Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 392 - Ji Yao's Dowry

Chapter 392 – Ji Yao’s Dowry

Ji Yao who had always had a high IQ was vexed by his mother's logic. What did the gateway between the two worlds have to do with her and why would she be excited about it? Unless…..

"Are you serious?" he asked before taking slow strides towards his father's seat and directly sitting on it. With his elbow on the armrest, he stared at her his thumb and index finger lightly brushing his lip with a thoughtful expression.

Qilin Hao grinned like a malicious viper about to convince Eve to eat the shiny red apple. She walked over saying, "How can I let them marry my son into the clan for nothing, huh?" Standing behind the chair he was sitting on she leaned down and whispered, "They can consider it as dowry."

The fingers brushing on his lips paused as he stared at her in his peripheral view. He couldn't understand how her mind had changed drastically in such a short space of time. Is it because she found another use for his relationship with Rui Fei that she decided to accept it?

"Don't you hate him and hate me being with him?…. Why the sudden change of heart?" he asked even more wary of her now.

Qilin Hao straightened her back and sat on the seat opposite him before saying, "Let's just say over the past few years I have done a lot of thinking. I will not smile at him each time I see him, in fact, my face will involuntary sneer when I do see him but…," as she leaned closer, "it hurts more when I see your heartbroken."

Ji Yao moistened his lips as he looked into those eyes as though looking for any form of deception. Qilin Hao didn't dodge either as she stared back at him creating an awkward silence that made Qilin Luse and Ji Wen fear another fight would break out.

The atmosphere was so tense it made them prepare themselves to pull the two apart. Qilin Hao was the one who broke the silence first as she reached over from across the table to take his hand.

Ji Yao's hand twitched as he subconsciously wanted to pull back. It was a natural response but he restrained himself and let her touch his hand. Seeing this her heart warmed up as she said, "I was wrong about everything. I was programmed to hate the Huishe since birth that whenever we meet in Niuq we would inevitably clash."

"That's how it has always been and because… growing up I yearned for my father's approval I did everything I could to eliminate the enemy and please him. This need, this, this urge was deeply embedded in me that it became a part of me."

"Even in his absence, this hate was still buried deep lying docile that when I saw that cub I instantly attacked him. I am not trying to make excuses for my behaviour… I just want to explain why I reacted strongly towards him."

"After being back under that man's rule from fifty years of freedom I was finally enlightened and can now see who the real enemy is….. Ah-Yao, will you forgive me for what I did?"

Ji Yao, "…."

Never in his entire life did he expect Qilin Hao to apologize to him. He had always known that she was a person who never listened to anyone else's opinion always believing she was right and whatever she said was law.

Even the people around her with the exception of Ji Wen and Qilin Luse dared to challenge her decisions. Even then they would be treading with caution. Now she was apologizing to him in earnestness making him feel some type of way.

Yes, he was still pretty much angry about what she did but seeing this look in her eyes as she rubbed his hand he couldn't help but want to bury the hatchet. With a sigh, he took back his hand and said, "I will forgive you when I get him back."

Qilin Hao wasn't at all upset, in fact, she thought it was progress. She wordlessly stared at him for a while before her body was suddenly lifted from her seat. Before she had time to protest she was comfortably settled on Ji Wen's lap.

Ji Yao who couldn't handle it half covered his face trying not to blind his eyes. Qilin Luse was the same as he directly turned around and faced the wall. Despite having seen this so many times over the past few years he still couldn't get used to it.

"Seriously," said Ji Yao looking like a kid grossed out by his parents' public display of affection.

Ji Wen ignored him as he tapped the table with his finger while his other hand slid around Qilin Hao's waist. "What was that about Ya Ya marrying into the Huishe clan? Why isn't it the other way around?" he said feeling dissatisfied?

Qilin Hao kissed his cheek before saying, "That's because we are the ones who want to sign a treaty with them and have them eliminate Qilin Sa-," she paused when she recalled saying this name was like inviting the devil into your house, "you know who's faction."

Ji Yao who couldn't take it anymore got up with his chair scratching the floor with an irritating high pitched sound. "You know where to find me when you need me," he said as he walked out of that study in large strides.

"Wait, wait, we do have something more we want to say to you," said Ji Wen with a stretched-out hand.

Ji Yao sharply turned back and retorted, "What? Is it that you want to tell me that you are pregnant? Because that's what my eyes will be if you keep stuffing me with dog food." Disregarding his latter sentence the pair gazed down at Qilin Hao's tummy.

"What? Are you," whispered Ji Wen with wide eyes. He would rather die than have another Ji Yao running around. If that one is as aloof as the older one then he would pull out his hair with stress.

Pa! It was the sound of Ji Wen's arm being smacked away as it slowly crept towards her stomach. "No, of course not," she whispered back. Seeing the relief on Ji Wen's face Qilin Hao was a little offended.

That fierce glare had him hurriedly explaining himself but the only problem was that he was digging an even bigger pit for himself.

"No, no I meant that I want to spend more time with you and another one of him would just ruin things…," he said starting off well but he had to go on and say, "and besides you can't have anymore anyway."

Ji Yao who was slightly offended when his father said 'another one of him' wasn't so angry anymore when he saw the look in Qilin Hao's eyes like she was going to peel his skin off.

"Well, it was nice knowing you.. Please do clean up the mess when you are done," he said before turning again to leave.


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