Volcanic Age

Chapter 113: A Rest at Mount Hua (1)

Shaanxi, the Mount Hua Sect.

A sharp wind cut through the air like a blade.

The rain that had poured earlier had now transformed into snow, with dazzling white powder piling up on the ground.

When Zhou Xuchuan stepped on the land he had longed to return to, a plum tree greeted him first. Following its branches, he saw snow plums in full bloom.

He had left at the beginning of the season and now returned as it ended.

"Senior Brother!"

He raised his head to a welcoming face. Even the scenery of Mount Hua in the West Mountains seemed to be diminished in front of the sight that was Mount Hua's Number One Beauty.

Ugh, she's so beautiful it hurts my eyes.

Tang Hui was Tang Hui, and Luo Xiaoyue was Luo Xiaoyue.

Zhou Xuchuan didn't know if it was because he hadn't seen her for a while or if she had gotten prettier since he last saw her, but his heart pounded.

I'm still nothing compared to her.

Zhou Xuchuan was an attractive man, at least to everyone but himself. It was because there were handsome, beautiful men like the Zhuge brothers that he would always end up comparing himself to.

It's okay. My cultivation and connections are better.

For some reason, he found himself boasting about his abilities.

"It's been a while."

"I couldn't keep my promise, hehe," Luo Xiaoyue laughed, feeling so happy.


Once winter passed and spring arrived, Luo Xiaoyue was supposed to go on her cultivation journey. Before he left, she had promised him that once she set off, she would go straight to find him.

However, Zhou Xuchuan had returned before she had even left.

Well, it really is impossible to predict how humans would move.

According to the original timeline, Luo Xiaoyue wasn't supposed to be able to go on her cultivation journey and search for her senior brother, as the Great War of Good and Evil was meant to break out right after the Seven Swords War.

He had expressed his regret to her before leaving, telling her it may not happen. But now, it seemed that had been a hasty conclusion.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Well, for some reason, it feels like I couldn't keep my promise to you."

"Hehe, what are you talking about?"

Luo Xiaoyue laughed at Zhou Xuchuan's strange behavior. She was so pretty that Zhou Xuchuan took a second to consider settling down at Mount Hua with her seriously. He wondered how someone could be so cute.

"Do you happen to know where Master is?"

However, her beauty wasn't as crucial as Master's health.

"Yes, of course."

Luo Xiaoyue smiled as if she had expected it.

When she opened the door, like always, the same scenery appeared before his eyes.

Memories of his past and present overlapped.

Whether it was spring or summer, the air had always been cold. There hadn't been a single trace of people, and aside from the bed, dust had piled up everywhere, like snow. Whenever he returned to Mount Hua from the gangho, no one was there to welcome him. He had always returned to his bed alone, trying to sleep.

But now, things were different.

Yes, things were definitely different from his past.

Instead of dust that had piled up like snow, neatly organized items were placed around the room, and the floor that had once been like an ice rink was warm.

"Master, I hope you've been well."

Zhou Xuchuan paid his respects and gave his nine kowtows with the greatest sincerity he could muster to his master, whom he respected and loved more than anyone else.

"I've been doing well. You must be tired from your return journey; there's no need for you to bow so sincerely."

"How could I be so rude when it's my first time in front of you after a whole year, master? No matter how unworthy this disciple may be, I haven't gotten that lazy just yet."

It was a scene that would make people who knew him doubt their eyes.

In fact, Zhou Xuchuan had never shown such a deferential attitude to anyone other than Liu Zhengmu. He hadn't even treated the Martial Alliance Leader like this.

"You'll make this worthless master of yours even more uncomfortable if you keep being so polite. Please, won't you give me this?"

Liu Zhengmu smiled bitterly as if he couldn't stop him.


Only then did Zhou Xuchuan's tense shoulders relax slightly.

"I've heard of all of your accomplishments. I'm so proud of what you've done that I walk around with my chest held high."

Liu Zhengmu looked at his disciple proudly and smiled contentedly. As soon as Zhou Xuchuan saw that smile, his heart swelled.

He thought it was fortunate that he had participated in the Seven Swords War without hiding his appearance.

"I've heard about your exploits through the reports from the other disciples, but I'd still like to hear about it a little more in detail. Although I feel bad about asking you this when you've just returned, do you think you could share it with me?" Liu Zhengmu asked cautiously, sounding apologetic.

There was no need to treat a disciple like this, but Zhou Xuchuan's heart warmed at the kindness and consideration his master showed in caring for him in every possible way.

Zhou Xuchuan, who was about to cry for no reason, swallowed his tears, not wanting to worry Liu Zhengmu.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhou Xuchuan explained to Liu Zhengmu what had happened. He excluded the unnecessary parts and only highlighted the main points.

"The Thousand Poisons Immunity?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I've been with you all this time. How did I not know about that until now…"

"Well, there hasn't been much poison for me to interact with here."

Liu Zhengmu had been very worried when Zhou Xuchuan mentioned his visit to the Poisonblood Valley. He was relieved to hear that his disciple hadn't been poisoned or injured.

Zhou Xuchuan didn't inform him about his journey to Tibet and his interactions with the Lama monk, not wanting to worry him by telling him he had gone all the way to the far west.

Although his conscience pricked a little at hiding things from his master, it wasn't too bad, considering he hadn't outright lied.

He also left out everything about the Flashing Waterfall Saber Gate and the Miao Family Sword Gate. He made sure to hide whatever needed to be hidden and told Liu Zhengmu about everything else.

"You truly amazing," Liu Zhengmu said, gently stroking Zhou Xuchuan's head. "I'm impressed. You've worked hard."

Though Zhou Xuchuan was no longer a child, his master's touch remained the same.

Zhou Xuchuan accepted the show of affection without complaint. After all, he had longed for this warm touch all his life in his previous life.

Even if he reached middle age, he wouldn't reject this touch.

He would always accept it.

"Now that I think about it, you've grown a lot in just one year."

Liu Zhengmu was amazed as he recalled his appearance before his transformation.

"It's my growing years, Master." Zhou Xuchuan replied, a smile tugging at his lips.


Zhou Xuchuan was known as a Transcendent expert throughout the gangho.

However, a few people had noticed his true cultivation.

Wu Qu had been the first, and Nangong Weiwu the second.

The third was Mount Hua's Sect Master, the Exalted Sword Immortal.


You Riwen couldn't close his mouth.

"What's going on, Sect Master?" one of the Five High Elders of Mount Hua, Sage Sword Xue Song, asked curiously.

"Was there a discrepancy between what that brat told us and the rumors going around the gangho?" Pill Apothecary Ling Zhen asked, tilting his head.

The other elders, including Iron Blood Plum Sword Shen Yulian, Destiny Hand Zhao Wuyang, and Plum Blossom Sword Captain Wei Zhijie, all had curious looks.

The Seven Swords War had been the most talked-about event until recently.

Naturally, Mount Hua was also paying attention to it. In addition to listening to rumors, they also investigated it separately and got reports about the war situation in real time.

However, since they now had the most reliable source, they no longer needed to search for additional information.

That was why they called Zhou Xuchuan back from his cultivation journey—so they could question him.

Mount Hua Sect had been shocked when they first heard of Zhou Xuchuan's exploits.

"I mean, is that brat really that strong?"

The title of One Hundred Experts Under Heaven was not to be taken lightly. It wasn't for nothing that people's perspectives had changed, and he was given a new title.

The Flower Scattering Palm, trusted by the Evil Valley Master, had also been defeated by Zhou Xuchuan. Of course, it was assumed that the Flower Scattering Palm had been exhausted during the battle, but even so, it was an incredible feat.

"We need to appoint him to the Plum Blossom Swordsmen."

Even Wei Zhijie, who had no interest in anything other than training or missions, showed considerable interest in Zhou Xuchuan.

The reason why he had wanted to call Zhou Xuchuan back was to make him a Plum Blossom Swordsman. After all, Zhou Xuchuan was more than qualified.

Not only had he not caused any trouble during his cultivation journey throughout the gangho, but he had also helped people. His cultivation, personality, and general character were also impressive.

"They say he's mastered the Fourteen Sword Forms of the Plum Blossom."

"How can he grow this much in just a single year?"

"This kind of growth is impossible. Maybe he was hiding his abilities or simply hadn't revealed his full strength before."

The second and third-generation disciples all praised him.

Even with the exaggerated rumors that were characteristic of the gangho, they couldn't help but acknowledge his talent and skills.

What made it even more remarkable was that Zhou Xuchuan wasn't yet fully grown. Once he reached his forties, he might even be able to ascend to the ranks of the Ten Empyrean Overlords.

"No, it's nothing. I'm just impressed by his cultivation despite his young age," You Riwen finally answered.


The elders nodded in agreement.

For the time being, the Upper Palace dismissed Zhou Xuchuan after his report, continuing their discussions. Now that they had received the report, it was time for them to plan the next steps.

A few days later, after the meeting ended, Zhou Xuchuan was called back to the Upper Palace.

However, unlike before, the elders were absent. Only the Sect Master sat alone, waiting for him.

"I greet the Sect Master."

"You don't need to be so stiff. I didn't call you here to question you."

You Riwen spoke as softly as possible so that Zhou Xuchuan wouldn't be nervous.

"You were exceptional even as a child, but I never imagined it would be to this degree. I've seen some of the best talents and geniuses in the murim, but this is the first time I've met someone as special as you," the Sect Master said, his voice a mix of surprise and admiration.

"You're not even twenty yet, but you've already reached the Harmony Realm? My jaw dropped in surprise when I saw you a few days ago, and I haven't been able to close it since."


Zhou Xuchuan let out a sigh of relief.

He already knew that the Sect Master would notice his realm. What he had really been worried about was whether or not the Sect Master would sense the Violet Haze Divine Art.

However, the Violet Haze Divine Art's stealth abilities, or rather, its ability to remain hidden unless it was being circulated, was more outstanding than he had thought.

It had managed to evade even the gaze of the Sect Master, who cultivated the same technique!

"When did you reach the Harmony Realm?"

"About half a year ago, while I was on my cultivation journey. I was lucky enough to attain enlightenment and ascend."

"What a rare stroke of luck. I wonder if such luck can be found even once in a lifetime…"

In truth, Zhou Xuchuan had ascended after consuming an elixir and preparing himself, but he chose not to share that part.

"What kind of Dao did you attain?"

Zhou Xuchuan flinched and thought hard.

Well, I just ate an elixir and ascended…

Since no one would believe the truth, even if it were beaten out of him, he tried to recall his memories of reaching the Harmony Realm in his previous life and answered roughly, but convincingly.

"I felt a longing between life and death, and when I let go of everything, I saw a sword among falling plum blossoms."

"Good. Mount Hua is filled with plum blossoms and swords, after all. No matter what situation you're in, the swords and the plum blossoms—don't forget these two things," You Riwen said meaningfully, smiling with contentment.

Zhou Xuchuan kept those words in mind.

The teachings of one of the Ten Empyrean Overlords weren't something one could buy with a thousand pieces of gold.

"You've been to Hefei, so the Martial Alliance Leader must have noticed, too."


"And he didn't say anything weird about stealing you away?"

"He said all sorts of things, like introducing me to his granddaughter. He even asked me how I felt about changing my name from Zhou Xuchuan to Nangong Xuchuan."


You Riwen laughed as if he had expected it.

"What a ridiculous question. How could someone who's going to be the Mount Hua Sect's next Sect Master get married?"


Zhou Xuchuan momentarily doubted his ears.

"I only have one master."

"Being the Sect Master doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be the previous Sect Master's disciple."

Zhou Xuchuan also knew this.

It wasn't common, but there was a precedent.

"There are many children like you who show their genius late in life. If they're worthy of being recognized as a Sect Master candidate, they're exempted from having to take the Sect Master as their master and are still taught the Violet Haze Divine Art."

If Zhou Xuchuan continued to prove himself and was accepted later on, he would be confirmed as the next Sect Master, regardless of his lineage.

Then, the condition of being the Sect Master or the Sect Master successor to learn the Violet Haze Divine Art would have also been met, which got rid of that problem for him.

"I appreciate that the Sect Master thinks so highly of me, but I will have to decline."

Still, Zhou Xuchuan declined without a moment's hesitation.


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