War Online

Chapter 12: Viscount

Chapter 12: Viscount

Aster suggested buying the currency with Credits from other players as he thought Young master might not have 50 Silvers on him. But, to his surprise, Williard waved his hand and rejected the idea, "no need. The boss dropped a good amount of Silver."

He pulled a pouch from inventory and gave it to her, "Here it is. 50 Silver" while thinking, "Well, now, I only have a little more than 11 Silver left. After forming guild, next, I'll be left with nothing. It doesn't matter. I can always get some. I don't lack money, anyway."

Then, she said, "Ok, before giving you, I need to check your citizenship and your fame. There is another requirement that one needs to have at least 1000 fame." After saying that, without waiting for confirmation, she looked at him as her green eyes turned purple and gasped.

Then she became flustered for a moment and bowed a little, "I apologize for my rude actions, Lord Adventurer, please forgive me. You can have it for free if you want." Williard didn't felt surprised seeing her actions as he knew that she must have been shocked by the amount of fame he has.

While Aster got surprised by her actions, Williard replied, "it's fine. If I take this advantage and don't pay, you'll have to pay instead of me. It'll be a burden on you too. Just take it." As she bowed to Williard, much to other players' and Aster's surprise, clutching the badge in his hands, Williard left the building as he got a notification from the system.

"Nobility Badge acquired. Press Confirm to bind it to you."

Williard pressed confirm and then received another notification.

"Fame is detected. Confirm to fill the badge with fame to upgrade your Social status inside the Kingdom of Llyne."

Williard pressed confirm and the badge inside his hand changed from a normal plain Iron badge to Bronze badge after his fame decreased by 2000 and then changed to Silver after decreasing 6000 more and stopped after consuming 1000 more too. He received a bunch of notifications.

"Congratulations, You are now a Noble of Llyne Kingdom."

"Congratulations, You are now a Baron. Check your Nobility badge for details."

"Congratulations, You are now a Viscount. Check your Nobility badge for details."

"Congratulations on becoming the first player to become a Viscount of Llyne Kingdom. You are awarded 1000 fame, 5 Gold as a reward."

"Favorability with the Mayor increased by 20."

"Favorability with the King increased by 10."

"Quest: The Mayor wants to meet the new Viscount. Meet the Mayor.

Reward: 4,000 EXP"

After confirming it, he pressed the Llyne Kingdom symbol, a lion with wings that is drawn on the Nobility badge; details appeared on a screen before him.

Nobility Badge (Silver)

Status: Viscount

Affiliation: Llyne kingdom

Description: This badge represents your Status inside the Kingdom.


All NPC below your status respects you.

30% discount in all NPC shops existed in East Ocean City.

You can employ 100 guards, grade of your choosing while paying them a fixed salary per week.

Aster saw a huge smile on Williard's face and thought, "I guess something good happened to the young master. That Nobility badge also changed colors. Is he a Noble now? That's why he's happy?"

Aster doesn't know the real reason Williard was high on clouds. It wasn't because he became a Viscount but it's because he received a massive amount of 5 Gold as a reward for being the first Viscount of the Kingdom. In this time where even 10 to 20 silver being treated as a high amount, 5 Gold, that is equivalent to 500 Silver or 50,000 Copper is a large amount indeed.

"Aster, let's go to the Adventurer Association building," said Williard. Then, they walked towards the building that's on the opposite side of them in the Central Plaza area. As they stepped inside the building, Williard saw there is a long queue.

He sighed and then looked at Aster, "just go and register the guild for me. Here, take this 10 Silver for registration. The guild name is Scarlet and our insignia is a Vulture. Send me a voice message if the name was taken already or if you are finished with the job. Until, then, I'll go look for some quests. So far, I have only accepted and completed a single Quest."

Keeping Aster in place of him, in the queue, Williard walked towards the bulletin board that has various public quests posted by various adventurers and NPCs who need help. As Williard touched the Mayor's Quest that was written in the NPCs section, he received a notification.

"The Mayor wants his son's death avenged. Would you like to accept the Quest?

Reward: 41,254 EXP, 20 Silvers, 1420 fame."

Williard thought, "Only a fool would accept such Quest if they knew they are going to face a level-35 Heroic boss. Well, since I already completed the quest, there's no harm in accepting it."

He accepted the quest and got a notification.

"You completed the Mayor's Quest. Report to him by returning his son's necklace and get your reward."

He thought, "Let's keep the necklace with me for now. Since I already have the quest item, I'll just wait until I get a better necklace and will present it to the Mayor, later." Then, he saw various NPC requests and shook his head, "these are all basically worthless. Too much work and little payment. Let's look at others."

Then, he searched the players' section and finally accepted one request as he saw the Quest description and requirement that only Angel race players can accept the request.

"You accepted Team Seraphim's request."

As soon as he accepted it, within a few seconds, he got a voice message from some user named Blue Dragon. "Hello, I'm Seraphim. I got notified that you accepted the quest. With you, our party is filled. Are you available for the Quest right now?"

As Williard replied, "yes," Seraphim said, "great. Come to these coordinates." After messaging him, Seraphim looked at one of his four friends and asked, "Is your friend arriving too, Drake?" Drake, a high school freshman nodded and then replied with dissatisfaction, "I don't understand why you accepted a low-level player. What is his class, anyway?" A girl named Metatron giggled, "For someone who is still at level 34, you sound very arrogant."

Drake snorted, "Hmpf, my situation is different. I changed my class to Palladin. I had to reset and start all over again or else I would have already surpassed your level by now." Seraphim replied, "Stop your quarrel over every little thing. I don't know what his class is either. Anyway, it doesn't matter. We only need a 10th Angel race player to challenge this dungeon. Look at the time limit. We need to complete the quest faster and can't afford to wait, too much."

After buying two sets of normal arrows for 3 Silver, 1 set of poison arrows for 10 Silver, each set containing 20 arrows, he started flying towards the mentioned coordinates after getting out of the city. He reached a small Cliff on the Barren land filled with level 50 monsters where he saw there are seven players standing on it and all of them have wings behind their backs indicating they are Angel race players like him.


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