War Online

Chapter 95: WBT: 2000 Winning Streak

Chapter 95: WBT: 2000 Winning Streak

After winning the game, Wil left the white space with a big smile on his face and exited the Battle Arena in a hurry to see his completed project.

On his way, he opened the District panel to check the details.

Name: Scarlet District

Area: 53000 sq.m or 0.053 sq.km

Head Manager: Melina

Status: Not open to the public

Construction cost: 962 gold

List of Buildings:

Scarlet Auction House -1000 sq.m

Scarlet Bank 1000 sq.m

Scarlet Battle Arena 2000 sq.m

Scarlet Inn 3000 sq.m

Scarlet Weapons store 3000 sq.m

Scarlet potions store 3000 sq.m

Scarlet Smithy 9000 sq.m

Scarlet Labs 9000 sq.m

Scarlet Restaurants 8000 sq.m 

Scarlet Entertainment agency 1000 sq.m

Scarlet Library 1000 sq.m

Scarlet Clothing store 2000 sq.m

Scarlet material store 5000 sq.m

Scarlet warehouse - 1000 sq.m

Scarlet conference room - 1000 sq.m

Scarlet workspace 3000 sq.m

No. of Employees 1

Total Revenue 0 gold

Land Tax 53 gold

Income Tax - 0 gold

Loss 1665 gold

Blacklist no one


Wil didn't mind about the loss stat as he knew every business start with expenditure. As for their construction, since players can only build the second floor after they upgrade the store, which further depends on its sales and flow of NPC customers, Wil built the buildings in a different way.

For example, instead of building a couple of stores separately, Wil built the stores on a big scale so that it can accommodate a large number of people.

The biggest of these is the Smithy, and Lab, which can easily let 600 people train or craft at the same time while the kitchens of the restaurant can let 200 cooks train in the training chamber while the rest can work.

As for the inn, it currently only has 50 rooms that can give 30 exp/second effect.

Since Wil has yet to employ, the stores were all currently empty and the business is yet to open.

Meanwhile, hundreds of casual players were standing outside and curiously looking at it from far as the district hasn't been opened to the public yet.

On the other hand, Silvershapers guild members are in a celebration as their boss finally built training spaces for them. Those who are really loyal to the guild were ecstatic as they no longer need to go to other guilds to train or sell their resources.

After all, as the biggest non-combat guild, elites of the guild have their own pride. Now that they have their own training space and stores, they can't help but praise Wil at least in their hearts.

The ones who were happy the most are the fashion designers as they no longer need to sell their works for cheap in NPC shops who in return sell at a high price. 

Still, no one went there to look except for a few fellows as Mountain Rock informed them it'll still take a day or two before they can use the facilities.

Following Aster's orders, he also strictly ordered everyone to abandon Dreamwalkers' smithies and labs and stop selling the items in their stores and warned those who disobey will be kicked out without a second warning.

Meanwhile, Dreamwalkers branch leader and the vice leaders of Resistance were in depression as they not only didn't get to proceed with the Imperials' extermination plan because of the tournament but also started seeing a decline in increasing their guild's strength after the guilds of Imperials stopped selling their items in Dreamwalkers' stores and started stocking up the resources, weapons, etc.

As the branch manager sent the complaint to HQ, he further got a reply to stand down until the tournament is over, which made him even more depressed.

Without having any other choice, Dreamwalkers maintained their position as the ally of Imperials in public while the guilds of Resistance continued their usual skirmishes with Imperials to slow down their growth

While the drama is going on in every side, the center of this drama was happily strolling around his private district with Aster and Melina after sending away Architects to plan a similar district at Deloris town. 

After touring around the district along with Aster and Melina, Wil took out 1000 gold and gave it to Melina, "good. Now, I leave the management to you, Melina."

Melina bowed lightly, "I won't disappoint you, milord."

Then, he looked at Aster and said, "You stay here with Melina during the hiring process and sent me a message when it's done. I'll open to the public."


*Ding. You are matched with Lifeless Mask. Your match is going to start in 5 seconds.

After sorting out everything regarding the district, Wil resumed his battles slowly to keep himself in the top 10.

*Ding. Your winning streak reached 1600. You receive 460 battle coins as a reward.

*Ding. Your winning streak reached 1700. You receive 520 battle coins as a reward.

*Ding. Your winning streak reached 1800. You receive 580 battle coins as a reward.

*Ding. Your winning streak reached 1900. You receive 640 battle coins as a reward.

Looking at the time, Wil thought, "It's almost 5 p.m. Only one hour left. I guess I did a pretty good job to reach this 2000th win. Now, I only wonder who it is going to be."

*Ding. You are matched with Starlight. Your match will start in 5 seconds.

"Ohh Starlight, huh... Let's see how strong this guild leader of Starlight is."

As the match started, Wil raised his bow and conjured an Ice arrow but didn't fire at him yet as he got a sudden notification from the system.

*Ding. Your opponent wishes to draw. Accept the outcome?

"Draw? Who would do so on their 2000th winning streak..."

Wil quickly rejected it and said, "I'm sorry but my winning streak is pretty much high to ignore your request. I have no choice here."

Upon hearing him, 2nd rank Starlight who doesn't wish to waste time and energy on Wil, directly gave up the match so that he can catch up to Wisdom Queen in the rankings and proceed to the next round.

*Ding. Your opponent gave up the match. You receive a score of1500 and a battle coin.

*Ding. Your winning streak reached 2000. You receive 710 battle coins as a reward.


Name: Time Traveler

Class: Elementalist

Level: 153

Win: 2550

Loss: 0

Draw: 1

Score: 5,589,310

Rank: 7

Battle coins: 50160 

After reaching his goal, Wil didn't continue any longer.

One hour later, the system made a world-wide announcement. 

*Ding. Preliminaries for the World Battle Tournament ended. Check out the rankings.

Group 56:

1) Wisdom Queen - 7,356,910

2) Starlight 7,125,800

3) Death King 6,862,230

4) Guide 6,578,960

5) Guitarist 6,172,060

6) Supreme Master 5,999,750

7) Honeybee 5,606,520

8) Time Traveler 5,589,310

9) I'm a King 5,367,620

10) Bummer 5,000,770

At the arena, looking at the rankings, Kiyumi sighed, "Time Traveler can only climb up until 8th position in the end. Too bad, he can't face those strong players like him."

While many of Time Traveler's fans thought it's regrettable that their favorite can't get into the next round, two minutes later, suddenly, the system sent another notification taking everyone by surprise.

*Ding. World Battle Tournament is going into the 2nd phase. Before that, the top 10 users of the same group can challenge the top and take their spot. Each Challenger can only challenge once and defenders will receive a 50% increase in their stats. The final rankings will be updated at 0:00 hours.

"Here, it is Now, this is what I waiting for. Now, since, most of them are probably thinking that they'll challenge Wisdom Queen at the last minute, let's just follow them and wait until final half an hour."

Just as Wil expected, the rankings in the group didn't change one bit until the final hour when Wisdom Queen was dropped to 6th place and was replaced by Supreme Master in the first place.

"Eh? When did this guy get strong enough to defeat Wisdom Queen? Not to mention, with a 50% increase stats"

Meanwhile, Supreme Master was smiling big as he easily took over the first spot, "hahaha, what luck. Who would have expected Wisdom Queen is offline. Maybe, she went offline the moment it is over."


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