Voyage With The Pirate King

Chapter 235 - Thirsty Even In A Dangerous Situation?

In this chaotic scene with violent tidal waves caused by the creature wailing in despair from the loss of its leg that had been ruthlessly cut off, Rui Li descended from who knows where and swung her sabre slashing the creature's sternum.

A splatter of blood sprayed beautifully in the air as the creature was sent flying a great distance. It fell into the water with a big splash and rolled a couple of times before it eventually stopped.

Its numerous eyes shone a gold colour as an ominous darkness surrounded its body like a twister. Rui Li's expression turned darker like she was upset that the strike didn't kill it.

She rushed over with her sabre intending to attack again but as soon as the tip of her sabre touched the surface of the twister she was blown back her body heading for a large boulder ashore. But the expected trajectory didn't happen.

Rui Yewan caught her just in time before he made a move to attack the twister-like shield protecting the beast. While these two were trying to get to the creature before it healed itself, Ji Yao swam to where Rui Fei had fallen.

Rui Fei was limply lying underwater looking so peaceful you would think he was dead. Ji Yao reached over and pulled him up by his arm before surfacing on the water. With slight panic in his eyes, he decided to pull him out of the water only to see those enchanting pair of eyes staring at him.

Ji Yao almost rolled his eyes as he asked plainly, "Playing dead again?"

Rui Fei wiped the water off his face as he hurriedly denied it. The creature was flailing around too much and he was afraid if he moves it might stab him with its pointed sharp legs.

Letting the aggressive waves carry him he waited till it had moved away or stopped throwing a fuss then resurface. But who would have thought Ji Yao would come to his rescue.

Ji Yao let his wrist go and turned to leave. He wanted to finish off this annoying creature that simply refused to die.

Just as he took one step, his wrist was suddenly caught and he was pulled back. Rui Fei seemed a little guilty as he said, "Aren't you going to ask?"

Ji Yao gazed at him for a moment. The youth's wet eyelashes were trembling with sparkling drops of water that fell as he blinked. His hair was stuck to his face with his luxuriant silvery grey ends brushing against his shoulders. His skin free of blemishes now had patches of redness from the irritation by the creature's acidic spit when it bellowed at him.

His lapel was partially open from the struggle earlier showing his smooth skin with a tint of pink. Ji Yao suddenly felt a little thirsty so he shifted his gaze up only for it to land on Rui Fei's enticing lips. His senses suddenly returned to him at that moment.

He couldn't be thinking of such things, well, not now at least. "Not now, can we talk about it afterwards, okay?" he responded blankly before turning to leave.

He didn't know what Rui Fei was thinking because he tightened his hold on Ji Yao's wrist thoughts unknown. In truth, he was panicked though he didn't show it on his face.

When he was blasted off by that damn creature he should have gone back to help Ji Yao but he didn't return. Now he was afraid Ji Yao would have a bad impression of him especially when he finds out what delayed him. To sum it all up he had a guilty conscience.

Rui Fei wanted to explain but he also didn't know what to say. Pursing his lips his hands on Ji Yao's arm tightened a little. Seeing a hint of impatience on Ji Yao's face he decided to listen to him as this truly wasn't the right time to discuss this.

Just as he slowly let go an explosive force struck them tossing the both of them underwater again. This was the creature's retaliation after Rui Yewan tried to forcefully break the shield. The pair resurfaced and didn't dally anymore engaging in battle.

While they fought to break the shield protecting the creature and kill it before it fully recovered, Old Du was helping the injured onto Red Bane. Some crew members had passed out after being struck by the creature while others were stuck in an endless nightmare curled on the ground in a fetus position.

Old Du was so busy bustling about that he didn't notice at the end of the main deck was a person lying face down seeming dead. He only noticed her when he was going to the lower deck to get more healing elixirs.

In this chaos he didn't know where she had gone, in fact, he didn't care for it much because in this kind of situation no one had time to think of others. He turned her over and check for breath.

His panicked self calmed down when he figured she was still alive. In a frenzy, he searched his pouch for anything that could help her recover but he realised he was out of healing elixirs. He rushed down to the lower deck and brought back a bottle which he fed the contents to her.

It was then he saw the nasty looking bruises on her neck like she had been strangled by an octopus. The outline of the tentacles was clearly visible but what sort of situation was this? Was there an octopus creature lurking around that hadn't been noticed yet?

No, it was impossible. That meant something that isn't a creature but a person did this to her. Of the entire crew, the only person he knew who had both the motive and means to harm her was Rui Fei. His gaze shifted to the violent waters where the battle was ongoing before looking back at an almost lifeless Xiaoyu.

Pursing his lips, he got up and carried her to her cabin before carefully placing her on the bed. He didn't know what could have happened for Rui Fei to take things this far. From her state alone it was easy to discern his intentions. They were very very clear. He wanted to kill her. For a long time, he had a bad feeling about that kid Rui Fei.

He always got the sense that Rui Fei was a wolf in sheep's clothing and the feeling still lingered despite getting to know him. Now that his relationship with Ji Yao was confirmed he only had to get with the program or find another job.

Old Du was not one to meddle and involve himself in other people's business but it was hard to justify Rui Fei's actions. Deciding to let Ji Yao deal with this he walked away. Xiaoyu wasn't the only one who needed urgent care.


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