. “At first, Miss Eureka came because she found our Morning Dew. But when she found out about Jon, she wanted to do some research—”

“Research? Yeah, right. Heh. What did she find out?”

“Nothing. Despite her intention, she has not come up with any result regarding Jon yet. The truth is, she said she had another reason that mainly kept her here, and Jon wasn’t important to her. But she didn’t tell me what she truly wanted yet.”

“Likely story.” Angor disagreed. He knew what it meant in this world to find a human who came from an unknown world. There was no wizard who would let such a discovery slip.

“Trust me, Angor. Miss Eureka didn’t do anything to harm Jon. At least I never saw her doing so. On the contrary, it is partially Miss Eureka’s aid that kept Jon alive.”


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