War Online

Chapter 66: Mirella Llyne part-1

Chapter 66: Mirella Llyne part-1

"It's a long story. Do you have time to listen to it?"

Wil eyes lit up, "Yes, a background story of the king. One should never miss this kind of event because it'll always end with a quest."

He dragged a chair and gestured her to take the seat, "please."

As she sat on the chair, Wil just stood before her respectfully. 

Looking at him, she pointed at the bed indifferently, "Don't be too formal. You can sit there."

"Thank you." As Wil quickly sat on the bed freely, Mirella said, "The story starts 5 years before my birth. 33 years ago"

Suddenly, everything around him changed.

Wil found himself in the middle of the Courtroom in the form of a spectator while he can no longer hear Mirella's voice.

"Unskippable story mode, huh Let's record it for now."

In the courtroom, Wil saw a middle-aged man with grey streaks of hair and beard sitting on the throne. Beside him, there was an empty seat that belongs to the Guardian of the Kingdom, Archangel Raziel.

All the ministers were different from the present day except for Duke Nukegan, the son of the prime minister and the brother-in-law of the king.

"Your majesty, it's been a month and yet, there is no sight of our Royal Legion's second squad. I believe they were already dead.

I request you to release and bring back Lord Raziel. Only he can solve the issue," spoke prime minister.

Upon hearing his suggestion, the King growled in anger, "Prime Minister Aedan, if you aren't my father-in-law, I would have punished you to death for speaking that murderer's name."

"But, we don't have any choice. That monster destroyed three villages. We lost three hundred of our elite soldiers. Currently, there aren't any movements from the monster. But, what if it starts moving again? I request you to think the people of our kingdom just one more time," pleaded Aedan.

"Ok, fair enough. Then, let me ask all of my ministers that are sitting here before me. Tell me. Is it ok for you to put your life on a traitor who killed the entire royal family including my father, your previous King?"

As the silence ensued in the hall, the King continued to ask loudly, "tell me. Is it ok for you to put your life on a creature that isn't even human?

Tell me. Are we that weak that we have to forgive a criminal just because they will be useful?" 

As everyone still stayed silent, King looked at the prime minister, "I'm sorry but I'm not willing to put my trust in him just because our kingdom faces danger. I'll put down the monster by myself."

Looking at the scene, Wil frowned, "Hmm, Raziel destroyed the Royal family? That's new. Guardians are restricted by their oath. Hmm, unless they became harmful to their own kingdom, after all, their oath is to protect the Kingdom/city, not their rulers."

The scene around him changed.

This time, Wil is in the middle of a red desert.

There are the King and five hundred elite soldiers. The least of them is around level-300 and the King himself is a level-396 warrior.

Before them, stood an extremely beautiful woman in green robes but the only issue here is that she isn't quite human. There are green wings on her back that are shaped like a fan.

Looking at her, Wil was stunned as her looks were quite similar to Mirella, except that she has a flat chest.

"A Dragon? Does that mean Mirella isn't a human but a half-dragon? Interesting," Wil continued to watch as the plot continued.

The battle started between the Royal-Knights lead by the King and Level-300 legendary grade Dragon before them.

2 days of battle went in a fast forward and ended in an hour. And the result is 356 casualties while the Dragon fainted with heavy injuries.

As Wil expected, The King who was attracted by her beauty captured her instead of killing her.

The scene changed to the underground prison.

Wil saw the King entered the jail and looked at her, whose wings were cleanly cut off while she looked normal without any injuries, "it's been 5 months since we last meet at the battlefield.

This is the Black Citadel Penitentiary. It was built by our Ancestors to hold monsters like you. Your abilities are restricted as long as you are here. Therefore, you have no chance of escape. I'll make you pay for all the killings you have done."

She growled, "you humans are the ones who broke our agreement and entered my territory.

Hmpf, don't act as if you are victims.

You greedy humans always coveted our dead bodies and make weapons out of them. You already lost your chance.

No matter what, I won't ever release my true body and let you take advantage of it."

The scene changed once again.

Wil was still standing in the same cell. The only that's different was that King sat beside her and she leaned her head onto his shoulder while he was talking about outside affairs to her.

A few minutes later, the scene changed to a different time where King was holding the Dragon's hand with a smile as her belly bulged a little. 

Then, the scene changed to the Court.

Duke Nukegan was congratulating the King with a smile, "Congratulations, your majesty. Looks like the medicine truly worked. At long last, our Kingdom will have an heir within a year."

The King smiled in happiness.

The scene changed to the Queen's room.

The King's expression doesn't look good as the Queen died during childbirth and an unhealthy baby girl was born.

Once again, the scene changed to the cell.

The Dragon was caressing her one-year-old baby with a smile while the latter was sleeping peacefully.

Just then, the King entered the cell with a darkened expression.

Before she was about to greet him, the King spoke seriously, "give me the baby. She'll grow in the palace from now onwards."

As the Dragon was startled by his tone and expression, she didn't believe his words, "Your majesty? Why?"

Hearing her response, the King frowned, "what do you mean, why. Don't you want my daughter to grow as a princess?"

"Tell me the truth, your majesty. If you wanted her to grow up like that, you won't wait until a year passed. Did the news leak about us and you want to hide her? No, don't tell me, you want to kill our daughter"

The King growled, "Shut up your nonsense. Hand over my daughter, right now."

As the scene changed once again, Wil let out a curse, "F*** If you want to show me the story, then give me some clarity. Don't cut the scenes as you wish, System"

Wil was standing in a private training ground. The King was beating down an eleven-year-old Mirella in a spar.

As she was down once again, the King spoke coldly, "stand up, Mirella. The burden of the entire Kingdom will be on your shoulders in the future.

From now onwards, you should stop thinking that you are a girl and never shed a tear. If you ever lose to a man, it must be because he's skilled than you, not because your physic is weaker."

"How the f*** did that Princess died? Since she was born unhealthy, maybe her condition worsened as she grows up and eventually died? Anyway, it's not important. What important is the Dragon...

What happened to her birth mother? Is she still alive? Ugh Half infos are the worst."


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