Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 296 - You Can Only Choose One

This time he bumped into a rock hard chest and two strong arms embraced him from behind. Ji Yao was still in shock with cold sweat running down his back.

He knew Rui Fei was dangerous from the first time they met but he didn't think that cute cub that called sweetly Yao-ge this, Yao-ge that would engage in senseless slaughter even worse than that vile prince.

His chest heaved violently on the verge of exploding but his entire body stiffened as a searing heat brushed against his neck. "Yao-ge, I did it for us... they said we couldn't be together. They tried to get in the way so they had to die. Do you like it?" he said his fierce gaze glancing over the corpses of his enemies. His lips caressed Ji Yao's skin as he lowered his gaze saying, "I would do anything even more just to have you by my side..... No one, not even the gods can keep me away from my wang fei."

As he said this his hold on Ji Yao's waist tightened as he stared at his neck with a glint of obsession. He contentedly sniffed his lover's neck soothing the bloodthirst in his eyes.

Ji Yao who didn't know exactly how to feel right now pushed Rui Fei away and the man didn't struggle. He let him go with ease. Rui Fei wasn't satisfied though so he pulled Ji Yao by the wrist and forced him to look at him.

With one hand on Ji Yao's waist and the other on Ji Yao's chin he whispered, "I will kill anyone who keeps me away from you." After he said this he pressed his hand hard against Ji Yao's waist and pulled him closer till their bodies were plastered together.

Caressing Ji Yao's earlobe he lowered his head before planting a sweet kiss on Ji Yao's dry lips. Ji Yao felt like he had been struck by an electric spark with his heart leaping out of his chest. What was this reaction? Why was his body on fire like he couldn't wait for Rui Fei to push him down and fuck him senseless?

Atop that tall building, he felt like an empress who had just been gifted the world by her emperor. Now he understood what Mumtaz Mahal would have felt if she had been alive to see the Taj Mahal that her husband built for her. This feeling was addictive and hard to suppress.

The only problem was that this man had murdered clans including his own just so that they could end up together. His reaction should be that of disgust and displeasure but his body was behaving like he was in heat which scared him so much.

Sinking deeper into the see of lust Ji Yao became an active participant taking the lead. A surprised Rui Fei clenched Ji Yao's waist tightly expressing his desire clearly but as expected someone managed to spoil the mood.

"Ah-Yao!" was the high pitched scream coming from afar breaking the spell Rui Fei had cast on Ji Yao.

Ji Yao parted from Rui Fei's lips and turned to look only to find his mother staring at them both with complicated feelings. Her clothes were covered in so much blood. From where he stood Ji Yao wasn't even sure if all of it was hers.

In her hand, she held her sword while the other hand was clutching her abdomen covering a nasty wound. A streak of blood was at the corner of her lips and coupled with that vicious gaze she could be mistaken for a fiend that had just crawled out of hell. 

Her antlers were both broken and her crown slanted out of place as she limped over. Ji Yao's eyes widened and he wanted to go to her but Rui Fei pinched his chin forcing him to look at him. "Pick one," he said before licking his bottom lip and continuing, "it's either me or her? Whomever you choose I won't hold it against you."

His expression became as gentle as before like his Fei-er. He even smiled as he caressed Ji Yao's cheek. Ji Yao would obviously choose Rui Fei but he still had to make sure his mother was okay. So he placed his hand on top of Rui Fei's and removed it from his cheek with a subtle smile before walking away.

For a moment time stopped as Rui Fei watched Ji Yao walk away. His expression turned grim as though stabbed in the heart. He stretched out his hand to stop Ji Yao from leaving but his hands suddenly froze midair as a tear fell from his eye.

A breeze blew by causing his robe to flutter and the chains on Rui Fei's wrists to clank even louder as though mocking him. A cool feeling from his tear being blown by the wind woke him up.

He put his hand down as he touched his face with the other hand. He brought his trembling hand in front of him and stared at that teardrop with a dazed expression.

Normally he would keep his promises to Ji Yao but not this time. His expression immediately turned vicious his eyes bloodshot as he stretched out his hand and a dark fog grabbed those chains before pulling Ji Yao back into his embrace.

With a sinister look on his face, he placed his hand on Ji Yao's neck forcing him to look up while his other hand was tightly wound around his waist.

He stroked Ji Yao's delicate neck with his intense gaze fixed on Qilin Hao. He could feel Ji Yao's pulse under his fingertips as he caressed him. Surrounding them was a deadly aura that spelt death. He looked like a man with nothing to lose and Qilin Hao was fairly familiar with that look. "Since I can't have him then... no one else can." When he paused his gaze shifted to Ji Yao expressing his grievance. "Yao-ge, I love you," he whispered and the next thing Ji Yao saw was their bodies being wrapped inside a suffocating fog.

Ji Yao immediately woke up with a start his chest burning like he was drowning. He hastily sat up only to find that he couldn't move. That same psycho in his dream was nestled on his body mumbling words of complaint.

His heart pounding hard against his chest, Ji Yao had no fucking1 idea what to do. But when he thought about how this idiot was willing to kill both of them for the stupidest reason he pushed him off.

Rui Fei who was fast asleep suddenly woke with his body falling to the ground. Because he was almost at the edge of the bed Ji Yao's push accidentally led him to kiss the floor. Dazed and half asleep he heard the loud banging sound of a door followed by silence.

Scratching his head he tsked worried that he had further upset Ji Yao. He had no idea what happened after he fell asleep which meant he had no clue something within was no longer lying dormant like before. 

Well that didn't last. I can't help it.


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