Wandering Mercenary in an Open World

Chapter 14:

Chapter 14:

Last night’s dark clouds were washed away by the blue sky, not a single cloud in sight. The sun occupied a dot on the blue canvas, radiating a warm presence. It was a clear day that seemed out of place among the charred remains of the building.

Amelia asked, “Can we depart now?”

“Yes, sure! Let’s go right away!”

Upon her words, Kyle, who had been gazing at what was left of the burnt-down house, turned around. A large shield sat on his back as he rushed forward.

Although not as prominent as Ruon, Kyle had a tall stature and a well-built body, and with the shield on his back, he looked every bit like a warrior.

‘It’s hard to imagine him as a lumberjack based on his appearance.’

Ruon chuckled and looked up at the sky. The warm sunlight touching his skin seemed to invigorate him.

Although the journey had started suddenly, he didn’t mind at all. In fact, he was satisfied. He hoped that by somehow reaching the Tower and unveiling his destiny, he could get a glimpse of what it would take to complete this damn story.


The group arrived in Relizan and returned the horses they had rented the previous day before purchasing two horses. It was for the two individuals other than Kyle, who already had his own horse. As they were preparing to leave, wanderers from the back alleys began to emerge one by one.

Gathered together at the news of the departure of the Slayer, they all expressed their disappointment in unison. The name “Slayer” had been a never-ending topic of conversation and, at the same time, a source of enjoyment for them in the past few weeks. Ruon, on the other hand, drew a line and declared it the most embarrassing nickname that had been attached to him.

Amidst the cheers of the wanderers, the group left Relizan. Before leaving, Kyle didn’t forget to throw a bitter remark in the direction of the lord’s mansion.

“He must be drowning in alcohol. That bastard.”

By the time the group reached the main road, Amelia spoke up.

“Let’s pick up the pace while the weather is good.”

With those words, Amelia pulled the reins. With a galloping sound, she began to distance herself, and Ruon and Kyle followed behind. 

‘Is this girl impatient by nature?’

Amelia seemed determined not to slow down. At some point, they left the main road and continued forward along a distant ridge. The sky was clear, and the wind was refreshing. In this setting, the horses trotted tirelessly. The dynamic movements typical of four-legged beasts were fully transmitted to the riders on their backs. Ruon thoroughly enjoyed that feeling, except for the soreness in his buttocks.

After a long ride, the group stopped by a shallow river.

As Kyle dismounted from his horse, he rubbed his waist and grumbled softly, “I almost threw my back out.”

While the horses drank from the river and nibbled on nearby grass, the group prepared their lunch. It was nothing more than some dried meat, bread, and a few pieces of cheese they had brought along, but regardless, it was a meal.

“So, where are we heading now?” Ruon asked as Amelia placed cheese on top of her bread.

Amelia hesitated for a moment, putting her bread down.

“Sorry, I got distracted by the good weather.”

She spoke up again, “We’re heading to the Clarence Mountain Range. That’s where the tower is located.”

Kyle, who had been devouring his bread, opened his eyes wide.

“The Clarence Mountain Range? Isn’t that…”

“Yes, it’s the mountain range that separates the North and Ainara.”

“Hey, aren’t the barbarians all over that area?”

Amelia gave Kyle a mocking look.

“I distinctly remember telling you it wouldn’t be a typical journey, didn’t I?”

Then Ruon asked, “I heard that the king himself is preparing for a campaign in the North. Do you think we can reach our destination without any trouble?”

Upon hearing that, Kyle’s face turned pale, and Amelia nodded her head.

“There shouldn’t be any major problems. Though, we have to take a bit of a detour due to the king’s obsession with conquest.”

“That’s settled then.”

As Ruon nonchalantly nodded, Kyle mumbled with a bitter expression.

“Why does everyone know about the war… except me?”

“Even traveling peddlers know…”

Ruon, without finishing his answer, suddenly stood up and kicked Kyle with his foot.


Clutching his throbbing arm in protest, Kyle raised his shield in surprise as a spear embedded itself into the spot where he had been sitting only moments before.

Amelia quickly rose from her seat and spoke softly. A yellow shimmering barrier appeared around her. 

“Kyle, I can’t protect you because of that damn shield, so handle it yourself.”

“Alright, alright.”

Once again, the spear flew towards them.

The spear approached in an arc, initially lacking any noticeable speed but suddenly plummeting with terrifying velocity. However, Ruon’s Holy Sword moved even faster. As the shimmering blade forcefully struck the tip of the spear, the weakened weapon fell to the ground, tumbling.

Ruon turned his gaze towards the direction from which the spear had come. Someone stood on a small hill beside the river. Their face was masked, making it impossible to see, but judging by their size, it was clearly a man. Throwing spears were stuck into the ground at regular intervals next to the man’s right foot.

Ruon, intending to rush forward to prevent the long-range attacks, halted as an unidentified creature thrust its face towards his side.

There were two of them, each with a face halfway between a bear and a wolf, chimeras. The creatures roared and pawed the ground vigorously, as if they would charge forward at any moment.


Starting with a sharp whistle beneath the mask, the monsters struck the ground.


The two beasts that were closing the distance went in different directions, charging towards Amelia and Ruon respectively.

“Step back!”

Amelia shouted to Kyle, extending her hand.

“O, Protector of all things—!”

At the same time as her cry, the front paw of the charging monster violently sank into the ground. As Amelia rushed towards the staggering monster, Kyle stood there helplessly, unable to do anything but move his feet. Then Ruon shouted.

“Kyle, protect Amelia with your shield!”

Noticing Kyle suddenly snap out of his daze and nod his head, Ruon turned his head. The other monster had approached him, almost reaching his side.

Crack, crack!

The monster that had stood on its hind legs slammed its massive front paw down. Ruon shifted the grip of the sword he held with both hands to his right hand and raised his free left arm with his palm facing up.

His hand collided with the monster’s front paw, creating a dull sound that resonated. If he were an ordinary person, his arm would have been crushed like tofu, but Ruon’s superhuman strength successfully halted the monster’s front paw in mid-air. Though scratched by the sharp claws, blood dripping down his forearm, he paid no mind and extended the sword in his right hand towards the monster’s neck.

The monster’s neck was tougher than the surface of a tire, but the sharpness of the Holy Sword and Ruon’s superhuman strength overcame all resistance as it penetrated deeply.

In an instant, the monster, with its pierced throat, lost its strength and fell forward. As Ruon supported the weight that fell upon him while trying to withdraw the sword, a spear from the hillside started crashing down.

Ruon momentarily released his grip on the sword handle and pushed the corpse of the monster forward with both hands.


The spear exited the creature’s mouth, shattering its larynx, and came to a halt in front of Ruon’s nose. Pushing the creature’s decapitated body aside, Ruon wiped the blood and flesh splattered across his face with the back of his hand and drew his Holy Sword.

“This is getting annoying.”

Ruon snarled at the masked man on the hill, stamping his foot on the ground.

As he charged at the man, a spear flew towards him, tearing through the air. Since Ruon had closed the distance, the spear flew in a straight line rather than in an arc, making it twice as fast as before. At that moment, Ruon widened his eyes.

His greatly expanded senses sent all the surrounding information into Ruon’s mind.

The soft scent of grass and calm air. The spear flying towards him, tearing through the air. The direction of the spearhead rotating counterclockwise. The pounding sound of a fierce heartbeat. The grip of the Holy Sword vividly felt in his hand.

His high mental strength allowed him to gather all that information and granted him the gift of artificially distorted time. With time slowed, he swung the sword. There was no wasted effort in the blurred trajectory of his arm.


The masked man gasped at the unbelievable sight of the spear he had thrown with all his might snapping in half. He hastily drew his last remaining spear.

In that instant, Ruon, who had made it to the top of the hill, thrust his sword forward. With intense concentration, he split the masked man’s spearhead and then cleaved the mask in half.


Ruon, trying to chase after the staggering man, who was retreating backwards, stopped his steps in momentary dizziness. The slowed time was gradually returning to its normal pace.

Shaking his head vigorously to dispel the vertigo, Ruon regained his posture. He spoke.

“What are you doing… No, I can tell without you saying.”

With one hand, he clutched at the man’s bleeding face, a symbol of several intertwined hands burned on the man’s forehead.


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