Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 251 - The Enemy Of Your Enemy Is Your Friend

The cute black bird that was swaying its butt left to right was all but gone replaced by a giant beast that looked like a hybrid of both fish and bird. It had a body structure like that of a fish but its pectoral fins were replaced with bird-like wings. Its mouth looked like a beak and its caudal fins looked like horizontal bird tail feather-like fish fins.

It was hard to give the exact size of this massive beast but Emperor Rui could only estimate that it was ten times the size of a fully grown adult blue whale which is roughly thirty meters by ten. 

Still agitated for being called a chicken earlier Hei Ying manipulated the air around his wings forming a gust of wind powerful enough to send this emperor flying straight into a wall after his body was painfully tossed on the ground hitting rocks.

Being the type of person who isn't easily intimidated Emperor Rui got up preparing for a fight but Qilin Luse intervened. Stroking the fin of the giant Nocru he soothingly spoke. "Calm down.... he is not worth it," he said appeasing Hei Ying. But Hei Ying's intense gaze remained transfixed on Emperor Rui as he replied,

"But he called me a fuckin chicken and in front of you for that matter. He has to suffer the same humiliation as me."

Qilin Luse's lips quirked up into a slight smile as he said, "So you are more upset that he called you a chicken in front of me, is that it?"

Hei Ying froze in place reading between the words. He almost rolled his eyes as he transformed back into a cute black bird with velvety feathers. After that, he didn't speak anymore. Qilin Luse ignored the pouting bird and said to Emperor Rui, "If you have nothing to say then I will be leaving."

Emperor Rui struggled to get up steadying himself with the wall. In his eyes was an unmistakable look of resentment like he wanted to roast that bird for embarrassing him. But when he saw it jumping into the lapel of Qilin Luse's robe he knew he couldn't pay it back today.

"*Cough *cough *cough.... Ahem, what? Are you scared I will turn you into spicy chicken wings that you had to hide into your mummy's clothes, huh?" said Emperor Rui trying to provoke the bird into coming out. If this little bird is as hot-headed as it showed before then this would be the perfect method to draw it out so he could roast it.

Unfortunately for him, it was like punching cotton. That's because Hei Ying was thoroughly tamed after being placed inside Qilin Luse's clothes. This Kun Peng was eating so much tofu so why would it care for Emperor Rui's provocation.

"Since you have nothing to say, don't call me again. I have better things to do," said QIlin Luse before turning to leave. But he only took one step when Emperor Rui suddenly said a name,

"Qilin Kai." Seeing Qilin Luse's steps pause Emperor Rui smiled like a fiend. It seemed the name was very familiar to Qilin Luse based on his reaction.

"I heard xiao Yao found another relative. I bet Qilin Hao is glad to have found lost family," continued Emperor Rui feeling smug for some reason.

But Qilin Luse didn't find it amusing. His eyes darkened as he clenched his fists tightly. He should have finished the job on that ship.

It was better to run the risk of being caught by Ji Yao, at least then the man would be dead already. Now that this name was on Emperor Rui's lips who knows what stupid idea he would come up with.

Unwilling to further expose more than he already had he turned to walk away but it seemed Emperor Rui was dissatisfied. He took a few steps forward as he said, "He must be someone displeasing to Qilin Hao, isn't he? Otherwise, she would have had him working for her all these years, right?... Wait a minute.... does she even know he is here? Wah, I wonder what sort of reward she would give me if I tell her about this long lost relative that fought with her so-...."

His non-stop chatter was suddenly brought to a halt when Qilin Luse suddenly attacked him. A silvery whip with flaming segmented blades suddenly struck the unsuspecting Emperor Rui on his chest. The man fell backwards with the blood from his wound splattering in the air painting the skies red before he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Before he could even get up Qilin Luse had vanished from the spot. He and his bird were nowhere to be seen.

He angrily got up with his hand clasping his wound on his chest. This was obviously a warning from Qilin Luse. That man had served him for more than a decade and not once had he ever disobeyed his orders. If he told him to jump Qilin Luse wouldn't ask why he would always ask how high yet today he dared to attack him.

Over the years he had even forgotten the reason why Qilin Luse was beside him. For the first few years, they had searched for those keystones with no luck. He soon grew tired of searching but Qilin Luse never stopped looking. To his annoyance, he would always nag him about it.

The reason why he lost much interest in looking for the keystones was because he had a steady source of seraphic energy sucked from his offspring. Plus he hoped he could convince Qilin Luse to help him take hold of the imperial city.

That was what he wanted most anyway. Taking hold of that throne then eventually take over Niuq if he does find the keystones. Now that he got the throne, he should be satisfied, right?

He knew his position in power was fragile mainly because if Ji Wen ever decides to turn his attention to him, he would risk losing everything.

This is why he wanted to destroy the concord while Ji Yao was still running the show. He had already beat that weakling once and he could do it again but the problem was his armed guard.

Now that he had found out about this Qilin Kai person would it be good to partner with him and bring the Ji father and son down.

Since this person had beef with Qilin Hao, Emperor Rui truly believed he would agree easily. The only troublesome thing was making a jail break. He had to find a way to sneak into Red Bane and get in touch with Qilin Kai.. Since Qilin Kai was a true blood nocru he could use him to his advantage.


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