Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 305 - Phantom

Being told to watch her language didn't seem to settle well with Rui Li especially when these two occasionally spat out a vulgar word or two in front of her. If they could say it then why couldn't she?

But this wasn't the most important thing right now. She was more curious about this disturbing claw arm with a closed eye at the centre of its palm. Throughout the years they had seen a lot of things but this was a first.

It looked like something from a horror movie. Its black as charcoal skin was withered like beef jerky and at the severed part of the arm was bright green thick fluids seeping out forming a puddle on the table.

Rui Li stared at it with great interest stretching out her hand to touch it but Rui Yewan intercepted that hand preventing her from touching dirty things. He didn't even look at her as he focused on what the crew member was saying.

The exhausted men were huffing and puffing catching their breath while the other calmly explained what happened. "It was like a phantom disappearing and reappearing at will. When it reappeared we saw the lady from before restrained with its body coiling around her as it ran. We only managed to chop off one of its claws before it vanished and we didn't see it ever again," explained the crew member his face flushed from all the running.

The other crew member who was bent over while clutching his stomach riddled with painful cramps from running after that creature said, "It... hoooo... it disappeared into something like, like... a barrier and snap... it was gone."

"We circled the area but found nothing," continued the other crew member causing Rui Fei and Ji Yao to look at each other with Inquisitive looks.

Hearing this the overseer couldn't bear it. He collapsed to the floor and began to wail loudly while begging Ji Yao to help him rescue his daughter. Ji Yao didn't have any feelings towards that audacious girl. He wasn't a saint and if the overseer's request wasn't beneficial to him then why would he leave immediately.

Besides, he had no idea what exactly he was dealing with and wouldn't rush into the forest blindly in the middle of the night to rescue not only an unfamiliar person but someone who openly coveted his lover. He wasn't stupid.

Seeing that Ji Yao was the least bit moved by his pleas the bald man stopped wailing and began to negotiate with a tear stricken face. Clasping his hands together in a plea he said, "This lowly one will give his highness my entire treasury just please save her, please."

"Aiyo, now he is willing to give up all his wealth. Where was that attitude when your daughter was mouthing off insulting our King?" said Zhang Li thoroughly enjoying this face-slapping moment.

Ji Yao was about to say his money wasn't worth putting his men at risk but before he could utter a single word Rui Li stumbled backwards with a yelp. The claw that was silently lying on the table suddenly clenched when the culprit poked the closed eye. Lucky for her, her unruly finger wasn't caught in the devilish looking claws.

"Didn't I tell you to keep your paws off the nasty thing? Why are you screaming now, huh?" said Rui Yewan taking out a handkerchief to wipe her hands clean.

That's when the claw suddenly opened up with the once closed eye opening with a bright red glow. "Fuck," swore Rui Yewan who also took a step back terrified out of his mind. He was the prince of nightmares but seeing this disturbing claw in person terrified him.

He could handle seeing the Yinying and the Hundun but this looked like something that escaped the underworld to haunt him. The eye stared at the pair searchingly and not once did it blink.

After ten seconds of staring it suddenly lost interest. With the rest of the arm glowing a faint red colour it jumped up like a tick seeking out its next victim. Rui Fei made an abrupt move but his arm was caught by Ji Yao. He knew the cub intended to destroy the arm but Ji Yao was curious to see what it was looking for.

Rui Fei looked at the slender fingers holding his elbow and swallowed his saliva with his Adam's apple bobbing under his skin. He felt a wildering sense of exhilaration and his thirst was obvious but he dared not act on his impulses right now.

His gaze shifted up to Ji Yao's face as soon as the man let go of his arm. Coincidentally his gaze landed on Ji Yao's soft lips faintly tinged pink. He suddenly had the impulse to kiss him regardless of their surroundings.

There would surely be consequences but when he thought of how Ji Yao kissed him before and directly robbed him of his wine from his mouth he gained confidence. If Ji Yao complained he would shamelessly say, "You kissed me first and this is me just making it even."

This however clearly demonstrated that Rui Fei had the attention span of a high schooler terrible at learning. Going ahead with his horrible plan he moved closer but before he could steal a kiss a loud dragging sound followed by a thud brought him back to the present.

The claw that had been jumping from one direction to the next as though looking for something suddenly stopped with its eye staring straight at Ji Yao. Its pupils flashed like it had found the right target and made a move to leap in Ji Yao's direction.

As it leapt up into the air with its blood scattering all over the map, it curled its fingers intending to strike him but before it could reach its victim it was suddenly caught in a dark fog midair and its skin withered further as it disintegrated on the spot.

It had no mouth but sudden high pitched squalls were heard as its claws shrunk further and further till it was turned to dust. It was obvious who had done this which in itself wasn't the problem.

The problem was that something within that person's seraphic energy left a big impression. In essence, Rui Fei's seraphic energy was oppressive and authoritative but today it was laced with something sinister.

The two siblings who had been around Rui Fei longer than anyone else instantly figured what was wrong and they could especially affiliate that aura with someone they mutually hated and were terrified off.

Huishe Yue also felt it but he couldn't clearly decipher the seriousness of this situation. He knew his nephew was predominately Huishe when he awakened so he never bothered to investigate which clan Rui Fei's father could possibly belong to.. Now it seemed he needed to find out.


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