Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 237 - Red Bane Fleeing Like A Coward

The blade of Ji Yao's sword rested a few inches from his straight nose as he closed his eyes and focused on igniting the very same eternal flame he had used to block his crew from following and burnt the creature's mouth earlier on when it wanted to eat Rui Fei.

He knew the toll it would have on his body but troublesome things needed big guns to be dealt with and this creature had certainly become troublesome indeed. A burst of energy surrounded his body stirring everything in his vicinity. The cloudless night sky was suddenly filled with raging clouds brought in by the powerful wind.

If it was during the day the tenebrous clouds would have been more visible and would undoubtedly scare the crap out of the crew. A bright flash illuminated the environment bringing to light the faces of the panicked crew. 

Obnoxiously loud crackling sizzles were heard before deafening booming sounds followed. It was so loud that it had the hearts of most leap inside their chests.

Another flash occurred but this time a jagged electrostatic charge came down striking around Ji Yao who was hovering midair. When his eyes opened they were of different colours as his two kinds of seraphic energy violently mixed in his aether and aetherial veins.

His right eye was the colour of bright ambers in the inky darkness while the left one was a luminous blue like the colour of the ring of lightning sparking behind him.

An electric flame gradually covered the blade of his sword. The creature visibly scrunched its face with its eyes narrowing dangerously. It knew Ji Yao was different from other Nocru mainly because he had that weak species's blood in his veins but also that his aether housed two seraphic energies which were very unusual for the Nocru.

Their race might have been cave dwellers who lured victims into their lair to eat but the Yinying was well aware of what was happening in the outside world. It knew that Ji Yao was far from the word normal but he didn't think a combination of two seraphic energies from top clans would be this powerful.

But regardless of how powerful this little weirdo was, it wasn't afraid. It had absorbed enough of the keystone's energy and Rui Fei having found it didn't mean he would be able to figure out how to stop the flow of energy. The Huishe clan had a bad reputation of being beefcakes with no brains.

This wasn't necessarily true though. It was a rumour that Qilin Kai started as revenge after he was beaten once in a fight. Unfortunately, it caught on in Niuq and clans that had no direct interaction with the Huishe clan took it as gospel truth. This bracket of people most definitely included this Yinying creature.

If it had been Ji Yao who had gone there then it would definitely be worried. It sincerely hoped Ji Yao's IQ didn't rub off on that brat otherwise it would be in big trouble.

Seeing Ji Yao in this state Rui Yewan knew they weren't needed here. He said to his sister, "Shit is about to go down. Let's get the fuck out of here."

"My thoughts exactly.... damn it Big Hei! He said move Red Bane not sail away without us," she yelled as they leapt into the sky to catch up with the ship that had its sails down.

It seemed Big Hei had predicted that his King was going to pull a stunt like this and decided to sail the ship as far as possible otherwise they might get caught up in the crossfire. Ji Yao was after all a product of his crazy boss and that fierce woman which meant he is double the trouble when he is in combat mode.

From afar the siblings could see one of the crew members hanging on the side of the ship while yelling for someone to pull them up. He was hanging on for dear life like if he stayed in the water he would be sleeping with the fishes tonight.

"They are well-matched," said Rui Yewan referring to Ji Yao and his brother. Their ability to scare these big men shitless was more or less the same. Even from where he stood he could feel a painful stinging sensation crawling on his back. Ji Yao was indeed terrifying.

As soon as the two siblings stepped foot on the deck an explosive blast pushed them forward resulting in them almost falling flat on their faces. The rest of the crew wasn't as lucky as they came tumbling down like dominoes tiles. The ship shook as it tilted to one side before restoring its original position like a self-righting boat.

Big Hei struggled to steady himself as he called out to one of the crew members known as Feng Shi. His speciality was in his name. He was the master of wind which was considered powerful enough for a half Nocru with more human genes than Nocru.

He was no match against the force of the explosion but he could at least speed up their retreat. Standing on the stern deck in front of the helm of the ship he gathered as much of his seraphic energy as possible and a gust of wind blew towards the sails.

The sails blowing tumultuously in random directions were suddenly bulging forward. Red Bane jerked before sailing away at a speed that could scare the people of this era into thinking it was a ghost ship.

And just like that Red Bane disappeared into the darkness only stopping when they were far enough. It just so happened that as they fled they met Lan Wu, Zhang Li and Lady Ching Sei's ships sailing in the opposite direction to them.

One can imagine their expressions when they saw each other. The crown jewel of their fleet was sailing away like a coward in retreat. "What the.....," muttered Zhang Li looking through the spyglass.

Lady Ching Sei grabbed the spyglass out of his hand and looked through it as well. Zhang Li was about to explode but when he saw it was his beloved Lady Ching Sei he stared at her foolishly.

Lady Ching Sei scanned the entire deck and saw the crew of Red Bane flagging them down to stop. She stopped at the stern deck expecting to see Ji Yao but he wasn't there. It was Big Hei steering the helm of the ship with a ghastly appearance.

"The fuck...," she said taking down the spyglass only to be met by a pair of eyeballs glowing like pearls as they stared at her.

Being looked at Zhang Li's expression brightened further as he said, "I won't wash my hands ever because you touched me."

Lady Ching Sei's lips twitched like she was on the brink of having a seizure.. She rolled her eyes before leaping off Lan Wu's ship.


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