War Online

Chapter 92: Hyori starts playing the game

Chapter 92: Hyori starts playing the game

As the eldest sister shifted her focus to Wil, she waited patiently for his next match. But, after she found he didn't play any more matches even after an hour, she shrugged her shoulders and changed her screen to Crimson Sun's matches.

It isn't just her who became interested in Wil; those who watched the match started discussing in the forum about how a necromancer named Death King has a legendary grade servant while how an Archer named Time Traveler destroyed his army by raining the arrows from the sky.

As someone uploaded the video in forums, Wil's popularity was increased tremendously in one night. Slowly the video's popularity was increased while some of the large guilds started paying attention to Death King instead after finding that Time Traveler is rumored to have Scarlet Securities as his background.

Meanwhile, Wil, the center of attention was busy chatting with Hyori while lying in the bed

Wil: Damn You should have told me.

Hyori: Sorry. Even I didn't know Master is already planning to let all the employees play the game and bought the capsules for us.

Wil: Never mind, then. What Kingdom and city you chose, by the way?

Hyori: Arctin city of Arctin Kingdom, Xynnar continent. 

Wil: Since twenty-four hours hasn't been passed yet, the teleportation stone must have not disappeared yet. You can use it and transfer to Deloris town or East Ocean city from the Llyne Kingdom. Then, choose a random beginner village. It doesn't matter which one it is

Hyori: It's fine. We're not in a hurry to level up.

Wil: No, you aren't getting a point here. Once the war starts, all different kingdoms will become enemies to each other. Unless your kingdom is destroyed, it's hard to become a citizen and develop in another Kingdom. That's why.

Hyori: I see I'll go and change my location to Llyne kingdom after tomorrow's class.

Wil: ok. Call me once your college is over or send a message in-game. What's your ign by the way?

Hyori: ign?

Wil: in-game name.

Hyori: Oh! It's Yelir. And Master's ign is Grimshot.

Wil: Got it.

Just when he was about to type something...

Hyori: Omg, it's almost four. I need to sleep. Cya

"Eh?" Wil didn't expect that she cut off the conversation just like that all of a sudden. Shrugging his shoulders, he threw his mobile phone away and decreased room temp to 15 before sleeping. 


At around 11 o'clock in the morning, Wil woke up from his good sleep and slowly finished his morning activities without any tension.

*Welcome to War Online*

As he logged in, Wil found himself in a familiar white space, the last location where he logged out.

The first thing he did is to look at current rankings to see how much it changed. While the top ten rankers didn't change, except that Wil is out of the top 20, there is now a significant gap between everyone. 

Group 56:

1) Wisdom Queen - 3,256,680

2) Guide 2,850,060

3) Death King 2,686,800 

4) Starlight 2,595,610

5) Guitarist 2,362,260

6) Supreme Master 2,166,000

7) Bummer 2,082,520

8) Honeybee 2,008,990

9) I'm a King 1,856,630

10) Kenny Ken 1,823,200

23) Time Traveler 1,539,850

"Looks like no one took rest and continue to battle. Poor fellows, they don't know that the first ranker won't be selected for top-128 automatically. Not my problem, anyway. I just need to be in top-10 by the end of preliminaries."

Two hours later,

As Wil shot a normal arrow towards a Guardian, the latter dodged it by jumping aside instead of blocking it with a shield but by the time he stabilized his footing, a fire arrow struck him and 5 million damage appeared on his head before receiving a notification that he died.

*Ding. You won the match in 12 seconds. You received a score of 2880 and a battle coin.

*Ding. Your winning streak reached 600. You received 80 battle coins as a reward.

"Good. Let's continue"

*Ding. Someone sent you a text from the outside world.

Hyori: Hey, Wil... I just reached ATC and about to enter the game. 

Only then did Wil remember the conversation they had the previous day. "Ah, that's right. I forgot about it. Let's see"

He opened the friends' list quickly and then clicked on SnowDew and sent a message to her.

Time Traveler: Are you busy?

SnowDew: Nope. Just leveling up in the wild, alone. What's up, Big Brother?

Time Traveler: I just need a favor.

Snow Dew: What is it? Is it a quest? You know I'm always up for it.

Time Traveler: no, it isn't. I have a friend who just started. I need you to take care of her once she crossed level-20 and advance to a class. I'm also sending Remia to guard her in the high-leveling area to decrease your burden. I'll send you her co-ordinates once she arrives.

Snow Dew: Oh, I'm going to take care of her? Sure, leave it to me, Guild Leader.


After dumping Hyori on Snow Dew, Wil looked at the expired contracts of which two disappeared indicating some else hired them. Looking at Remia's contract, he clicked on it.

*Ding. Your contract with Remia is expired. Renew for 2 gold per day or 10 gold per week?

"Woah Gold rates for hiring guards sure hiked even though 1 Silver coin is still 2000 credits in the exchange rate.

Well, it only means, the price of gold is going to decrease soon and before its value decrease to less than 100000 credits, I need to spend all of my gold on something.

I guess I need to speed up the process

As he clicked on Renew for a week, the system sent him another notification.

*Ding. Your citizenship is different from the birthplace of Remia. You receive a 30% discount. 

*Ding. 7 Gold is decreased from inventory.


The next day, Wil woke up at 5 o'clock and he entered the capsule immediately.

*Welcome to War Online*

Looking at the rankings, he stretched his body for a while, "ok, there are 12 hours left till the end of preliminaries. Since my goal is already reached, let's aim for a 2000 winning streak by the time preliminaries end."

Four hours later, as Wil almost reached 1500 winning streak, the system sent him a notification, after a whole 30 seconds of loading.

*Ding. You are matched with Wisdom Queen. Your match will start in 5 seconds.

"F*** This b***h is still playing without any sleep? It's already been 39 hours..."

The surroundings changed and in front of him stood an attractive thirty-year-old voluptuous woman. But, no one would even spare her a glance because of a simple creature below her.

She was sitting on a giant polar bear that is glaring at its next prey.

Armored Polar Bear King, Aelis

Grade: legendary

Level: 135

Hp: 260 million

Attack: 6.91 million

Defense: 2.76 million

Crt. Rate: 67.5

Crt. Resist: 67.5

Description: Aelis is the pet of the Wisdom Queen.

Battle Arena, Weford city;

Once again by coincidence, for the third time, the system played the match between Time Traveler and a top character in group 56 on a big screen while the five sisters are watching the match, calmly.


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