War Online

Chapter 7: Elementalist

Chapter 7: Elementalist

Williard started heading towards the Merton Sea, ignoring everything else. Those who saw an Angel race player was flying towards the port, they laughed off it thinking Williard as a fool who will come to his senses soon. The NPCs stationed at the port also looked at Williard from the ground curiously as he flies away.

Meanwhile, there's a ship docked at the port. On it, two NPCs stood, who was also looking at Williard.

A 280 level muscular human wearing legendary grade Armor from top to bottom spoke, "Lord Raziel, that's a level 20 adventurer of Angel race, right? Is he an idiot? There are no landing spots in the Merton Sea. A newbie like him can't cross such a sea filled with dangerous creatures. He will soon fall in the sea and get eaten by those Sea monsters."

The old man with four wings on his back, stroke his beard and replied, "Who knows. Those immortals are very mysterious people. As for that young man, he was destined to go that way. I can see that he will encounter his destiny in the sea. I wonder what it is though. Anyway, we don't have the luxury to worry about these immortals. We have more pressing matters with the demons. We've taken enough rest here. Let's leave for the Capital, right away. Young Robert is probably waiting for our report."

The Muscular NPC bowed, "Yes, Lord Raziel." And the ship started to sail towards the capital city of Llyne Kingdom.

A few hours later, in the middle of the Merton Sea, Williard stopped flying and looked around, "Damn, where is that hidden Island? I must have traveled for at least a thousand miles by now. So far, there's no such Island with a volcanic shaped Mountain on it has been found. Since it's a sea, if it's really existed, it can be seen even from far away."

Then, he opened the map and looked at the screen. "Hmm, according to my memories, it must be somewhere in this area. I forgot that the scale of this map is 1cm to 5000 km. That means it can be anywhere in this 25 million sq. km area. My top speed is 260 km/hour. I don't need to spend anything like Mana. I don't need to rest. I can stay safe without getting hungry or sleeping in this S-grade capsule for 60 hours before I started feeling fatigued and get logged out. So, I think I have enough time to find the Island.

14 hours later,

Williard shouted in excitement, "Yes! Finally, I found it. Wait for me," as he saw a Volcano shaped mountain from very far away. Then, he changed his direction and started to fly towards the only thing he can see, the mountain.

Two hours later, He neared the Island bypassing all the level 300 Sea monsters that were floating on the Sea and roaring as they smelled the presence of an Angel.

As he neared the Island, he understood why that legend class player spoke that the mountain looks like a volcano. The top part of the mountain looked actually like it was destroyed by something or someone. "Maybe, it was done because of a fight between two extraordinary top-level figures, and the one who was defeated was buried here by the winner? Well, I'll know about that once I find the tomb."

He flew around the Island to see whether there is a danger of monsters. Upon seeing there's none, Williard landed on the ground and started searching for the tomb that was supposed to be located there.

A few hours later, Williard muttered in frustration, "F****** G** Dammit. I've searched every inch of this Island. Just where is this f****** tomb? I hope that guy didn't lie on television to the whole world about it. It's almost 9.P.M on the outside. Should I just go for dinner and come back tomorrow? It's not like the tomb is going anywhere. Hmm, wait a second. How about searching above?"

Williard looked up and flapped his wings immediately and he flew upwards with a top speed. One minute later, he reached the top looking at the large hole that was filled with darkness. He smiled, "so, this is why it was called a mountain that looked like a volcano. There must be a cave somewhere in that darkness. Good thing that I was a Mage. Let's check how deep this is."

Standing on the edge of the Mountain top, He immediately conjured a Big Fireball and threw it into the darkness. He began to see some surroundings around as it traveled and hit the ground. "So, it goes all the way to the bottom, then."

Then, he conjured a fireball in his hand for light while flying in a spiral path to see whether there is any cave inside of it. As he reached the bottom of the Mountain, he found a narrow cave entrance just enough for one person to enter at a time.

As he entered the cave, he found the cave was a lot bigger than he thought. It was as big as a dungeon. As he walked around with the Fireball in his hand, he shouted excitedly, "Yes," with happiness upon seeing a tomb placed in the middle of the cave.

As he inspected the tomb, Williard received a notification.

"Congratulations, you discovered the resting place of Archangel Seraph, one of the ten Demi-Gods of the world. You are awarded 1000 fame as a reward"

Williard then opened the tomb and saw an old book, a ring, and a Bow along with the Skeleton. He picked up the ring and inspected it.

Ring of Seraph (Sealed)

Grade: Mythical

Seeing the ring's grade made his heart skipped for a second. His hands started to shake as he drew it closer towards him so that he may look at it once again. "This is a Mythical grade? I only thought it was just nonsense when many top players in forums said Mythical grade equipment does exist. If one piece existed, then others also exist. Oh, there is a Bow, here. Is it also a Mythical grade one?"

As Williard inspected the Bow that he picked up from the Tomb hoping that it's a mythical grade, he saw,

Seraph's Bow (Sealed)

Grade: Legendary

He was disappointed slightly as he expected a mythical bow but then became satisfied to possess a legendary Weapon. "But where is the inheritance? Is this book, probably?"

After picking an old book from the Skeleton's hands, he received a notification.

"Congratulations on finding the Book of Seraph. It contains the inheritance of Archangel Seraph who is resting here. Upon consuming, your class will be changed to Elementalist, one of the two legend classes. Your level, stats, and Attributes will be reset. Skills related to your race and Mage class will be retained and the rest will be disappeared. Confirm to consume the Book of Seraph?"

Looking at the notification, he thought, "Since I already chose to be a Mage, no skills will be lost except the existed passive skill that was gained through 100 points of Agility and 6 available skill points, will be destroyed. I need to spend those."

Before pressing the confirm, Williard immediately opened his skills panel and then put all the six points into Basic Heal skill to not waste those 6 skill points raising it to level 9.

After closing it, he pressed Confirm.

The book in his hands began to glow and absorbed into him and received a bunch of notifications continuously.

"Congratulations, your class changed to Elementalist. Basic skills are added. Please check your skill panel to see your new skills."

"Congratulations on becoming the first player in the world to become an Elementalist. You are awarded 3000 fame points."

"Congratulations on becoming the first player to acquire a legend class. You are awarded 5000 fame as a reward."

Williard gasped, "9000 fame? Now, that's a lot of fame. Hahaha, a Viscount in East Ocean City? As long as I have gold, I can have 100 soldiers at my command and no NPC in East Ocean City would dare to reject my request. My first goal is reached. Now, let's move to my second goal, to dominate East Ocean City and occupying its seaport.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, at the Summersoft HQ, one of the GMs reported to the Chairman, "Sir, a problem occurred. One of the legend classes' spots has been taken."

The Chairman of the company stood up in shock, "what? How did it happen? Did the info leak from someone in the company?

No, even if the information about the legend classes is released, no one in the company knew the location, not even me. After all, the game can only be controlled by Aria, the supercomputer. It can neither be hacked nor be controlled by anyone, aside from shutting it down. Ok, tell me, who is this lucky user?"

The GM replied, "His in-game name is Time Traveler." The Chairman nodded and said, "You know the rules. Every legend class users' information is to be protected from others. Lockdown his info to level-8, so that only with security clearance level-8 have access to it. It's not just him. Immediately, lockdown every legend class user, the moment you see. You never know who will be sold out once the big companies started investing."


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